The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Good luck tonight, you deserve a loss.

I was a tad surprised when you said you were having steak, I didn't have you down as someone who would eat steak!!! x

Thanks Michelle, here's hoping!!

It is very rare that I eat steak, I have to admit! I tend to eat lots of Quorn and chicken too, but not really a great deal else meat-wise. Maybe some bacon or ham. So I'm quite looking forward to it after not having it in so long! Going to grill it on the George Foreman so it's nice and quick and easy when I get home from WI x
Non-Scale Victory alert!!

Today marks the day I become a permanent member of staff at my workplace. I've been here for 4 years, but always on a temporary contract. In fact, I only ever started out on a Future Jobs Fund - a scheme which was through the job centre and provided 6 months work / skills experience. When my 6 months was up, they decided they would quite like to keep me, and ever since have offered me temporary contracts. 6 months here, a year there. Well as of today I am now a permanent member off staff.

Anyway, getting to the NSV. As is tradition with any kind of celebration in the office, I brought in a variety of cakes and biscuits for people to dive into. Creme Egg, Crunchie and Dairy milk biscuits. Chocolate macaroons and Haribo cupcakes. I did also pick up a packet of Fox's Party Ring biscuits, knowing they were low in Syns and that if I really fancied one I could, without breaking the Syns bank. Even though Creme Egg biscuits are my ABSOLUTE favourite thing in the world at the moment, at lunch time I helped myself to just one Party Ring biscuit, along with my yogurt, and left it at that. Feeling satisfied with what I had and proud that I managed to resist everything else! Especially as it is my celebration - usually if it's other peoples' I can resist no matter what.

Woohoo, go me!! :D
Waheyyyy! That's great about you only having one party ring, but what's even better is your job is permanent! Permanent jobs are like gold dust nowadays especially for young people so that's really good news!

Good on ya Stevie - They say good things come in 3's.... (NSV, Permanent job & weight loss tonight? :D )
Waheyyyy! That's great about you only having one party ring, but what's even better is your job is permanent! Permanent jobs are like gold dust nowadays especially for young people so that's really good news!

Good on ya Stevie - They say good things come in 3's.... (NSV, Permanent job & weight loss tonight? :D )

Oooh I flippin' hope so!! :D xx
Looks like we are no longer in sync Stevie! I ate 6 mini egg cakes today !!!
Thanks everyone!! A nice positive anyway :)

Looks like we are no longer in sync Stevie! I ate 6 mini egg cakes today !!!

Oh never hun!! You can turn it back around though - don't let that little blip ruin the rest of your day. And certainly don't let it run on into tomorrow or the next day. Look at me after last weeks result on the scales - yes I came home and binged on anything and everything in sight, but I then got straight back on it. At one point, for me, that was unheard of! If I can make that change then you can too xx
Woohoo great news darling girl!! xxxx
Congrats with the permanent job!!!!!
2lb off.

Wanted more. After the last two crappy weeks. I feel like I deserved a lot more.

But it's a loss, I shouldn't complain!

And on the plus side I'm now at a new all time lowest weight. And just 1.5lb away from my 4st award :)
Well done! That's a great loss though we always want more!
I know I am just being greedy hehe, I am pleased really. It's about bloody time!

I won the raffle as well, a vegetable basket all wrapped in cellophane and tied with a pretty bow :D
2lb off.

Wanted more. After the last two crappy weeks. I feel like I deserved a lot more.

But it's a loss, I shouldn't complain!

And on the plus side I'm now at a new all time lowest weight. And just 1.5lb away from my 4st award :)

Yay ! Go Stevie ! :party0011: I'm so happy for you hun, well done. I'm sure you will have that 4 stone in the bag for next week ! :D

Kay xx
2lb off.

Wanted more. After the last two crappy weeks. I feel like I deserved a lot more.

But it's a loss, I shouldn't complain!

And on the plus side I'm now at a new all time lowest weight. And just 1.5lb away from my 4st award :)

So glad you finally got a loss after all your hard work. Well done, you really are such an inspiration, you never give up! :) Fingers crossed the 4st award will be yours next week.

Ooh and well done on the perm job! Sounds like you've had a great week xx