The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Its only through minimins that I've discovered just how foreign Ireland is :p haha
Haha, we do! I'd know, I spent 6 years working there! they don't sell them though! We don't have Asda/Sainsburys but i'm guessing you don't have Supervalu or Dunnes? We're really not foreign just not nearly a good a supply of slimming world stuff as the UK!

Oh never, that's no good! Even if you order online? When I googled them Tesco was one of the first pages to come up was the Tesco website. Never heard of Supervalu or Dunnes either. Feeling like we live on a total different planet when in fact we're not a million miles apart lol! x
What we do do are some bloody good syn free sausages though!! x

Yes I have seen those on IG and spent quite some time drooling over them!! :drool: x
I love Red and Green days but I've been doing them for so long I thought my body could do with a bit of a shake up! Really would like a big loss on Tuesday after my big gain this week lol.

They are marshmallow and vanilla hun! But I've just been down to SemiChem to pick up some more and there were none left. Only the honeycomb and chocolate (I'm not that fussed on those ones, can take 'em or leave 'em). I'm going to try again on Monday x
Oh I thought they were marshmallow and strawberry! Doh! Lol aww never mind if she can't get them I'll just wait til I get to poundland x
Oh I thought they were marshmallow and strawberry! Doh! Lol aww never mind if she can't get them I'll just wait til I get to poundland x

Have you had those rice crispies squares before? You know the blue ones, I think they are marshmallow flavour. That's what the marshmallow and vanilla Stix remind me of! Lush x
Hi PS :), your food diary for today looks fab. I was thinking of getting the `family feast' book too. Now that you say the recipe from it came out really nice, I might buy it also. I must get my hands on those honey monster bars, yum yum :D.

Kay xx
Afternoon all! A bit late posting today but I've not long gotten home from Warren's. We had a bit of a lazy morning this morning and just watched TV in bed - no breakfast but did have a cup of tea.

Just waiting for my lunch to cook. It's quite a large one as I want it to do me for tea as well. I'm at my aunties 50th party tonight so wanted something that's going to keep me full up and away from the buffet food! Also avoiding alcohol at all costs tonight. I think I'll even take some HiFi's in my clutch bag lol, just in case! I'm having a Green day today so I can have two lots.

This is how today is looking...


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

Lunch / Dinner:
- Quorn Meatballs and Vegetables (Mushrooms (S), Peppers (S), and Red Onion (S)) in a Spicy Tomato Sauce (Passata (S)and Crushed Chillies (S). Topped with Cheese (HexA) and served with Sweet Potato Wedges

- Chocolate Orange HiFi (HexB)
- Original Soreen Lunchbox Loaf (4.5 Syns)
- Pickled Onions (S)
- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HexB)
- Peanut Heaven HiFi (6 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 40g Low Low Grated Cheese
Healthy Extra B: 1 x HiFi & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 10.5
Weekly Syns: 52 / 105
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Hi PS, your lunch sounds amazing, I forgot about Quorn meatballs :p, that's going on my shopping list for next week. Good luck with the buffet hun, I admire your will power, mine is crappy when it comes to buffets, I try to stay away, but I know this can't be avoided as it's your aunt. Good idea to take the hifi bars to keep your hunger pangs at bay. Also a wise choice to do green, you can have more hex's :D. Hope you enjoy tonight, I'm sure you'll manage to stay on plan :).

Kay xx
Morning diary! Can you believe it's Sunday again already? These weekends just fly by.

Had a really good night at the party last night. Stuck to my guns and had no alcohol - I drank diet coke all night. I even resisted the gorgeous buffet! All I had was a little bowl of pickled onions. And when we got home I had a cup of tea and my HiFi's - while warren finished off a bottle of lager and a big bag of crisps lol!

Here I am before I went out...


Feeling good! And looking forward to seeing what the scales will say on Tuesday.

Have a great Sunday everyone x


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Weight Watchers Wholemeal Pitta (HExB) with 3 x Quorn Low Fat Sausages
- Strawberry Danio Yogurt (1 Syn)

- Vegetable Egg Fried Rice (Batchelors Golden Savoury Rice, Peppers (S), Mushrooms (S), Red Onion (S), 2 x Eggs and Soy Sauce)

- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)
- 50g Cadbury Dairy Milk Jelly Popping Candy Marvellous Creations (13 Syns)
- Coffee made up with Milk (HExA)

Healthy Extra A: 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy Extra B: Weight Watchers Wholemeal Pitta & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 14
Weekly Syns: 66 / 105
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Hey toots...
I manage to get those honey monster sticks today (from pound world)
Bought 2 packs (of the mallow/vanilla ones) and tried them straight away....loved them!

Went back in for the last 4 packs on the shelf..but the best before date was jan....thinking it won't make much difference, I said they were out of date and got all 4 of them for £1....winner eh lol

They're so sweet and yummy...seem too good to be a HEB -so glad they are! X

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Morning diary. Monday again already!! Why do the weekends go so quickly, it's unbelivable. On the upside though, it's Valentines day on Friday so at least that's to look forward to :D

Feeling really proud of myself and really motivated after my hard work and determination over the weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing what the scales have to say tomorrow! I know I was only aiming for 1lb per week, but I really would love to get that 4.5lb I gained last week back off. I won't take a huff if it doesn't happen though, I'll just be grateful for another loss to get the ball rolling again and get me back on road to my birthday / target goal.

Looking forward to tea tonight. Warren's coming round and I'm making us fajitas, yum!! It's been far too long since I had them, they are one of my all time favourite foods :drool: And of course, it's soap night. Monday tradition! :giggle:

This is how today is looking...


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- 2 x Plum (S)
- Apple (S)
- Passionfruit Danio Yogurt (1.5 Syns)

- Ham Slices, Carrot Sticks (S) and Tesco Healthy Living Cottage Cheese
- Strawberry Danio Yogurt (1 Syn)
- Plum (S)

- Fajitas made with Chicken (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S) and half a sachet of Discovery Mexican Fajita Mix (2 Syns). Served with 2 x BFree Wraps (2 x HExB), Jalapeños (S), 2 x tbsp Discovery Smooth Mild Salsa (1 Syn), 2 x tbsp Discovery Soured Cream Topping (3 Syns), 2 x tbsp Discovery Guacamole Style Topping (1 Syn) and Cheese (HExA)
- Shape 0% Rhubarb Crumble Yogurt (0.5 Syns)

- Banana Soreen Lunchbox Loaf (5 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 40g Low Low Grated Cheese
Healthy Extra B: 2 x BFree Foods Multigrain Wrap Wheat & Gluten Free

Daily Syns: 15
Weekly Syns: 81 / 105
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