The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Tasha, maybe he will do it for the sake of you and the new baby? It's got to be an incentive. I'm lucky never to have smoked, I tried it as a teenager and didn't like it so didn't bother again.
Monday again, how did this happen? I've had quite an aggravating weekend and am really having to push myself to get things done today. We are in the middle of repainting the living room, need more paint and have just discovered it has been discontinued within the last couple of weeks. I'm now facing chasing around to see if anywhere still has any in stock.

Weightwise I'm as stable as ever, it doesn't seem to make any difference how much I pig out on UDs, the DDs take it all back again. Not a pattern I want to continue though, I'm hoping warmer weather will stop the carb cravings.

I did chuckle at the idea of learning Chinese, by Easter or any other time! I know I ought to work on my linguistic skills (or lack of) but there never seems to be time. My memory sometimes fails me on English words so trying to push in new French and German ones might be unproductive.
Oh no re paint. That is positively the worst scenario in any DIY decorating job. It's happened to me when knitting a jumper so now I tend to take the view of buying far more wool / paint / ingredients / you name it than I need, much to my OH's horror... I'm a big hoarder! Hope you get lucky... (else that'll teach you not to stick to my previously much favoured magnolia!!)

I think that's brilliant to be able to balance out the UDs with the DDs. It's true that perhaps 4 UDs per week, alternated with 3 DDs (is that what you do?) sounds quite a lot of overdoing it followed by quite a lot of underdoing it, and perhaps there would be more of a middle ground found some of the days... but hey that's brilliant progress anyway.

My weight is fine too although I'm sure my days are less Up than your Ups, and definitely less Down than your Downs... I seem to eat a heck of a lot, as I used to always just eat a main course, yet now seem to have starter, main and pud, but of course "pud" comprises natural 0% fat yoghurts more often than not (or a Dukan flan - not bad at all!), so not pud as most know it.

Last night I allowed myself another five (carefully counted out and rest of tin hidden away before commencing) Celebration chocolates. Nice to have the taste of chocolate without the overfull feeling of eating half the tin, then the ensuing guilt!

How are you Tash? Are you feeling ok?
Hi, hope this morning is warmer for you as it is here. I managed to get some paint yesterday, rang round all the smaller decorating shops until I found some, 10 miles away but who cares. And they let me have it half price as it was discontinued!

I have a theory (here she goes again!) that meals consisting of several courses actually contain no more food in total than single course ones. You tend to eat slower with gaps between courses which is better for making you feel full. Of course you can load in the calories if you try, but it isn't necessary. Does take more time though, so I couldn't do it except at weekends.

Great self control on the chocolates, I'm impressed. What are you planning to do after consolidation? Will you just do the one day PP a week or put in any other controls? I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life thinking that certain foods are bad and I can't have them, at least now I can think "wait until tomorrow".
Great news re paint!

Your theory could be right. I got used to eating off tea plates when doing "pure protein" days, so keep my starter to that sort of size. Main course tends to be back onto a big plate, however, because of several steamed veggies accompanying my usual chicken at lunchtime, but there is more empty space on my plate these days! My "starters" tend to be leftovers from previous evening / slices of cooked roast beef or whatever from weekend, which I freeze into individual "starter size" packages or, if all else fails, some prawns/crab sticks/ham...

Consolidation is but phase 3 of 4... Stabilisation is phase 4 and that is (theoretically) free six days a week, provided you still eat your 3 x spoonfuls oatmeal per day (the other "meal" you can drop), and your Thursday PP is for life and, from my stage, is stricter than ever. Thursdays are the strictest of strict days, so require some planning (as I can't fall back on my favourite smoked salmon / salmon etc as that's banned on a Thursday, even in my galette breakfast!).

