Had a really tough workout at the gym this morning!! I had to stop quite a few times, which is not like me. I couldn't seem to catch my breath, the room was so stuffy today. Enjoyed it though and that's another two classes ticked off this weeks list!

Just going to have a lazy day today really. Got to pick my mam up from the hairdressers in about half an hour and then we're off to Tesco to get a few bits for tea tonight. Then I think I'll come home and watch a film or something. Can't beat a lazy day!

Just waiting for my brunch, I am absolutely starving!! Can't wait for something yummy :)

Today is another Red day (totally loving them this week!!) . . .

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

Pre-Gym Snack:
- 1 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (3 Syns)

- WW Wholemeal Pitta (HExB) stuffed with Bacon and Cheese (HExA)
- Handfull of
Cherry Tomatoes (S)

- Liver with Onions (S) and Mushrooms (S) made with 2 Bisto Pour Over Pouches (between 3 of us, 1.5 Syns). Served with Carrot (S) and Swede (S) Mash, Leeks (S) and Broccoli (S)


- Mini Creme Egg (2.5 Syns)
- 1 x Rich Tea Finger (1 Syn)
- Highlights Hot Chocolate (2 Syns) made with Milk (HExA)
- Special K Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight (HExB)

Healthy A: 40g Low Low Grated & 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 1 x WW Wholemeal Pitta & 1 x Special K Chewy Delight

Daily Syns: 10 / 15
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Ooh I absolutely love liver!! It's one of my favourite meals. Just eaten it, I'm stuffed to the brim now!

The 'proper' gym at Aycliffe is Lifestyle Fitness, that's in the leisure centre where the swimming pools and stuff are. The one I go to is Aspire. It's just in a unit on our industrial estate. It doesn't have the machines like Lifestyle Fitness does, it's all just classes. But it's fab! I'd get bored on machines and what not xx
Having a really low day and you have inspired me in so many ways :)

Aww!! We all have them hun. If you wanna talk you know where I am :) Glad I could help, and hope you're feeling better soon xx
Ooh I absolutely love liver!! It's one of my favourite meals. Just eaten it, I'm stuffed to the brim now!

The 'proper' gym at Aycliffe is Lifestyle Fitness, that's in the leisure centre where the swimming pools and stuff are. The one I go to is Aspire. It's just in a unit on our industrial estate. It doesn't have the machines like Lifestyle Fitness does, it's all just classes. But it's fab! I'd get bored on machines and what not xx

Oooh ok my kettle bells instructor works in lifestyle fitness I thought that would be the one as he said they were going to be training to start metafit.

Someone at my group said theyed done liver with the diet coke sauce and it was really nice x
Morning lovely ladies, and Happy Easter to you all!! May all of your eggs be boiled ones ;)

Our house is full of Easter Eggs (7 of mine, 5 of my brothers and my mam and dad have 2 each!) so I have been good to resist them. Trying to keep them wrapped up for a little while as I know once I open an egg the whole lot will be inhaled in record time!

Got a bit of a busy day today, so that should keep me out of trouble. I'm just about to get up and get ready, then I need to pop down to Tesco for a few bits. Then I'm dropping my mam and dad off at Darlington train station as they're going to Newcastle for the night tonight! So will have to pick them up again tomorrow at some point. And then I need to pop to a couple of my friends and drop their Easter pressies off. And once that's done I think I'll just chill! Catch up on some stuff I've recorded on Sky+.

I'm really pleased with how this weeks gone so far. I know I still had a night out on Friday, and I didn't stick to vodka diet coke (we shared a couple of bottles of wine), but I'm actually okay with it and think that it could have been a lot worse!

Today is going to be another Red day!

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- WW Wholemeal Pitta (HExB) stuffed with Bacon and Cheese (HExA)
- Highlights Hot Chocolate (2 Syns) made up with Milk (HExA)

- Chicken Stir Fry (Chicken (S), Beansprouts (S), Cabbage (S), Carrot (S), Onion (S), Baby Spinach (S), Peppers (S) and Mushrooms (S))

- Quiche (3 Eggs, Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Mushrooms (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S))


- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)

Healthy A: 40g Low Low Grated & 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 1 x WW Wholemeal Pitta & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 2 / 15
I think you have done fab so far!

How about breaking your eggs up into synned bags hun and then they won't be so easy to inhale? I think I will only have one of my own so think I will give the egg to the hubby/kids lol and just have the creme egg/s out of it x

Thank you hun! Just got today and tomorrow to get through - Tuesday will be easy as I'm back to work and back in a routine.

I think that's probably the best thing for me to do! I am thinking maybe 5 Syns worth in little sandwich bags. I already have a "treat cupboard" which has loads of 5/6 Syns choccie bars, so I think I'll do that! And then obviously the bars / extras that come in them I'll just Syn those as they come. And hopefully that way I'll not go off the rails! I love Easter egg chocolate though, tastes so much nicer than a bar! Mmm :) xx
Don't tell me that! it tastes yucky because of all the extra crap they have to put in it to make it mould in that shape ;)

:giggle: Oops, sorry!! Yes they are awful. Really disgusting. Yack xx
My boyfriend got me an Easter farm instead of an egg so it's easier to syn. Different size lindor bunnies, mini chicks, milky bar cow and things like that. He's a good 'un! Xx