RESTART: Day 1, 14/03/12 - Extra Easy

Good morning everyone! Hope you're all well.

I'm thrilled to report a maintain at group last night - I couldn't have hoped for more.

Today I've decided to "re-start", and get back into the plan properly. I keep telling myself that I will, but then I seem to fall off the bandwagon and never seem to stick to plan seriously. I've been messing around now for two weeks, and it's time to make a change.

I'm looking at today as if it's my first ever day on plan. I'm going completely back to basics in a desperate attempt to become focused again. I've got 24 more Weigh In's before I go to Marmaris, and ideally I'd love to lose another 31.5lb by then, which would bring my running total up to 3st. I know I can do it, so no more messing around.

Today is my last day at work for this week, as I've taken Thursday and Friday as annual leave. I'm also on annual leave from the Bakers on Saturday and also have Monday off too. This means 5 days at home - I'm looking at this as a positive, because although I'll be around food more than I would be in the office, I can be more in control. Nothing is going to beat me this time.

So, here we go. Day 1 of my fresh start..

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Banana
- Alpen Light (Half of HExB)

- Alpen Light (Half of HExB)

- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Onion (S), Carrot (S) and Sweetcorn)
- Tesco's Red Fruit Delight (Apple (S), Strawberries (SS) and Grapes)

- Chicken Breast (S) stuffed with Quark and wrapped in lean Bacon. Served with SW Roast Potatoes, Carrots (S), Broccoli (S), and Brussel Sprouts

Healthy Extra A: 30g Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 2 x Alpen Light

Daily Syns used: /15
Weekly Syns used: /105
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Hiya hun :)

Just been reading through you diary and thought if pop by to say hello and that I'm back at SW as from tonight (missed 4 groups as was on holiday and then had the last week off) sounds like your motivated and ready for you new start and target!

Also, I was a travel agent for 5 years and left 6 months ago, and my colleague / friend always goes to club aida (she married a Turk and her kids dad lives there) she swears by it for location, food, drink and cheapness! You'll love it!


Hiya hun :)

Just been reading through you diary and thought if pop by to say hello and that I'm back at SW as from tonight (missed 4 groups as was on holiday and then had the last week off) sounds like your motivated and ready for you new start and target!

Also, I was a travel agent for 5 years and left 6 months ago, and my colleague / friend always goes to club aida (she married a Turk and her kids dad lives there) she swears by it for location, food, drink and cheapness! You'll love it!



Hey Nicki, thanks so much for stopping by!

Good luck with SW tonight. We all have times where we fall off the bandwagon, have holidays, etc, etc. The main thing is that you have enjoyed yourself :) Don't worry too much about your result, you have already done so well - 36.5lb is an amazing amount to lose! So you already know you can do it. No matter what happens, try to draw a line under it and start afresh - this is exactly what I'm trying to do.

Wow, thanks for your feedback on Club Aida. I'm now even more excited :D We'd read stuff about it having a good location, etc, which I'm really pleased about. Also the cheapness is a bonus!! Where have you been away on your holidays, anywhere nice? :) xxx
Princess_Stevie said:
Hey Nicki, thanks so much for stopping by!

Good luck with SW tonight. We all have times where we fall off the bandwagon, have holidays, etc, etc. The main thing is that you have enjoyed yourself :) Don't worry too much about your result, you have already done so well - 36.5lb is an amazing amount to lose! So you already know you can do it. No matter what happens, try to draw a line under it and start afresh - this is exactly what I'm trying to do.

Wow, thanks for your feedback on Club Aida. I'm now even more excited :D We'd read stuff about it having a good location, etc, which I'm really pleased about. Also the cheapness is a bonus!! Where have you been away on your holidays, anywhere nice? :) xxx

Thanks for the support hun. Hopefully my ticker will be less tonight, I changed it when I was back off holiday to my post holiday weight but hopefully some of that is off now and official WI won't as scary!

