Good morning all Today is day two of my second 100% week - I'm feeling so much happier being completely back on plan, and feeling so much more full of energy.
Not much really to report today - I'm about to catch up with all of your diaries.
Hope you all have a great day xx
(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed
Breakfast: - Tesco's Red Fruit Delight (Strawberries (SS), Apple (S) and Grapes) - Banana
Thank you hun. My Uncle David is 50 today, so we're off round there tonight for a kind of tea party / family get together. I'll be avoiding the buffet though - unless there's any salad - and making my toastie when I get home later on. I'm determined to be 100% again this week, no matter what.
Hey everyone, thanks for your messages over the last few days, and sorry I haven't been around. Had a bit of a hectic (but fun!) weekend, etc.
Weigh In tonight and I'm fully expecting a gain, due toa take-out/drink on Saturday night and all day drinking on Sunday for Derby Day, which was then followed by an enormous hangover yesterday and the urge to just eat anything and everything in sight
I'm okay with it though. I know where I went wrong, and what I need to change next week. I really need to get back into the plan - I had a great 100% last week, so I need to get back to that.
I'm just going to go to class tonight, find out my result, and draw a line under it. I'm only human, and deserve to have some time "off". I'm going to stay to Image Therapy, embrace the support and fresh ideas, and go home re-motivated for the week ahead - tomorrow is a new week and a fresh start
You're right, the main thing is that I enjoyed myself - and I certainly did hehe.
Thanks hun. Will let you know how I get on later. As they say, the quicker it goes on the quicker it comes off - I'm sure whatever I gain tonight I'll manage to shift next week (hopefully!!)
Hey everyone, not long back from WI. I'm extremely happy to report back the tiniest little half pound gain I'm over the moon - was definitely expecting a lot more than that!
Tomorrow is a new week and a Fresh start. Although I have plans to go out for my best friends Birthday on Saturday, I'm going to be 100% all week and save the majority of my Syns for that night - damage limitation and all that
Thanks for all of your support - you are all fantastic! xx