Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Duplicate post deleted :mad::banghead:.... Just how "smart" are these phones meant to be anyhow? Lol
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That is totally the plan for 2014 and beyond! Now The Twat has a car there is no excuse for him to lurk in my home making my life a misery - I worked hard to ensure he and SB have a good relationship and now our son is 15 I'm done. An ex is always an ex for a reason, right? I'm more pi$$ed off with myself to be honest. I know to never let my guard down and NEVER to see the ex when my reserves are low. Ah well. I'm not a robot, and it's pretty clear where over confidence and complacency can get you :rolleyes:. Lesson learned. Again. And my lovely SB was once again my saving grace (read: conscience). I love that boy :) As for RC? I can't wait to see him! How amazing would it be to go on a date!?! What am I waiting for? The minute, nay, nano second I get near 14st 13 I'm ALL over the dating situation like white on rice! It doesn't help that he looks like Action Man (ladies, picture the pecks.... :drool:) but it's more I feel sexy and cute in a rubenesque curvy size 14.... I want to feel great and confident when I see him - more ME if you know what I mean... So there's work to be done! Pre - Christmas I got to my mini goal of 15st 13lbs.... So I'm hoping the water weight and Christmas excess will be off my tummy and butt by next Sunday, then hopefully it's 1 month to 14st 13lbs? :innocent0001: It's all a bit clinical and doesn't really account for the vagaries of real life (sts, TOTM, etc etc), but I'm hoping and praying nonetheless :D xx

Yes, I absolutely think you can take a step back and let twat-face make some effort.

Your not quite superwoman! Temptation will always b there in one form or another. Forgive yourself and move on :) everyone deserves an occasional treat/slip up.

I cannot wait for this date. I'm living vicariously through you! I just hope he's got more imagination than dinner drinks and a movie..... Best 1st date I ever had was go karting-it was brilliant, if not a little too competitive haha

One month....... Just in time for valentines day........ Just saying!! <3

Huh. I already replied to this and it seems to have disappeared!

*I ought to be done in 11-12 weeks (you should too, we have give or take the same goals) and there will be some more lost if we go up the steps the REALLY SLOW and CAREFULLY up the steps while getting exercise in- we ought to be starting on steps sometime mid/late March

Moving up the steps at the alloted time) sounds about right - it's what I was hoping to do, with no deviations.

I cant wait to get slim and healthy and leave this battle zone in my rear view mirror :D

Let's do this!!!!! 3 shakes down, 3.5 litres drunk, and my head's firmly in the game - I can't wait to "Honk" for a 100% SS day! xx
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Yes, I absolutely think you can take a step back and let twat-face make some effort.

Your not quite superwoman! Temptation will always b there in one form or another. Forgive yourself and move on :) everyone deserves an occasional treat/slip up.

I cannot wait for this date. I'm living vicariously through you! I just hope he's got more imagination than dinner drinks and a movie..... Best 1st date I ever had was go karting-it was brilliant, if not a little too competitive haha

One month....... Just in time for valentines day........ Just saying!! <3


Great minds, Bubbles, great minds lol :D He seems like a thoroughly decent bloke, and flaming patient too so I look forward to giving him a chance (or is that giving him a 'go' lol :D Naughty!)

And I must admit, it gives me someone/something nice to look forward to....

What do you mean I'm not Superwoman!?!? What have I been wearing my pants on the outside of my clothes and gold gogo boots for then? lol :giggle:
You've hit the nail on the head again pet. I am too hard on myself sometimes. :doh: and need a reality check. It set back my start by 24hrs. That's it. And I'm back on top form today - so barring 3 days lost to the Christmas festivities this is my 82nd day of SS against all odds (would have been 85, but I'm not counting the 3 days I was "man down" in the time warp anomaly that was Christmas!) :D xx
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Why are you hanging on a thread? It's funny, isn't it? But being able to eat all that food makes you look forward to SS lol:D who knew? You back on track on the 3rd? Well enjoy the social aspects of it love, you deserve it xx

Was only hanging on a thread waiting to hear about your yesterday but our posts crossed so didn't have to hang around for long.

Grrr to your ex finding you with all that food at your point of weakness and well done for putting it behind you. And lovely that RC has been in contact - we all love a bit of romance so will be watching that space.

Hope you have another great day tomorrow and that the job is going well.
Re: Job - I actually really enjoyed Friday. Got some really useful one to one time with my new boss and have more of an idea of the role and unfamiliar HR jargon, so feeling more in control and up for the challenge. I love people being very clear about expectations and what they want from me. Loved it :D I hope the role extends beyond March!

