The journey to fat freedom continues... 7 weeks fast track

You know what... I'm struggling too. I think it must be the heat. So you are most definitely not alone!

Take it half an hour at a time if you need to. Just focus and stay committed!

Funny enough I was re-reading 100 days of weightloss and one of the questions it asks is " are you interested or committed?" to put it in simple terms... Interested in losing weight irks that place where you know... You make trade offs " well I've been sooo good all day that now I deserve this half pint of Ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream" or I've been so good all week, so I can have this fish and chips. These pir stops throw out your routine and sabotage your plans but it's ok because your a bit ambivalent about losing weight anyway... These sentiments resonated with me so much!

I've always thought in anticipation of my next treat. The next time I can eat a whole 400g bar of galaxy. The next time I will allow myself 3 lattes in a day because, you know I'm on the train and I'm using the calories. It's freakin' stupid.

I guess being abstinent helps you see things in a different way.

You can chose to be committed to losing those last 14lbs. Think if how amazing you will feel when you get there!
You know what... I'm struggling too. I think it must be the heat. So you are most definitely not alone!

Take it half an hour at a time if you need to. Just focus and stay committed!

Funny enough I was re-reading 100 days of weightloss and one of the questions it asks is " are you interested or committed?" to put it in simple terms... Interested in losing weight irks that place where you know... You make trade offs " well I've been sooo good all day that now I deserve this half pint of Ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream" or I've been so good all week, so I can have this fish and chips. These pir stops throw out your routine and sabotage your plans but it's ok because your a bit ambivalent about losing weight anyway... These sentiments resonated with me so much!

I've always thought in anticipation of my next treat. The next time I can eat a whole 400g bar of galaxy. The next time I will allow myself 3 lattes in a day because, you know I'm on the train and I'm using the calories. It's freakin' stupid.

I guess being abstinent helps you see things in a different way.

You can chose to be committed to losing those last 14lbs. Think if how amazing you will feel when you get there!

Sounds like another book I need to add to my list.... Oh how i long for those days from the beginning back when I was so hard core, knew how to say no, was scared that a single crumb would knock me from ketosis - I'm not sure I appreciated it at the time the ease that all brought with it!

See, these day's I don't think in the anticipation of a treat way, I used to though, I've kinda learnt lately it aint as good as I think it is, I just got lazy, its been so easy to stick to and am now not getting on well with the fact i have to actually make an effort now, you would think that so close to goal it would give me all the enthusiasm in the world rather than being a lazy yo-yo cambridger! NO MORE i say.... FOCUS!!

Oh god I feel for you. Been there. More times than I care to remember. Shocking really. The hardest times for me have been when I have been close to goal because I actually like myself. I dont look in the mirror and wince. I feel ok! I feel comfortable in my skin. So I have to find other motivation.

Previously I used to use my 3 month visits with my husband as anchors. But nowadays he is so dispondant with my struggle on a daily basis that I don't Even have that leverage. I've got to dig deeper and find the motivation from somewhere else.

You'll get there.
Oh god I feel for you. Been there. More times than I care to remember. Shocking really. The hardest times for me have been when I have been close to goal because I actually like myself. I dont look in the mirror and wince. I feel ok! I feel comfortable in my skin. So I have to find other motivation.

Previously I used to use my 3 month visits with my husband as anchors. But nowadays he is so dispondant with my struggle on a daily basis that I don't Even have that leverage. I've got to dig deeper and find the motivation from somewhere else.

You'll get there.

hmm, I wouldn't go as far as saying i like what i see in the mirror - my tummy got a bit to jubbly on hols lol, but on the same account i think it would only be if my clothes started getting tight that i'd be motivated again - which they did second week of my hols, but aren't so much now :-(

I know what you mean about your hubby, I think rana is getting that way, more so since hol since I found myself lying to him about how much weight i actually put on in that time and then subsequently how much i have lost since, I don't know who I think I'm kidding, he must know though since i'm suddenly not talking to him about it with flare and enthusiasm - rather trying to skirt the subject - funny how those sneaky fatty habits always stick with us hey!

oh well, so far so good today, a shake, 1.5l water and a berry water lolly down :)

Yeah... I think they get fed up of it. But also I don't know if Rana is the sane or if it's a similar culture but my DH see's my success or failure as some kind of reflection on him. His family pressurise him over my fluctuating weight and I know it. It's kind of makes my hackles go all crazy. Which just makes it harder as I'm a stubborn bint at times. It's motivation enough to stay fat because I dont like people dictating
What I should or shouldn't be. What isn't acceptable and what is!.

Ace... Progress is being made today. I'm off out now for a walk. Then work tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to be a busy one.
Hello day 18. Don't you just love San peligrino in the sunshine?

Really feel quite proud of myself today. Had a but of a planning disaster and forgot to pick up some tetras so had no lunch. Thankfully I had to do a little bit of quick thinking and have s protein bar from holland and Barrett. Doesn't seem to have made any difference in that I'm not craving sweets or anything. Also swerved the lamb chops on offer for dinner at Iftar. dH is still being a top feeder. Trying to get me to eat his bready melange. I stood firm though.

Did anyone watch ray Donovan. I think this is going to be my new obsession. I have got a fugly crush on leive schrieber. Drool.

Anyway bed time now. Before I get carried away. Looking forward to weigh in this week, wore a work blouse I've not got into in months today!
Water consumption disaster today. Now on a mission to drink as much as humanly possible.

