Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

jemmah hope your turning the flu corner

hi bev

hope all is ticking along nicely with you, i ve now started step 3 so just need to wait to see how i get along with that.

You've survived SS.... Step 3 should be a piece of cake, and you're not the same person your were when you started this journey. Keep glugging that water..... I'm so excited to follow along with this new stage with you :) In the 10s :happy036: YEAH!!!!! You go girl lol xxx
oh yes, possible hunger the water test will be out in force. i like this stone think id like to camp out here for a good long time, was very pleased today somebody described me as slim today, oh the little victories, so much better than stout!

how you diddling?
Hey lovely hope ur having a good day. Looking forward to my weigh in tomor just hoping that totm isn't going to cause to much disappointment really hoping for a big loss. Need it to make me see it's worth it! It's my mums birthday this weekend and we going for a meal on Sunday! Haven't told my family about the diet as my mum wouldn't approve so soon after having Pippa. Hopefully one day off won't do to much harm :(

Off to Zumba tonight how have you got on with ur workouts :) x
Hi Beverly,

Been reading through some of your posts - your very inspiring!

I'm back on the Cambridge train, today I'm doing SS day 1 after about a 5 month break (where I lost nearly 20 kilos and was only 3kgs from my target weight, I really could kick myself for stopping then and going crazy & eating drinking everything I wanted! Anyway I've now put over a third on of what I lost. Planning to come onto this forum for motivation as lately every day has been SS tried and failed day 1for me and I'm hating myself for it! So it has to be today, it's now or never.

Sure we'll come SS friends - I need a buddy to help me get over the killer first week, so I'm planning to regularly log onto your posts.
Stay well
Cat xx
Hark at you, Miss Slim! Lol it's lovely that civilians can describe you as such. Good going hon x I'm doing pretty great ...same old, same old. I'm getting the water down and just sucking down the shakes :) I can't wait to get where you are! How was your first Step 3 day? xx

hi bev

how you going with the increases in exercise? know all is ticking on otherwise so thats great, finding step 3 pretty good so far, now that i ve managed to comply with the rules rather than accidentally cheat. i did discover that the my fitness pal will take calories burned from exercise and add then to your allowed total but luckily i didn t fall for the "extra" calories today. had another wee trip to the gym but mainly it was an excuse to catch up with a friend and we managed bit of shopping too so she s got her party dress as well

Hey lovely hope ur having a good day. Looking forward to my weigh in tomor just hoping that totm isn't going to cause to much disappointment really hoping for a big loss. Need it to make me see it's worth it! mums birthday this weekend and we going for a meal on Sunday! Haven't told my family about the diet as my mum wouldn't approve so soon after having Pippa. Hopefully one day off won't do to much harm :(

Off to Zumba tonight how have you got on with ur workouts :) x

Hi Jemma! TOTM for me too which is usually a nightmare (suffer from Menorrhagia) so haven't been able to do my sit ups yet; still 100% though so looking forward to WI on at the weekend. Good luck for tomorrow sweetie. Can you discreetly avoid carbs when you go out at the weekend? You should be able to mitigate any damage so it doesn't take you too long to get back into ketosis. I'm sure I've read that somewhere anyway. Either way, just have a good time (not going too wild :D), I know you'll get straight back to it the next day xxx
Hi Beverly,

Been reading through some of your posts - your very inspiring!

I'm back on the Cambridge train, today I'm doing SS day 1 after about a 5 month break (where I lost nearly 20 kilos and was only 3kgs from my target weight, I really could kick myself for stopping then and going crazy & eating drinking everything I wanted! Anyway I've now put over a third on of what I lost. Planning to come onto this forum for motivation as lately every day has been SS tried and failed day 1for me and I'm hating myself for it! So it has to be today, it's now or never.

Sure we'll come SS friends - I need a buddy to help me get over the killer first week, so I'm planning to regularly log onto your posts.
Stay well
Cat xx