Good idea re "wait until tomorrow". For us overeaters, I think there always has to be some element of "restriction" idea for fear we'll go back to "old habits". While, long term, I know I wouldn't / couldn't: I could certainly do a lot of damage before getting the wakeup call so this Consolidation Phase 3 really suits me down to the ground and I might even stay on it for life. So far, I've only had one gala meal per week, one pasta portion per week (and forgot to have it last week!), and I'm passing on the 20% fat cheese cos I don't like it so I'm not yet having all I'm allowed...
It's interesting how different our maintenance systems are and yet we are both doing well on them. I'm sure I could never go low-carb in the long term, what - no biscuits? If you don't fancy one very strict PP day then maybe you could do a couple of not so strict ones instead? Or would one tweak just lead to more?

I'm feeling tired today, we rehearsed till 10pm then I had to chat for half an hour, came home and cooked pancakes which we didn't have time for earlier. Eventually went to bed about midnight, had an inspiration on how to solve a lighting problem a friend was worrying about so spent a while texting to and fro. I should know better, I'm glad I've got tonight in.
I'm not yet on maintenance Claire. This consolidation process is the gradual reintroduction of food groups, and I'm choosing to do it slower than advised given my diet history and compulsive eating past... but I'll not be ready to stabilise definitively for another three or four months.

I'd like to hope that one strict (very strict!) day a week will suffice as I'd like to be a little more "normal" than I used to be the other six! Being able to eat bread, pasta etc is still strange to me and I am always on the scales with my heart in my mouth. I've somehow convinced myself that such foods will cause my weight to increase, and my 80 / 20 maintenance system used from 2004-2007 no doubt encouraged that inadvertently. Bad food. Good foods. I seek NORMALITY (whatever that is!!).

I'm going to follow this plan to the letter, albeit a little slower than he suggests, before I start adapting it to my own tastes. I'd probably return to 80 / 20 if I found it hard to stabilise this way as I know that worked for me before, although DID encourage "bad food behaviour" ...

oooh nothing worse than texting (or doing anything that wakes you up) just at bedtime!

I didn't bother with crepes this year, even though there is a D***n-friendly recipe therefor. Another time! I've realised that next Thursday is Valentine's Day too, so I'll probably postpone that too!! haaa!
I keep forgetting that consolidation isn't maintenance. I'm sure once you get used to carbs again it will not cause any problems, they are just labelled evil in your mind at the moment because of the low-carb diet.

Today has been very busy, not really work but all stuff I have to do. I'm hoping there will be an end in sight soon, I seem to lurch from one crisis to the next!
Morning and hope you had a good weekend!

As requested, my OH brought me back 2 boxes of fresh cream cakes (which we shared). DELICIOUS, although I'm amazed than one can buy 4 cream cakes for less than £2 in the UK! I'm afraid that, having eaten them, I wanted more but of course there weren't more so we filled up on chocolate (silly silly) and went to bed feeling quite ill... (why?!)

Yesterday I ate a lot, but in the D***n vein - just far too much of it all, and the damage already shows on the scales. My little devil voice told me to have a protein day today to compensate but good sense prevailed and I shall continue as I'm supposed to, ignoring devil voice which merely encourages such behaviour. So today I will have the bread and fruit I planned...

Beautiful sunny weather here, but bitterly cold in the mornings. Minus 4°C Saturday morning in the country, brrrr!
Mmm, cream cakes, I'm not surprised you were forced to indulge. Our food prices do tend to be cheaper than yours, although often your quality is better. I've noticed that sense of illness when eating too many carbs, I think it is because we can eat them faster than our bodies can tell us they have had enough. Well done having the strength to resist the strict dieting, it has to be a balance. I gained a quarter of a pound last week (I know that is nothing but a gain is a gain) and will be a bit stricter this week. I'm still considering going down a few more pounds although I was upset to find my favourite linen trousers rather too loose already. Time for some sewing adjustments I think.

We are having lovely warm sunny days too, frosty mornings but it soon wears off. You start an hour ahead of us so the chill is probably more noticeable. Walking the dog yesterday I was feeling really happy in the sunshine, it's amazing how much difference it makes to my mood.

Today I must get a poster design finished and arrange my car insurance, plus a host of other little jobs. David was away sailing over the weekend and I had planned to get loads of things done, needless to say I didn't achieve half of them.
I'm still considering going down a few more pounds although I was upset to find my favourite linen trousers rather too loose already. Time for some sewing adjustments I think.

