The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Good to hear the weigh in was encouraging. Are you supposed to only weigh after Thursday's PP? Enjoy the gala meal, do you have to carry frozen stuff like that backwards and forwards? It's funny how we end up taking on certain diet elements as a preferred food, I now love having balsamic vinegar on salad rather than mayonnaise or dressing.

I overindulged bigtime yesterday, well it was Valentine's day. Today will have to be extra strict to compensate. I've got a busy evening ahead as I have double-booked myself, but hopefully a quiet weekend to follow.
He seems to like us to weigh in often still, to understand the fluctuations, but the only "weigh in" which counts henceforth is the Friday morning one (or, at least, the one following the "Thursday protein day", which lots do on a Monday!! I will switch to a Monday at some point too, but preferred sticking to the "original plan" at the outset.)

When we first bought the house, we used to buy all our food in the City and transport it there; then we realised that the petrol was cheaper there at the hypermarket, and the food too, so we no longer bother EXCEPT for iceberg lettuces which Auch*n just don't sell and I love them!

I now eat undressed salad! I used to make my own coleslaw, and used that as "dressing", then got lazy and started buying it, then of course not allowed it with this diet, and am now used to undressed salad.

We have a big fridge/freezer at the house so keep it pretty full but there is a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing of food stuffs which goes on, particularly the fridge stuff on a Sunday night...
I'm impressed that you eat salad with no dressing at all, I don't think I'm quite up for that. I've had a rather greedy weekend and am now starting to have a very controlled week (including my birthday) because we have friends coming to dinner on Saturday. David will be cooking, a thing he never does so he has been practising all weekend. With these friends we work on a rotation system for cooking because we are two couples and one singleton so it is the only fair way.

We sometimes shop in Auch*n when in France but some of their stores are so huge I get quite confused. Especially at the round one (can't remember the location), it's totally disorientating. I haven't worked out the hierarchical positions of the various hypermarchés, although I imagine Mut*nt is somewhere near the bottom.

Have you had snow yet? We are getting hard frosts but bright sunshine, I do prefer that to dull grey dampness. Our annual fair is in town for the rest of the month and it is always the worst weather while the fair is here. Annoyingly it takes up the market place so there is no market until March.
The salad no dressing thing is new for me (since D***n). In my previous diet life, I used to make my own coleslaw and put a low fat mayonnaise + vinegar + lemon dressing on that but of course all that was banned for D***n. I had a splodge of NORMAL salad cream this weekend next to my salad. Boy did that taste good (and forbidden!!).

No snow yet either in the City or the country (where it's been too cold for it). Like you I prefer this cold sharp weather to dull grey dampness. I believe we might be heading back to the latter, I fear, before this week is out.

Mutant is indeed near the bottom of the pile (although not sure where it lies where Lidl and Aldi are concerned). Hierarchy wise I think one just shops at one's most convenient store, don't you? UK included? We tend to go to S***bury in the UK, just because it's convenient, but there are three things a friend here gets us to bring back with Sy doesn't sell, so we have to go to T***o for them!

You can't diet on your birthday... that is NOT allowed. OK fair enough, big dinner on Saturday, but give yourself some leeway for a takeaway or whatever on your birthday so that you don't have to cook at least?

My victoria sandwich cake (duly defrosted) was delicious, although I should have sprinkled some sugar on the top probably as it had disappeared in the freezing/defrosting process. However, I did find a tub of clotted cream in the freezer, so I defrosted half of that (and we had a quarter each) which was delicious! Texture went a bit weird (due to f/defrosting, I guess) but taste was same! mm! And no rise on the scales so better still!
Sponge cake and clotted cream sounds delicious, and an excellent way of reintroducing carbs! Good to hear the scales ignored it too. I'm still undecided about my birthday, perhaps I shall be careful during the day and celebrate in the evening, also make the UDs either side a bit more restrained. It is funny how scared I am of putting on weight, much more so than when I lost with Cambridge. I think it might be that CD gives you the attitude of being able to shift half a stone in a couple of weeks so if you gain a few pounds it will be easy to lose it fast. The slower the weight goes off the more inclined I am to think it is hard work and not want to have to do it again.

We have several supermarkets nearby so tend to shop at whichever has the best or cheapest of the things I want, I think Nett* is probabaly the lowest of the low, certainly in terms of staff IQ.

I've had the very messy job of refilling laser cartridges today and my fingernails are filthy, nothing seems to clean them up. Oh well, people will just have to sneer at me, I'm not much bothered. Other than that work is fairly light today so hopefully I can get everything ready for rehearsal tonight. We currently have freezing fog so it will be main roads only for me.
The scales gave me 300g extra this morning, but not a problem as still *just* under and have a Thursday protein day approaching... for me, it's "bad behaviour" rather than "bad food" that I freak out at. Having a very controlled plate of cake, and not feeling the need to return to the kitchen to empty the cupboards, is fine!