Re: 'The Twat'? He's a twat. Enough said.

Re: RC? You'll regret that when you get a blow by blow of the' Date' lol. It's so adorable that he's never forgotten me and just keeps popping up to say 'hi' - I think it's actually the most intriguing thing about him :) Good attention span lol AND he's cute

I'm dreading weigh in tomorrow am.... But I've only one solid SS day under my belt so far so I'll just take my lumps and keep it moving (I'm still pinching your idea that 7lbs of any increase is water weight lol).

Day one aka day 82 done. Onwards :D xx
oh my Bev - you have had an eventful week! How are you doing today?
i cant find your restarter thread now! Its says its been moved - can you please post a link?
So weigh in this morning..... 3lbs on.

I'm not surprised, and not disappointed. Hey, it was Christmas (and a bit better than I was expecting actually) - so three days off plan at roughly one pound a day I can live with. And knowing my stubborn a$$ body the 3lbs will come off sloooowly and with great reluctance! :rolleyes: but what can you do?

I hope everyone has minimal Festive damage - 2014 is our year to shine! xx
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So weigh in this morning..... 3lbs on.

I'm not surprised, and not disappointed. Hey, it was Christmas (and a bit better than I was expecting actually) - so three days off plan at roughly one pound a day I can live with. And knowing my stubborn a$$ body the 3lbs will come off sloooowly and with great reluctance! :rolleyes: but what can you do?

I hope everyone has minimal Festive damage - 2014 is our year to shine! xx

oh poo! but 3lbs is roughly 1.3 kgs and you only on day 2 (correct?). once your back in keto you will see the drop on scales... dont despair. all will be well next weigh in :)

Hi B, I only had two takers, so decided to harass them on their restart date (as requested) and take the link down :) When do you want to be hunted down and bullied back to the Dukan fold? For you, I'd do it for free lol :D xx

hahahaha... was going to get on there to harass you actually :p. me back in the zone already (since the 26th). however, going to eat and drink on NYE (just the few hours only and not the whole day) - so second restart will be 1 Jan.

how is the weekend going? any plans for NYE?
3 lbs on?!? Are you mental?!? That's a total win!!! You must have exaggerated the damage and eaten close to maintenance levels!

It's almost like it hasn't happened! A TOTM can do that. Pfew! this was a lucky escape. Let's do this thing now!

What's the new role? - Tempted to cheat and read backwards on your diary as I don't know enough from my page-eight-progress! :)
hahahaha... was going to get on there to harass you actually*.*

Lol!!!!! Snap :D Luckily I'm back on track. Hark at you losing weight xx I'm so proud of you xx

The weekend is going pretty good - totally relaxing. No plans for NYE just almost want to hibernate and get this 3lbs off my butt (was invited to my friends' place for a get together, but I'm not a huge drinker and they are so may give it a miss this year - not bothered). What are you doing for the night? Anything good? xx
3 lbs on?!? Are you mental?!? That's a total win!!! You must have exaggerated the damage and eaten close to maintenance levels!*

Lol :rotflmao: Oh man that made me laugh! I love it. I wish I had been reticent with the food intake!! You and Bonkers are totally right: that 3lb will be off in no time.

I was in IT for 7 years and worked for the government for 14 years and was made redundant in September. On the 23rd I just started a 3 month contract (possibly longer) with a local HR Department as an Analyst. I have no HR background but they liked my 'get up and go' and initiative, so it'll be a steep learning curve! But I'll relish learning a new industry :) Here's hoping I can parlay it into a permanent role (all depends on whether the post holder comes back from secondment) - or find a permanent role internally.

How's your day going so far? xx
Hi guys, I've been reading your posts and am finding them very encouraging! I am returning to SS + (currently on day 2) and could use the encouragement if you don't mind me joining u?

I did 6 weeks up to 11 august earlier this year and lost 19lbs! I've now gained 9lbs back, so I have 4 1/2 stone to lose, extremely daunting!! But I am determined to regain my health and get back living a self conscious free life!
Hi guys, I've been reading your posts and am finding them very encouraging! I am returning to SS + (currently on day 2) and could use the encouragement if you don't mind me joining u?

I did 6 weeks up to 11 august earlier this year and lost 19lbs! I've now gained 9lbs back, so I have 4 1/2 stone to lose, extremely daunting!! But I am determined to regain my health and get back living a self conscious free life!

Welcome aboard Loopyloo :D Please do join us - 4.5st is doable and you'll be done by May! Well done on successfully navigating to day 2.... This diet is far from easy so please join in with the ramblings - we all need all the encouragement we can get! Lol x