The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Wow skinny Minnie in your comparison photos there!

Chicken parmos from the take aways are like heaven lol I might try making my own one night and copy you x
no that sounds crazy to me lol so you cook the chicken with breadcrumbs on do you dip it in eg? Then just put low low spread on it?

I'm from down south

Hehe, yeah they're a proper Teesside delicacy!

I just flatten my chicken breast (give it a good whack with a rolling pin), dip in a beaten egg and then into the breadcrumbs until it's coated. Then pop in the oven for about 15 minutes, turning half way through cooking. Because it's flattened it won't take too long to cook. Then take it out of the oven, top with half a tub of Low Low spread (HExA) and pop back in for 5 minutes until the cheese goes all melted and yummy! It's a bit of a faff on making the breadcrumbs, but other than that it's really easy to make :)

Wow Stevie, what a transformation!! I love looking at before & after pics, & you are definitely one inspirational lady :D


Aww, thank you so much!! What a lovely comment. You lot on here really keep me going :) x

Wow skinny Minnie in your comparison photos there!

Chicken parmos from the take aways are like heaven lol I might try making my own one night and copy you x

Thanks hun. Really can see a big difference when I look back at my "before" pics now. It's amazing what a few stone can do!

It's weird, I've never been a massive fan of takeaway parmos, even pre-SW. I would have one in a blue moon, but they are always so greasy. The SW version is much nicer! And totally Syn free. Win win ;) x
Morning diary! Feeling a bit pap today. Just feel a bit sickly and tired too. Will plod on though and stick to plan, rather than being tempted by junk food to "make me feel better".

This is how today is looking...

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed


- Christmas Pudding HiFi (HExB)
- Apple (S), Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes

- Jacket Potato with Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (Lettuce (S), Carrot (S), Cucumber (S), Onion (S) and Sweetcorn)
- Mini Curly Wurly (3 Syns)
- Cadbury "Screme" Egg (9 Syns)

- Going straight to Warrens after work and probably won't be home until around 7.30, hence why I'm having a big lunch. Probably won't be hungry enough for anything after a big JP, but will update later on if anything changes.

- 50g bag of BBQ Mini Cheddars (13.5 Syns)
- 2 x BabyBel (HExA)
- 2 x mini bag of Cadbury Buttons (8 Syns)
- Mini Fudge (3 Syns)
- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)

Healthy Extra A: 2 x BabyBel Original
Healthy Extra B: 2 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 36.5
Weekly Syns: 41.5 / 105
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Aww sorry you're feeling poorly my lovely. There's so much doing the rounds at the moment - I still don't feel right today and could murder a biscuit but I'm going to stay strong! xx
Hope you feel better honey. I don't think many people are feeling 100% this week.

You are right about not having crap to feel better. Healthy food is what will make you feel better. But at least you have syns spare if you need something naughty later xxxx
Thanks ladies. You're totally right, theres all sorts of nasty bugs and illnesses going around at the moment. The joys of working in an office - there is always somebody coughing and spluttering lol!! xx
What a boob I've just made! Really fancied something "naughty" so I went down to the vending machine. Avoided all of the chocolate and crisps and picked a packet of Mini Cheddars after seeing "133 calories" and thinking, oh that's good. That was for half the packet though, so I've just used bloody 13.5 Syns on Mini Cheddars!! Nevermind.

Still craving junk food. Dinner time and my JP still seems like a lifetime away. I have a mini packet of Cadbury's buttons (4 Syns) in my drawer so may have to have them too.

It's nothing major and could have been a lot worse. Normally when I feel like this I would get a coffee and a pan au chocolate for breakfast, probably go the vender for crisps and chocolate about this time, have a greggs baguette sandwich with crisps and a donut for lunch and then more rubbish when I got home from work! Which would usually lead to being off plan the rest of the week too. So I think a packet of Mini Cheddars and Cadbury Buttons is quite restrained lol. Just need to make sure I don't go too mad as I have to remember I am at York on Saturday!
That's really naughty of the Mini Cheddars - who the hell eats half a bag?!?! The bags are tiny anyway! Like you say though hun, it could have been a LOT worse! xx
Hi :p,

Just popped in to say I am green with envy lol ! You've left us for the 11's, how could you ? lol :D No really i'm so happy for you ! Great achievement, your doing so well, fab loss this week ! Amazing ! I can only dream to lose that much. That's my whole months target for the October challenge lol ! Well done !