The trouble with CD, LL and of course D***n is that it is always there in the back of our minds as a "quick fix" possibility... I think this is why I'm taking this reintroduction so seriously, and following the instructions to the letter (including the one to ignore intermediate weigh ins, else I'd freak out each day!). I'll be doing this until the summer, I'm sure, and why not beyond... after all, I feel as if I'm eating far more now than I used to weekdays, just can't eat as much as I used to weekends!

In the country, we drive 18km to a hypermarket (where there are 2 different ones - we frequent one rather than the other as larger and more spacious aisles; plus 3 or maybe 4 cut price stores, but we don't have the time for them when just there for a weekend, but we do drop in if there longer).

In the city, we have shops galore and tend to favour the small bread shop for bread, fruit shop for shop type thing... one thing which unfortunately seems to be lost in the UK... I hope we keep them all here. One thing I do love about staying put in the city at the weekend (this coming one, for instance) and of course having so many different markets to choose from to get my veggies and fruit.

Sunny and bright here - although I hear that rain is due tomorrow (and showers for the forseeable future - that does annoy me, or will do, if it ruins my morning walk on the way to work, pretty much the only exercise I do!!).

Lunchtime: getting peckish! Bon appetit!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!! I'm not much of a "smiley" girl, but did make an effort and look for something appropriate, without success!

I hope you decided to have a treat meal tonight, whether it be you cooking it, or a takeaway (nicer idea?). What's it to be?

Slight upward turn on the scales this morning, but tomorrow's strict protein day is to sort that out, and my food behaviour has been impeccable which actually bothers me more than the weight, so I'm fine. My work trousers are still nice and loose so that's fine.

Dark grey day today but managed to have my usual 25 minute power walk on the way to the office before the rain came.

Have a lovely day Claire :)
Hi Joanne, thanks for the birthday wishes. So far the day is going nicely, although I have had a couple of chocolates so it is not going to be a DD. Probably more intermediate, then I can have DD tomorrow and another ID on Friday. We are going into town in a little while and I'll take a look in M&S to see if they have anything I fancy for tonight. Failing that I'll maybe splash out on some scallops, will report back tomorrow.

Well done on the self control front, I could do with a bit more of that myself - but maybe not today. I want to play with my new camera lenses and tripod to get the hang of them, plus I have some music files to sort out for people from the rehearsal last night. It is a lot warmer here today, although overcast as with you. I'm impressed you are still in the walking routine, now it is getting lighter and warmer it should get more enjoyable.
Thank you Tashy! Love that drunken smiley, will have to try and emulate that later. How are you getting on, is your mood really sad?
More than ready for a DD today, we had a very enjoyable meal last night (foie gras bought from the last french market to visit our town, M&S chicken with mushroom and bacon and M&S chocolate indulgence cake). Definitely not diet food. So today must be extra low and tomorrow intermediate so that Saturday has room for a substantial evening meal again. I don't really like dramatic swings, but it is just how this week has turned out.

I thought I was going down with this cold which has been hanging around me, felt pretty rough yesterday afternoon. But I slept through last night with no coughing at all so maybe my immune system is doing its job - hope so because I need my voice.
oooh how fabulous to have access to an M&S for treat food. How I envy you that! I always tell people that it was partly due to M&S closing down here that helped me lose weight!

Another Thursday strict protein only day for me today, but I'm less frightened of the concept now and have prawns, scallops, chicken breasts, and 0% fat natural yoghurt for lunch and very lean steak with poached egg for dinner so I'll survive. Nice foods of course, just "weird" meals!

Today is one month since I first started reintroducing carbs and fruit six days a week, and 100g down, so very pleased with that...

Tash - is everything ok?
Hi guys

Been having a pretty tough time of it. Was very ill with the pregnancy and then last week I lost it :-(

My husband and I have not been getting on, he has a gambling problem which seems to have got worse in the last 8 months since he got a very well paid job - he does better when he has no money at all!!! Anyway - I have really needed his support during the last few weeks (am usually very independant) and it hasn't been forthcoming :-(

Still - feel much better last couple of days - was my daughters 12th birthday yesterday and we went out shopping with my Mum for the day.

I have an evening ALL to myself tonight - can't wait - dressing gown, cauliflower cheese and some TV I think fits the bill!

Fab maintaining by both I see - well done. M&S food - YUM!!!

I'm much the same 11/9 as of this morning. Am going on holiday in April and would like to be a bit slimmer for then but to be honest dont feel too bad as I am.
Oh no Tash - I can't believe what I'm reading here, well I can, but you see what I mean. After posting "how are you", I checked your posts elsewhere on the site to check that nothing adverse had happened, but saw nothing, so left my trite comment. I am so sorry...

