Today I wouldn't eat anything I oughtn't as it's the one "white" (pure!) day of the week, which makes up for the carbs I'm eating the other six days. I'd have had to move this Thursday protein day to another had I wanted to do that. So no! No problem though. I consciously chose not to move things around, so my own fault!
On the positive front, although last night was a gala meal, I chose consciously NOT to have starter or dessert or alcohol, because I didn't really feel like it, but did have R's homemade sausages (very lean, mind you, and grilled in the GF, so pretty good on the fat front) with a pile of salad...
600g up this morning! How annoying!!!
R was up 500g too, giving us both an increase for the week, which doesn't make that much sense as we're not even eating half the carbs we're supposed to be... BUT one thing that I realise I have taken my eye off is the portions of veg and salads we're having in accompanyment to our protein which have gradually crept up to "normal" (for us, which is quite a bit). So next week will tweak proportions which, if I'm honest, are filling us up too much so no room for carbs, so not having as many as I ought. Which isn't the plan at all! Right?! DUH!
Perhaps use the money to drive somewhere for the day, booking a special restaurant for the evening meal, and drive back afterwards? Having a full day off. If you stay at home, you'll only work! This way, both of you could perhaps take a full day off, drive to an area/beach/city/wherever you like, go shopping/sightseeing/wandering or whatever and then have your nice dinner (or lunch even) out, and come home? Just an idea. It's a bit of a faff having return flights on the same day as you spend so much of it hanging around on hard airport seating!