Gold Member
And my week just keeps getting better! Just been and raided the Topshop sale and bought two dresses, two tops and a pair of shorts all in a size 12 for £80!! Love a good bargain
Loving the date ,
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It was lovely, thank you! Looking forward to seeing him again
I won't be having rice as I'm on a Red day! And I refuse to waste Syns on rice lol. Last time I had it I just had a big plate of the curry, and it really filled me up. There's loads of SuperFree in there (tomatoes, red onion, peppers, etc.) so I think they help to fill you up xx
I see! I'm definitely toying with the idea of trying red days. I wonder are the weightlosses any different than EE! It might help me reduce my carb intake but then again I feel like I'm then cheating my having two HexA and two HexB so I'm unsure. Then I also might miss the syns. All the more reason to not have much carbs though right? I may start introducing one or two red days to see how I get onAre the syns in foods the same for red days as they are for EE?
love your diaries stevie ;o) i have been going through a pitta stage but using the asda ones - know they arent a HE anymore though.Are the WW ones good and if you have that with chilli chicken pieces can i ask where you get hte chicken? bacon and cheese? sounds lovely. WOuld you have all these on red days? i have been haywire with my food and reading up on yours for much needed inspiration. Oh also getting to love the Finns and had pasta wiht Kerry Low cheese spread - love the ideas
great news on the date ;o)
Stopping by to subscribe, StevieHave a fab weekend x
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I had a heavy weekend on the drink last weekend and thought 'sod it' and ate all manners of rubbish. Vegan pulling it back on Monday, wasn't great but I managed to still lose a pound - just goes to show, when you think you've had a tricky weekend, you can pull it back if you get back in the zone as soon as you canif I pulled it back a day or two earlier I could have even been in the 13's as I'm now 14 stone exactly. But that is my mission for next week haha! X
Hiya lovley xxx
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Got full faith that you can pull it back - I personally don't think drink does much damage but what / if you eat during and after. I don't pick at food when drunk, I hate kebabs/chips etc so never tempted on the way home and during a hangover I don't want to eat anything so all a bonus for me. I rarely gain if I go out drinking but it really slows me down on which would have otherwise been a great weekgood luck enjoy your night out and get some food ready prepared/easy to prepare in thr fridge for when you are feeling rubbish after