Hi Cat! You know it always feels so good when I hear someone is fighting and winning through to day 1 - good on you for not ever giving up on yourself hon. I hope you're really proud of yourself for getting through today. I genuinely can't believe I'm on day 25. I tried and failed to make it much beyond day 3 for so long that it feels like a huge achievement to have gotten this far. I say all that just to make this point: I was the reigning queen of the daily restart - you really can do this. You're so right, this site and all the threads kept me going throughout the first two weeks. I think I read everything (I just studiously avoided some of the other diet threads that went on about food and recipes a bit too much!). How much do you have to lose? Thank you so much for checking in :) It's always a treat to gain a new buddy xx Let me know if you start a diary, I'd love to read up on your journey. Here's to day 2 sweetie, just take one hour at a time and as you probably remember: space out those shakes and guzzle that water :) (I don't know what I'm getting excited for .... But who cares? I'm excited for you!) xx
Hiya Jen, how goes it? I'm glad you cracked the calorie puzzle with step 3 lol that is completely something I would do (in my haste and excitement I would absolutely misread figures!). Well done on getting your gym routine together and going religiously ... I really think that's a vital ingredient for maintaining weight. Unfortunately my TOTM is turning into one of my nightmare sessions (I suffer from a condition called Menorrhagia - each loo trip? Think homicide scene from CSI :raincloud:) Not a good thing - I'm pretty run down at the mo, but luckily I start my meds to temporarily control it on Friday :woohoo: so I'm hoping I can start my regime by Monday.... Wish me luck!

Is it really weird getting into the groove of eating again? Do you have to stick to the few items/recipes in the booklet or can you get creative? I would have no idea what vegetables, condiments etc would add to my calorie intake (I'm literally incapable of calorie counting, it's like a condition!) - I'll cross that bridge as and when I suppose.... Jeez, I may need to visit a nutritionist as well as a counselor before this is over! Have a lovely day tomorrow pet and well done again xxx
Hi Bev,

I have about 20 lbs to loose so not too much ( I already lost about 40, then put on about 12during my 5 month break). I did cambridge before and promised myself this time would be the last time - I'd come off it properly after reaching my goal weight and go up the steps properly, but as before I've had a break & went crazy with food again . So that's why I'm so disappointed in myself.
I'm from Scotland and living in oz - I have this thread as an app on my phone so my timing is all out of sync with you guys - tonight ill go home, and try my hardest just to have a shake! I feel like I'm depriving myself so much but just trying to get 1 week out the way! Falling off & getting back on is soooo difficult, never want to have to do this again! These posts are really helpful and are gonna be my saviour over the next few weeks!
Welcome to the site, Cat! It got me through some really hard days so hopefully it will do the same for you :) everyone on here is really lovely and supportive!

Remember that all that food will still be there when you are at goal! You're not missing out on anything xx
Thanks menekse, I know they will all still be there when I'm finished, I just need to keep remembering that!

I'm really glad for the people on this site- it's full if optimism, positivity & encouragement and that is vital for the success of this diet. Look forward to keeping in touch with everyone throughout our diet journeys! ;)
Good for you Cat, you know this works and with a bit of effort now you'll be at goal in less than 6 weeks! Imagine starting 2014 the right way? Big hugs to you love, just keep plugging away X

There are loads of people on here from Oz, South Africa, America etc etc this really is a global community, so folks are posting all the time and in different time zones. You really can do this and get to goal .... we all can. How's Day 2 going? xx
I can't believe I'm here..... Day 26 already. It's genuinely like a miracle. I've wanted, and raged, and absolutely cursed myself night after night in the past for another failed day 1..... and now here I am at day 26 and at cruising altitude. Not too fussed about food. If I'm making dinner for my family and get an urge to "taste" or lick a spoon (read: stick my head in the pot like a hog at a trough) I just tell myself to add that to my mental list of the first things I'll eat when I'm at goal and have done maintenance (thanks for the idea Cee! Told you I was pinching it lol). I've got this. I really have. And the things that would usually piss me off (ex, annoying sisters, messy 15yr old and his ubiquitous dirty socks, finances, stubborn refusal of fate to gift me with a lottery win) are really not a big deal while I'm in this head space. I'm even breezing through TOTM which normally leaves me housebound. I'm very Que Sera Sera and it's all down to the fact that I'm taking control of my weight and life; this is my go around on this ferris wheel of Life and I'm making the most of it, 1lb, 1 hour at a time.

I really hope my people are all having a day of minor victories and reclaiming of lives .... are you? Keep drinking that water xx
quote: (read: stick my head in the pot like a hog at a trough)

hahahahahahaha!!! :8855:
Well first weigh in and lost 10lbs feeling brilliant :) actually smiling from ear to ear! Will feel back to post baby in time for Christmas I can do this :) xx
Day 26- cannot wait to be there again at that cruising altitude. Seems like you are doing so well Bev! You must feel great!

Well this is day 2 starting for me. Feeling really good & positive about it. When I was heading home after work yesterday I felt like y evening was going to be so depressing and dreary with no nice food and just a shake, but it wasnt half as bad, and felt really good going to bed with no gutsy feelings. Though strangely enough I did dream last night that I was eating a massive chocolate cake & woke up thinking is spoiled the diet! Ha ha, it was damn good chocolate cake though - will be on my list of things to eat when I'm skinny xxx