You've gotta admit that this is WEIRD!! Here, you and I are similar. Very similar. Like you, I have thought of going down another 1lb or two, for the extra leeway, but like you I am scrutinising myself in my smallest trousers (in the wardrobe of clothes I couldn't even get into a couple of months ago) and rueing the "baggy bum"! And I'm certainly not buying another wardrobe full!

I've gone beyond my goal, already am noticing like you that I need to make some sewing adjustments, so what is with these thoughts of losing a few more pounds! NO!! NO!!

I'm like you with the sun... I don't care HOW cold it is provided the sun shines!
This clothes thing is a tough one, I still have two pairs of trousers that I can't wear, I can get into them but they look tight. So I would love to be able to wear them again, but if I slim into them I can't wear the newer stuff unless I get the sewing machine out. What I'd really like is to shift the excess fat at the top of my thighs and tighten my waist and tummy. I exercise but it doesn't seem to help because it simply builds my muscles (I'm that sort of metabolism unfortunately). Are we ever satisfied?

I think we are both still mentally adjusting to our sizes, the diet obsession takes a long time to shift. I never understand why it is so easy to start eating but so difficult to stop feeling guilty about it.

I got a lot of stuff done yesterday, today I will be trying to keep up the good work with the ambition of actually having a weekend to myself!
so if you get back into those two pairs of trousers you'd like to, the rest of your wardrobe will be bigger still? I think perhaps you've changed shape? Is that possible?

I doubt we ever will be satisfied. The slightest upturn on my scales can ruin my day yet can other people notice, for instance, that I might have gained 300g? No way! When I gained 13 kilos (2 stone!), people said they'd not noticed when I told them that's how much I gained when I quit smoking! I know that people do say that they "go by their clothes", but I find that too elastic a measure as my clothes vary so much anyway irrespective of the label therein. The size 40 black jeans I'm wearing today, for instance, are now decidedly baggy, yet this morning were fine. There's NO WAY that I'm a size 38. I have some 42s which aren't big.

I am sure that, having been really big, that my eyes will never quite see what the scales and my dress size is telling me. I would have thought it would be easier for you, but perhaps not as you're used to be so very slim and toned, whereas I've never been either before!!

Hope you get everything done. My weekends are ALWAYS to myself!
I think my problem is that I was a tiny child, a skinny teenager and since then have put on a stone and then lost it again periodically. So my body image was always slim. Then the last time I put on weight I found it so hard to lose that I decided I was a fat person, my mother and grandmother before me had gained dramatically in their forties/fifties and I felt my genes were against me. And it took the shock of a rise in blood pressure to make me do something about it. But somehow I still don't feel that I am properly slim again, although the scales tell me I'm where I thought I was heading. And I remember that when I wore the snakeskin trousers I was 9st3lbs so maybe that is the right weight for me.

It's so hard to know. OK the body changes as we age and I have to take into account that I am staring 50 in the face (next week - AAAARGH). Just keep plugging away I think, if I concentrate on keeping fit then maybe the extra fat cells will give up?
WOW!! Big milestone coming up Claire... could that have anything to do with your feelings of general dissatisfaction with your achievement?

I don't think fat cells ever give up; I think you're thinking very negatively. I've seen photos of you where you look tremendous. You have a bust, unlike me, and slim hips and a trim body. My body is nothing like yours, even if our BMIs are similar. My skin has been stretched to its absolute limit and has lost a lot of its elasticity.

What day is this event? Anything planned?

I just asked my OH whether we ought to change our "Thursday strict protein" day to another day as it's Valentine's Day. "Who cares!", he responded. Right! That's me sorted!! haaaa!
Romance isn't dead then? Men, honestly. I've actually got an UD on Thursday so I can have chocolate, champagne, whatever he cares to shower on me (probably not much!). Unfortunately we have to go out in the evening and spend quite a bit of the day looking after my father as my mother and sister are going to London for the day.

