So. Here I am at day 29 SS 100% and I surprised myself! I know how hard some of you are struggling, because that was me for two years, but somehow, someway the self loathing, the sense of defeat EVERY time I went to bed on another failed day, just stopped. Every time temptation wafted ways to fail under my nose I pulled some kung fu move out of my a**, and when temptation looked for where I was last..... I was not. Look, it's the easiest thing to obsess about food when you’re on a diet. Your focus is how fat and disgusting you feel and how you got there: food.
Quick! Picture a huge bright bubblegum pink elephant. Picture it in detail - those cute pink flapping ears and long velvety powder pink snout. Look away from this post for a second and close your eyes for a count of three picturing your elephant. Go on I'll wait.................
Welcome back. If you came back to this and thought for one second about that elephant - you're a loser. You're sickening. How could you!!!???!!!???????!!!!
Yeah, pretty stupid, right? Here's your reality check: You think about food. So what? You will desire food. The mere smell of food cooking will make you swoon. You will salivate about marmite, cabbage and anchovies. So. What. You haven't thought about that pink elephant in the last few minutes have you? Of course not. Because I changed the channel. So change the channel. If you can't stick to SS right now stop kicking your own a**. Life will attempt to sh!t on you from a great height all by itself, it doesn't need help from you hating yourself and feeling like a failure. Whatever your age as an adult, you have been eating for your whole life. You're meant to want to nourish yourself with nutrients but that is not the sum of who you are; we're all on here to at least attempt to find the best, healthiest, sexiest, strongest version of ourselves. There's no magic formula, no secret handshake or meditative thought that gets us through....... WE change the channel on our thoughts. If you're making the kids'/husband/wife/parents/significant others' dinner plan ahead and time your shakes so you have one just before they tuck into that curry / chilli / takeaway. Walk away. Have a portable product (bar, Tetra, heck a chicken leg) on your person for those quick meet ups with friends. Forget counting how many products you'll have for that day you need to shortcircuit the temptation before it starts. I can't do it for you beloved. I wish I could (or at least nominate some other schmuck to lose weight for all of us) I'm just about doing it for myself. You can make it harder on yourself, but why would you want to? If you can't mindlessly do SS, feel free to walk away for now and come back (Read: waddle back. Ahem. Sorry that was a reference to myself after 2 years) when youre ready. BUT If you want to take a structured time out on a vlcd to remove some excess weight so that you can begin a healthy approach to nutrients and food with a clear slate: Do it. One last question though before I clamber off my soapbox - when was the last time you thought about that d@mn elephant? X