Welcome back! It is weird being off work, I'm sure I get extra excersise with being on my feet and moving round all day at work so I've felt really lazy! Back again tomorrow so the routine starts. Did u go back today? Great food diary for your first day back on planx
Good to have you back.
Good for you on the guilt thing. Look forward, not back. What's done is done and a guilty feeling won't change a thing! xx
Thank you! Yeah today is my first day back at work, and so far it's not going too bad. I was dreading it after two weeks off, but it seems to be going okay. Tomorrow I will probably find tougher!
I've been so lazy whilst I've been off too! Probably a lot to do with all the crap I've been eating making me feel quite sluggish and not in the mood for doing much in the way of exercise. I don't think Bokwa will be happening now tonightMy cousin who I am meant to be going with isn't texting me back, and there's no way I'm going alone. I might just have to do some stuff on the Wii instead, although I never feel as motivated doing it at home as I do when I'm at a class. We will have to see xx
With you on that one, never do anything at home! Bought a kettle bell ages ago and I've used it twice lol there just isn't the atmosphere and motivation there like at a class. I'm going to Zumba tonight's first one back for e new year! Hope she hasn't thought of too many new routines lol I'm not good at remembering steps! X
Grr, gutted!! My cousin now doesn't want to go to Bokwa tonight. I knew this would happen when I got myself pysched up and was actually looking forward to itTrying to see if I can drag a friend along with me instead. If that fails, it looks like it will just be the Wii. Diddums xx
Why don't you go on your own? Nothing to lose! Everyone is there for the same reason and you might make new friends?! xx
Back in the zone baby!! Well done!!
Ok, so I don't normally eat anything on a Tuesday until I've been weighed. Bad habbit, I know, but it's just something I've always done. Anyway, today I am starving!! I have caved in and had to have something to eat - on plan though!! These are todays eats so far:
- Chicken flavour Mug Shot
- 2 x Ryvita Original (1/2 HExB)
Naughty girl! Maybe this could be a new year's resolution - DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF ON WI DAY!! Lol xx
You normally have nothing? I thought I was bad with fruit and a salad until 7pm lol! Good luck for tonight xx