Hugs Kay xx

That's really naughty of the Mini Cheddars - who the hell eats half a bag?!?! The bags are tiny anyway! Like you say though hun, it could have been a LOT worse! xx

HOW CHEEKY! Mini Cheddars are yum but not 13.5 syns worth of yum! Sorry they caught you out! x

Exactly ladies!! Totally not my fault that they just decided to jump down my throat and decide to be 13.5 Syns! Naughty Mini Cheddars!! xx

Hi :p,

Just popped in to say I am green with envy lol ! You've left us for the 11's, how could you ? lol :D No really i'm so happy for you ! Great achievement, your doing so well, fab loss this week ! Amazing ! I can only dream to lose that much. That's my whole months target for the October challenge lol ! Well done !

Hugs Kay xx


Hello lovely!! :wavey: Thanks for stopping by.

I'm sorry to leave you lol! It's really nice here in the 11's, but I am sure you will be joining me before too long :D

I am still gobsmacked about my weight loss if I'm honest. I would never have imagined I could lose that much weight in one week! It was my whole October challenge too lol!! Well it was originally 5lb, but then week 1 I had a 2lb gain. I have a day / night out in York on Saturday so just hoping for a maintain on Tuesday, and then after that I will be full steam ahead and see how much more I could get off before October is out.

Ooh, just realised it is you who keeps the Indian recipes thread too!! Some of those - in fact ALL of those recipes sound amazing. I must get round to trying them soon!

Hope you're having a great week hun :) xxx
Oh my goodness!! I've just gone and lost 7lb!!! I'm now 11st 10lb and have lost 3st 0.5lb in total - I got my 3st award tonight. I had a few tears of joy. So proud of myself.

Wow wow wow!! That is absolutely fantastic!! Well done :)

I never would have though mini cheddars were that high! I'm staying away from all mini sized things for a while. I bought a bag of funsize chocolate that were all between 2.5-4 syns but I ate far far too many of them. Think I'm better just sticking to one full size bar, well that's what I'l be trying this week!
Wow wow wow!! That is absolutely fantastic!! Well done :)

I never would have though mini cheddars were that high! I'm staying away from all mini sized things for a while. I bought a bag of funsize chocolate that were all between 2.5-4 syns but I ate far far too many of them. Think I'm better just sticking to one full size bar, well that's what I'l be trying this week!

Thanks lovely!! :D

Yes, the Mini Cheddars situation is annoying. Just pleased I realised though otherwise I would have under-Synned them which could have been dangerous.

I know what you mean about the mini bars. Most of the time I am okay with just one or two, but I have had times where I've gone mad and eaten nearly a full bag in one go :eek: Oops lol!

Hope you have a great week x
Well, the old faithful JP and beans did absolutely nack all for me! I felt sick eating it and ended up slinging it in the bin after a few mouthfuls. Now am munching a mini Curly Wurly instead. I don't know what's wrong with me today, I'm just totally off "proper" food and all I can stomach is chocolate. Trouble is I've got two "Screme Eggs" in my bag and I have a feeling I may end up eating those soon too! Not usually a problem as I'd have just pulled it back the rest of the week, but I know I have York Saturday. Really struggling today, not good!!
What was wrong with the JP? Is there anywhere you can buy something yummy but SW friendly?

Nothing was wrong with it, that's the silly thing about it all. I did this with my parmo last night too. I couldn't face it and just ended up eating my couple of chips and mayo that I'd put with it. I don't know what it is, I just can't bare "proper" food at the moment x

Sorry to hear honey but I've been there! Whenever I don't feel well or really tired, all I want is choc! It's one day out of how many! Don't worry your pretty head! x

Thanks hun. Just feel like I'm letting myself down when I know I should be saving my Syns for York on Saturday. Can't keep carrying on like this, hopefully shake it off soon! x