Feeling so good to be back on track at the moment. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in, I think it will be like a week 1. I felt a bit daft when I updated my signature to realise how much I really had faffed through the last couple of months, but pleased with myself that I've kept persevering and trying to get back on it. I'm sure there will be more ups and downs in the next few months, but excited to have found a positive steam at the moment
I'm having another exciting clothes day too, a size 12 skirt that I picked up from a clearance rail, ok, so it's elasticated and tight, but it does get on, and I feel fantastic wearing it. In my head I think when I reach goal I'll probably be about a size 12, so this is a real boost. It's also helping me to get over some of the negative voices in my head. When I first started LL a few years ago I bought myself a size 12 dress as my goal. I took mum shopping with me, and she was really negative saying that I would be better to buy a size 16 or 18, as she didn't want me to be disappointed when I didn't make it. I was really upset by this. I know in my head that she was meaning well and trying to protect me, but it really hurt. For me I know having really clear goals is something that I find really helpful. So today feels amazing, as fitting into a size 12 (albeit very elasticated) is helping me to realise that my goals of healthy bmi and a size 12 really are achievable for me.
Now just got to get a strategy clear in my head for the weekend. I'm going away for a few days, with dh and dd, going to Cornwall to see some friends. I think I'm going to do ws, but not sure whether I'll stick to one meal a day, or whether I'll weaken at the sight of the hotel breakfast!
Anyway, roll on wi in the morning