My birthday is on the 20th, next Wednesday, and we don't have anything planned yet. We had thought about going away for a few days but a combination of too much to do and February being cold put us off. I suppose I am a bit wound up about the milestone (or millstone?), sort of downhill from now on feeling.

Thanks for the encouraging words, I do tend to try and hide the worst bits for photos. I suppose one of the reasons I'm self critical is the dancing mirror, just can't help comparing myself to everyone else in view. You look lovely in your gallery after pics, have you got any new photos of the even slimmer you?
Romance? What's that?!! I know my OH wouldn't dare buy me anything remotely chocolatey for fear of my reaction! I don't think either of us has ever not been on a diet on 14/2 since we met actually! How sad is that?!

February has turned out to be beautiful (to date at least), but of course one can never guarantee that sort of weather in February so I can understand why you didn't book anything up. Not worth checking out last minute deals? Sometimes you can get real bargains somewhere hot at the last minute?

I reckon that dancing mirror is responsible for a great deal! I can't imagine having to stare into one while I moved around... all my wobbly bits would... be wobbling! awful!

I must get some new photos done... at Christmas the only photos we took were of me in a black outfit and the photos came out very dark (flash didn't go off properly so you just see my head and a black blob beneath!). Since then, the camera's not been out. Will get some done this weekend if I remember. At the weekend I tend to be wearing very very thick sweaters, boots and jeans though!
Chocolates all round this morning! It's rather alarming how quickly I can eat them too. Couldn't you just have one or two very special chocolates?

Not sure about a very short trip, I did look on Ryanair wondering if a day trip somewhere would be worthwhile, maybe not on the day itself but just for a change. They have a deal on until midnight tonight of £5 one way including taxes. OK you have to pay petrol to the airport and parking but you should get a day out for 2 for £40 travel, cheaper than the railways here. It's just finding a place with two flights a day that I fancy going too.

I don't think I'll be getting much work done today, my mother and sister have gone to London so I had to take them to the station, take my Dad to his daycare centre and will then have to reverse the process this afternoon but with a lot more hanging around. Fortunately there's not too much I absolutely have to do today, I can catch up tomorrow.
Today I wouldn't eat anything I oughtn't as it's the one "white" (pure!) day of the week, which makes up for the carbs I'm eating the other six days. I'd have had to move this Thursday protein day to another had I wanted to do that. So no! No problem though. I consciously chose not to move things around, so my own fault!

On the positive front, although last night was a gala meal, I chose consciously NOT to have starter or dessert or alcohol, because I didn't really feel like it, but did have R's homemade sausages (very lean, mind you, and grilled in the GF, so pretty good on the fat front) with a pile of salad...

600g up this morning! How annoying!!!

R was up 500g too, giving us both an increase for the week, which doesn't make that much sense as we're not even eating half the carbs we're supposed to be... BUT one thing that I realise I have taken my eye off is the portions of veg and salads we're having in accompanyment to our protein which have gradually crept up to "normal" (for us, which is quite a bit). So next week will tweak proportions which, if I'm honest, are filling us up too much so no room for carbs, so not having as many as I ought. Which isn't the plan at all! Right?! DUH!

Perhaps use the money to drive somewhere for the day, booking a special restaurant for the evening meal, and drive back afterwards? Having a full day off. If you stay at home, you'll only work! This way, both of you could perhaps take a full day off, drive to an area/beach/city/wherever you like, go shopping/sightseeing/wandering or whatever and then have your nice dinner (or lunch even) out, and come home? Just an idea. It's a bit of a faff having return flights on the same day as you spend so much of it hanging around on hard airport seating!
Better weigh in this morning, after strict protein only day (which isn't actually as bad as I fear each week; the thought of it is worse than the actual doing of it!). Gala meal tomorrow night (spag bol + slab of buttercream and strawberry jam filled victoria sandwich cake! R brought back from UK; we cut in four and froze, so it'll be an 1/8 each!). Mussels for starter no doubt as tends to be our weekend starter (cooked with fat free stock cube only - delicious and don't know why I never tried this before! I discounted mussels because of my preference for mariniere sauce or cream!).