The last of the Mohicans

I've been looking at the exante website and I've seen that they have "extras" like flavored intent coffees. Has anyone tried them?
Well, I'm off to work - so far I've had a shake and a curry :eek:
Still aiming for that 100% day so it's going to be a long one I reckon.

Feeling better, will see Wednesday how the session goes, but if I get nauseous, I might have to have a shake before. I just don't like to exercise after a meal. I will see how t goes but maybe on those days I'll have 4 products... just don't want to open the door to total cheating - it's a slippery slope
Just catching up in my lunch break.

Fantastic loss :)
Taking it one day at a time, but my calendar is filling up before my eyes :( I need to get to goal this year.

I'll be home late today so it's looking like a 3 pack day :) bet if I still had some bars I would already be on my 3rd product - so that's a positive right there. Water is 3l so far - trying to reign it in
Finished my last pack - have water next to me but I'm trying not to drink too much so that i don't have to get up in the middle of the night.
Finished my last pack - have water next to me but I'm trying not to drink too much so that i don't have to get up in the middle of the night.

Nocturnal bathroom visits get old very quickly :rolleyes:

.....I try not to drink too much in the evening for that reason :)
So I'm thinking The Weeknd song "I can't feel my face" should be "I can't feel my body" - at least for me that is - Holy smokes! Either I'm getting old, or I'm extremely out of shape...WTF (pardon my French).
There is not one spot on me which is not screaming from pain - and it was just the assessment... I didn't even feel like we did that much - this is SUCH a wake up call :oops:

Anyway, I am doing something about it, I'm just scared of what he has planned for me tomorrow.

2l and I'm having my first pack

PS: Of course I slept so poorly
A soak in the bath with muscle soak bubble bath or bath salts should help.

I've been soaking in Radox muscle soak bath salts on my exercise days and haven't felt too bad the next day.

Although, I probably haven't been pushing myself as hard as your PT has been pushing you :D
well, found a double chocolate bar, and ate it - didn't want another curry it was actually pretty good! Funny how tastes change
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well, found a double chocolate bar, and ate it - didn't want another curry it was actually pretty good! Funny how tastes change
I like the bars, I didn't order many as I thought I'd prefer the meals. But they are good for lunch I think.

Have a good day!
Congratulations on starting with a PT! And if you are new to exercise, you will definitely feel it for up to 48 hours afterwards. I still have sessions with my PT now where I struggle to sit down or climb stairs the next day if she's been extra harsh on me, and I've been seeing her for over a year! But it's a good sign that you are working your muscles, and it does get better with time.

My PT insists that I've had my morning shake before she trains me - your body needs some fuel in it, otherwise there is the risk of going lightheaded and injuring yourself - especially if you are using weights.
I love most of the bars and usually have one for my lunch everyday :)
I like the bars, I didn't order many as I thought I'd prefer the meals. But they are good for lunch I think.

Have a good day!

Thanks Sarah - I usually have a hard time wrapping my head around a bar being a meal... it usually goes down better for breakfast or around 3PM with a cup of black coffee