I think you really should give yourself some leeway with this whole weight and diet thing. You are so much taller than Claire and I and we saw those photos of you at this weight, and you're SO slim. I'm glad you have a holiday planned and ENJOY the cauliflower cheese (and its after effects, but since you'll be alone!!)

Stick around with us though, won't you, even if not dieting as such... neither of us are really either!
Tasha how rotten for you, of course you need support at this time, miscarriage starts a hormonal helterskelter which leaves the strongest of us in a tearful heap. Lucky that you have your Mum close, men just don't get it sometimes. A holiday is something to look forwards to, and since you haven't gained any weight you should be fine - although if you are like me it is always nice to lose a bit beforehand to counteract any overeating while away. Have a great pampering evening in.

Joanne, you are doing brilliantly, this system really seems to suit you. How is you OH doing with it? I would really miss M&S if they closed down, their food section is super. I usually try to stick with home cooking but now and then it makes a nice change.
OH is doing well thanks Claire... he stopped before reaching his goal weight, as it's true that as he's older it was showing more on his face so I was more interested in his getting into his clothes properly again, which he can. He's always been more reasonable than me with food and can open a bar of chocolate, eat a few squares, and put the rest away... the trouble was that he expected to find it again when he returned to the cupboard (not in this lifetime!!!!!).

He does have a peculiar addiction to Licquorice Allsorts though, and keeps a tin in the car at all times, so regularly goes to the car park to check the car ;) but while his weight stays down, that's fine! He's slightly less than when we started too (and I've not told him that we're actually allowed 2 x gala meals a week yet either!!)
Licquorice, yuck, I think it tastes disgusting! A very strange addiction in my book. I'm like you with the chocolate, have to finish them quickly or I'll just keep eating them - perverse logic that means if you eat things fast some of the calories just slip by.

I had a good DD yesterday and am trying to keep somewhere in the middle today - one of the hardest things to do I find. This evening will be easy as I will be at reheasals, no chance of eating then. Tomorrow will be excessive, I can't do anything to avoid that. So it may be back to the diet next week for a week or two.
This programme I'm now doing is far more "normal" than anything I've ever attempted (Thursdays aside). Every day is pretty much the same with carbs included, and fruit in the evening. Lovely! In fact the only thing I missed yesterday really was my apple in the evening. Not that I was hungry, but having been deprived of fruit between mid-November and mid-January (and when overeating at Christmas never once turned to fruit, there's a surprise!!), I now REALLY appreciate the one apple I'm allowed each day but Thursdays!!

Do you not take food with you to rehearsals? How many hours do you go without eating? I couldn't do that! That's when I'd get over hungry, probably faint (I do get dizzy spells sporadically), and eat something I shouldn't!

Don't forget re calories, Claire - if no one sees you eating, it's FREE!!

Have a good weekend. City one for us so markets for lots of fresh food both mornings. Long walk there, while there lots of walking, a coffee and a "people watch" then home to prepare our mussels, seafood and whatever other goodies we buy...
No I never take food to rehearsals, they last from 7.30 to 10.00 and I have to be there first so it's about three and a half hours away from home, certainly don't need to eat in that time. I grab something quick before I go, or if there's no time I eat when I get home, but by then I'm not really hungry. I seem to go in phases foodwise, at the moment I am keen to eat but sometime I lose interest.

Secretive eating is a slippery slope, no way am I going there, I've read about others who have to eat a whole packet of something and dispose of the pack at the bottom of the dustbin so no-one knows! That scares me. But it's a nice thought that they could be calorie-free.

I envy you your markets, we have a very small one on Saturdays, maybe 6-8 stalls, and the main one on Tuesdays - except when the fair is here. Have a lovely weekend.
I don't think I've ever ever lost interesting in eating, even when unwell... hmm...

You've only read about these people who eat secretly, hide wrappers and deny it all? You're talking to one! I've consciously encouraged my (previous) other half to go out to see his friends, given his car long enough to leave the street, so that I can go to the shops, buy loads of rubbish and have time to dispose of the wrappings (note: not eat anything already in the house, because that might be noticed). I was very good at that. I even used to go to different supermarkets to get my stash in, so that the till girl wouldn't think me greedy (duh!).

Frankly, the markets keep me going when I stay in the City. The smaller markets in provincial France aren't a patch on what we have here. Only on Mondays do we not have one in walking distance from our home. Perfect to keep filling up the old fresh veggies but now alas restricted to one fruit each a day, we don't go crazy on fruit any more...

You too, have a lovely weekend... and Tash too, if you're reading