The scales gave me 300g extra this morning, but not a problem as still *just* under and have a Thursday protein day approaching... for me, it's "bad behaviour" rather than "bad food" that I freak out at. Having a very controlled plate of cake, and not feeling the need to return to the kitchen to empty the cupboards, is fine!
The trouble with CD, LL and of course D***n is that it is always there in the back of our minds as a "quick fix" possibility... I think this is why I'm taking this reintroduction so seriously, and following the instructions to the letter (including the one to ignore intermediate weigh ins, else I'd freak out each day!). I'll be doing this until the summer, I'm sure, and why not beyond... after all, I feel as if I'm eating far more now than I used to weekdays, just can't eat as much as I used to weekends!
In the country, we drive 18km to a hypermarket (where there are 2 different ones - we frequent one rather than the other as larger and more spacious aisles; plus 3 or maybe 4 cut price stores, but we don't have the time for them when just there for a weekend, but we do drop in if there longer).
In the city, we have shops galore and tend to favour the small bread shop for bread, fruit shop for shop type thing... one thing which unfortunately seems to be lost in the UK... I hope we keep them all here. One thing I do love about staying put in the city at the weekend (this coming one, for instance) and of course having so many different markets to choose from to get my veggies and fruit.
Sunny and bright here - although I hear that rain is due tomorrow (and showers for the forseeable future - that does annoy me, or will do, if it ruins my morning walk on the way to work, pretty much the only exercise I do!!).
Lunchtime: getting peckish! Bon appetit!