Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Hiya Jen, how goes it? I'm glad you cracked the calorie puzzle with step 3 lol that is completely something I would do (in my haste and excitement I would absolutely misread figures!). Well done on getting your gym routine together and going religiously ... I really think that's a vital ingredient for maintaining weight. Unfortunately my TOTM is turning into one of my nightmare sessions (I suffer from a condition called Menorrhagia - each loo trip? Think homicide scene from CSI :raincloud:) Not a good thing - I'm pretty run down at the mo, but luckily I start my meds to temporarily control it on Friday :woohoo: so I'm hoping I can start my regime by Monday.... Wish me luck!

Is it really weird getting into the groove of eating again? Do you have to stick to the few items/recipes in the booklet or can you get creative? I would have no idea what vegetables, condiments etc would add to my calorie intake (I'm literally incapable of calorie counting, it's like a condition!) - I'll cross that bridge as and when I suppose.... Jeez, I may need to visit a nutritionist as well as a counselor before this is over! Have a lovely day tomorrow pet and well done again xxx

hi there
def no to the exercise if you ve Menorrhagia do you have to take supplement iron? dont want you going into the anaemia territory. but best of British when yo do start.
hi there no your allowed pretty much what you want. in that 700 cal spilt over 3 meals doesn t go that far although it is amazing what you can make. i e been having breakfast but having the products for lunch as green salad isnt that appetising every day. think you can alter things to suit your self a bit. im finding it a safe reintroduction and cause your still on the programme and getting weighed mean your less likely to go to hang with this and go round the kitchen like a crazed pacman:) guess one thing i keep thinking is food isn t the enemy i am and i want to be able to deal with food in a rational controlled manor and (please) never eat 3/4 of a Thorntons cake again. i am the greediest girl given half a chance but its ok cause im watching myself like a hawk!

ah calorie counting was something i wasn t that keen on but all im going to say is my fitness pal on either smart phone or comp. not only does it count calories ie you loo up the food you ve eaten and the app has the cals but even more importantly breaks down the nutritional valves too. and break down what you should be eating each day im so very impressed and making this a lot easier. won t bore you more with it the now but when the time comes its a jen recommendation!
Well first weigh in and lost 10lbs feeling brilliant :) actually smiling from ear to ear! Will feel back to post baby in time for Christmas I can do this :) xx

Yaaaay!!! Bravo Jemma :) You certainly can do this and will feel like a new woman. That's a fantastic loss hon ..... a mere additional 4lbs off this week and you'd have lost a stone! Worth it xx
Sounds like you're doing fab Bev! Day 1 out of the way for me :D can't wait to get to where you are xx

You'll be here on no time Tracey..... The fact you've gotten back to SS so quickly shows your determination. Good for you :) We're all going to have some brilliant results for Christmas! Hang on there, you know it gets easier xx
Day 26- cannot wait to be there again at that cruising altitude. Seems like you are doing so well Bev! You must feel great!

Well this is day 2 starting for me. Feeling really good & positive about it. When I was heading home after work yesterday I felt like y evening was going to be so depressing and dreary with no nice food and just a shake, but it wasnt half as bad, and felt really good going to bed with no gutsy feelings. Though strangely enough I did dream last night that I was eating a massive chocolate cake & woke up thinking is spoiled the diet! Ha ha, it was damn good chocolate cake though - will be on my list of things to eat when I'm skinny xxx

That's the spirit! I had to have VERY early nights forthe first week, to keep me honest :D Trust me, day 26 will be here in no time! You're doing great fighting through to day 2; keep at it sweetie.... One day at a time xx

Ps: I usually reply via my mobile and the predictive text spelling errors are driving a grammar devotee like me NUTS!
hi there
def no to the exercise if you ve Menorrhagia do you have to take supplement iron? dont want you going into the anaemia territory. but best of British when yo do start.
hi there no your allowed pretty much what you want. in that 700 cal spilt over 3 meals doesn t go that far although it is amazing what you can make. i e been having breakfast but having the products for lunch as green salad isnt that appetising every day. think you can alter things to suit your self a bit. im finding it a safe reintroduction and cause your still on the programme and getting weighed mean your less likely to go to hang with this and go round the kitchen like a crazed pacman:) guess one thing i keep thinking is food isn t the enemy i am and i want to be able to deal with food in a rational controlled manor and (please) never eat 3/4 of a Thorntons cake again. i am the greediest girl given half a chance but its ok cause im watching myself like a hawk!

ah calorie counting was something i wasn t that keen on but all im going to say is my fitness pal on either smart phone or comp. not only does it count calories ie you loo up the food you ve eaten and the app has the cals but even more importantly breaks down the nutritional valves too. and break down what you should be eating each day im so very impressed and making this a lot easier. won t bore you more with it the now but when the time comes its a jen recommendation!

Oooh I'm going to remember that app! Good to know the 'safety net' of weekly weigh ins is still there too to monitor progress. Well, it's a loooong way off for me before I have to worry about step 3 and beyond but as I'm making Christmas dinner I'll be haunting some Basic Ketogenic Diet sites for ideas on keeping me as close to ketosis as possible! It may look a bit odd when I demand my family tell me exactly how many roast spuds each person wants, but that's all I'll be making (no extras to tempt me) and if they don't like it? They can have a pot noodle for Christmas dinner instead lol It's my kitchen and I'll cook what I want to (she sings).... I envision a very protein and veg loaded Christmas day!

All' s going super at my end, ordered myself some books as a "countdown to day 30" treat as I LOVE to read, so a very happy bunny :)

I hope you had a great day love xx

Ps: Ah yes, iron (ferrous fumarate) is my best buddy at the moment .... Menorrhagia is nasty and the rate of blood loss can be quite a shock to the system, but I'm getting to grips with it .... and for the first time in two years I was glad to see TOTM as the food urges and bloating dissipated. This diet, and the things it makes you grateful for, is decidedly odd!
Woohoo!!!!! Yay for you!!!!
Day 28! I have absolutely nothing major to say except: DAY 28!!!!! :girlpower:Who'd-a-thunk-it lol

I hope all my lovelies are having a brilliant 100% fat burning day xxx

Your doing amazing chick x
:D Thank you ladies!! We've got to enjoy our triumphs where we can right? I hope everyone had a great day x

It's the triumphs that keep us going :)
Well dun on ur 28 da6s...unlike me...I could kick myself!..iv just eaten...and I dont know why..the urge was sooo bad tho...I had protein but still...I knw I shouldnt have..could kick myself...have 6lbs to go and will be in the 12s.....y do I do it yo myself!

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Canvas - I just ate today too! I was out walking wire a friend, we went for coffee (I had 2 black coffees) felt really weak and dizzy after it, and had to eat! Disappointed as I'm only on day 4 but I felt so faint and shaky that I felt I had to.

Don't know how I managed 12 weeks straight of this before! Finding my willpower is so flaky just now :(
Awww cat I feel the same....thinkin atkins may b better for me but im gutted as I have 6lbs to lose and in the 12s and im dying to get in the 12s!

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How many weeks / days have you done so far Canvas? Don't give up though - maybe when we are weak we need to get on this forum for motivation!! I know it's so difficult sometimes though.
I knw...but I will carry on with the odd protein meal..only way I can do this

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Im soo glad u replied stayin on it for the time being....thank u hun xx

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Good for you canvas - there's nothing wrong with having the odd protein meal here and there if it makes you more focused and able to get thought a few days. Keep in touch hun x