Been fantasising a lot about ice cream too. It was like everywhere there were vanilla luscious treats being wafted in my general direction. Somehow eating a frozen tetra doesn't sound nearly as good. I hope one day to find myself in a place where they are irrelevant. But I'm not there. Not by a long stretch. I had to have a skinny iced coffee to compensate. Not SS but SS+

So day 19 Dare I say this has been the longest I've stuck to SS in a long time. Weigh in on Saturday it better be a good one.
Water consumption disaster today. Now on a mission to drink as much as humanly possible.

Been fantasising a lot about ice cream too. It was like everywhere there were vanilla luscious treats being wafted in my general direction. Somehow eating a frozen tetra doesn't sound nearly as good. I hope one day to find myself in a place where they are irrelevant. But I'm not there. Not by a long stretch. I had to have a skinny iced coffee to compensate. Not SS but SS+

So day 19 Dare I say this has been the longest I've stuck to SS in a long time. Weigh in on Saturday it better be a good one.

I've often wondered what a tetra would turn out like if you put it in an ice cream maker. At least it might look a bit more like ice cream. The other thing that's supposed to be like ice cream is a vanilla shake blended with lots of ice. Maybe worth a try?

Day 19 already? :eek: Wow, go you!! :clap:
Haha...I am not getting too excited lily. This is really an hour by hour situation. Right now I am thinking about Kit-kats. Yummy Yummy Kit-kats. But I am also thinking that I dont really want them, it's my hormones, or the heat, or both. BUT not the real me. NO I dont want them (see its all about the re framing)

Trying to build a portfolio of properties for clients in receipt of housing benefit in chester currently. Clearly no one in Chester is willing to accept that some people actually dont have the ability to work. Granted it could have something to do with their illicit substance consumption. BUT. Come on. This is proving an unenviable task.
Day 19 or is it 20???? The heat has made me delirious.

having a crazy day of it. So may have to go to bed early or else noshing a tonne of crap is a distinct possibility.

I will explain more later. Off for a much needed shower!
Day 21 I have finally decided. Stepped on the sales today and broke my self imposed rule of not weighing unless on my consultants scales. I stepped on today 7 days before I'm due on and the news was I'm looking 13lb lighter than when I statlrted, which ok, isn't as much as some people but heck, I'll take it. It's the most significant negative trend I've seen in about a year! That means I will defo be at goal for Christmas if not before!
The journey to fat freedom continues...

So here we are the beginning of week 4. Feeling a bit battle weary already. Last night I almost fell headlong into a pile of mini donuts as my youngest got stung by a wasp, which we then deduced had made their residence with about a billion of their mates in an air brick right our front door. So now it's a case of a commando style roll to get to the end of the driveway without being carpet bombed by a swarm of angry narcissistic wasps. Imagine being that small and everyone being scared of you. It's no wonder they are so hard faced ( do they even have faces) anyway stress city. I hate wasps. The devils work for sure.

It's so hard being focused lately. All I keep thinking about is creamy iced drinks. So today I'm going to buy a new blender and get busy with that action. I believe if you mix a vanilla shake with coffee it's exactly like an iced latte? I've never tried it but I'm up for anything that makes life easier.

So weigh in an hour from now. Going in the shower. I'm kind if hoping its about another 7lbs at least. That's for Two weeks. I don't expect more as I'm raging PMT hellcat today and I know I'm retaining water. Due on in a matter of days ( though thanks to my hormonal issues its hard to predict which day?!)

Well best be off. Defuzzing doesn't do itself.
I used to think the cappuccino whizzed up with ice was just like a Starbucks one.... I tried again recently and not so much - buy this is me and the most adventurous I am lately is diversifying from a choc to a choc mint!

The journey to fat freedom continues...

Gutted. The scales say I've lost a measly 4 for 2 weeks. Bah. I knew I was retaining water but wtf?

I felt like eating everything in sight today. Perhaps I need to step up the water.

Ria I'm like you. I'm a fastidious chocolate and chocolate mint fiend. Though today I picked up a forest fruits for a frappe experience.
Good evening.

Wow. What can I say. I really am feeling it tonight. The urge to go crazy and chow down everything in sight.

Watching the notebook, balling my eyes out. I HATE YOU HORMONES!!!
I'm right there with you, not that it helps, the distractions aren't enough today - have ransacked my bedroom, watched trashy tv, fake tanned and still just wanna have a little snack in front of the telly.... Specifically nuts! I want nuts!!!
Hahahaha..... NO TO THE NUTS...again I blame the heat. Your electrolytes could be out of whack. I always crave salty things on a hot day.

I know the feeling. That's a good thing though. You need to worry when it's coming out neon. THAT would be a problem.

Frickin hell OH is out with his boyfriends tonight, so I think, to hell with you I am getting some ryan gossling action and watch the notebook and now I am all wistful and forlorn. Like hey, where is my row's in the bayou? where are my flowers on the pillow? For a man whom big displays where the norm when we were "dating" now all I get is his dirty socks on my pillow, which is obviously impressive stuff. Getting back to the notebook the bit at the end gets me every time howling like a darn baby I was, lord only knows what the neighbors think.. God I'm a wuss sometimes. Again I blame the old hormones. I think I need a T-shirt that just put's it across "I'm on the rag. Ignore it"
The journey to fat freedom continues...

Good morning!

I woke up today and feel so irritable. Everything is making me nuts. I'm going to take some ltyrosine and see if I feel any better. Right now I could flip my wig at the slightest little thing.

I need to find something therapeutic to do. Or else I'm going to be a crazy nightmare today.

Having my shake then going to take myself off somewhere I think.