Um, yeh - the other end, different story!
I've realised one huge difference 2nd time around - I just don't have as much glycogen in my body mass (presumably because I've been following Stablisation rules, pp day etc) so I don't see the huge drop in water weight in attack that I did a year ago. Nor did I get any of the headaches, bad breath, bad taste symptoms this time around.
One the one hand, this is very good news - in means that stabilisation make a huge difference in the way the body stores excess carbs. In fact, it doesn't.
On the other hand - you don't get that immediate huge drop in weight which does so much for initial motivation.
I wonder how big a factor that motivation (or lack of it) is in the difficulty some of us seem have in starting again.
I know I felt idiotically disappointed to just to be losing at normal cruise rates. That passed as soon as realised that I was losing!
Veggies today!