We went on an 11 night cruise on independence of the seas. It was amazing! Drank and ate my weight too! But I think counteracting it with the gym everyday and rock climbing and ice skating helped!

Thanks for the support hun. Hopefully my ticker will be less tonight, I changed it when I was back off holiday to my post holiday weight but hopefully some of that is off now and official WI won't as scary!

We went on an 11 night cruise on independence of the seas. It was amazing! Drank and ate my weight too! But I think counteracting it with the gym everyday and rock climbing and ice skating helped!


Wow, that sounds lovely! Have always fancied a cruise myself - have heard so many good things about them! You're right too - with all of the activities you've gotten up to, you've probably counteracted all of that lovely food & drink..bonus!! :)

Good luck for your WI, I have everything crossed for you. What time do you WI? Be sure to let me know how you get on hun :D xxx
It's so much fun and the good thing is they do what they call a "vitality menu" which is 3 course for under 500 cals as they are so accommodating with all food requests. It's just fab!!

WI is at 5.30 but I prob won't get there until at least 6 tonight. Will let you know :)

What's days your WI hun?

It's so much fun and the good thing is they do what they call a "vitality menu" which is 3 course for under 500 cals as they are so accommodating with all food requests. It's just fab!!

WI is at 5.30 but I prob won't get there until at least 6 tonight. Will let you know :)

What's days your WI hun?


Wow, that's fab!! Sounds like they really cater for everyone, such a good idea. It sounds like you had a fantastic time :)

I have everything crossed for you tonight hun, not that you will need it - I'm sure you'll do well! My WI day is Tuesday, 5pm. I maintained last night after two very rubbish weeks, so I was pleased. Definitely back on it today though, fresh starts and all that! xxx
OMG everyone seems to be doing rethinks and going back to basics with SW. I must do likewise as I had a small gain last night. Congrats on your STS. :)

Ha ha! I really needed to start over - I've been shocking the past few weeks and if I don't reign things back in a bit it's seriously going to catch up with me.

Sorry to hear about your gain last night - I'm sure it was nothing and that you'll be able to lose it again next week! :)
Only a wee half pound but still must do better. :)

Ahh, half a pound is nothing in the grand scheme of things :) You'll get that (plus more!) off next week.
Evening Hun :)

Just thought i'd let you...short run down.. Day i went on holiday 9st 6lb, last Friday after coming back off holiday and having a chinese 9st 13...this was my new start weight.

Been to SW tonight 9st 8! Yay!! So only a 2lb gain since holiday but a massive 5lb loss since the weekend!

Hi Stevie. Good luck with your fresh start. I'm sure you can do it and will reach your target. :)

You will love turkey. I've been there twice. Loved it when I went.

Hope your having a a good night. X
I reckon you can totally hit that target by the time you go to Marmaris :D

Have you got anything planned that you definitely want to do while you're there?

Hope you have a great weekend
*slinks back in*

My God!! I've seriously let myself down this week. I promised myself I'd stick to plan etc. etc, but with being off work I've just struggled getting into a routine.

I feel quite ashamed of myself - I seem to just be mucking around so much at the minute and repeating myself week after week with "I will get back on it" bla bla bla.. :doh:

I've eaten so much junk this week, so it's inevitable I'm going to gain tonight. I feel like I've really let myself down - although yesterday I was 100% on plan and did 1 hours walking and an hour Bokwa class. Still nowhere near enough to make up for the trash I've eaten - I've lost the plot!! :lost:

So, here I go again..

Off to class tonight to face the music and draw a line under it. Now that I'm back at work I should be able to slip back into my routine - I know I can do it, I just don't know why I seem to keep self-sabotaging.

Oh well, only myself to blame :eek: Will let you all know the damage later on tonight xx
:bighug: don't beat yourself up about it hun, you have a plan in place for getting back on the wagon and we're all here to help.

While you were off work, did you do food plans or was it just a case of figure it out at the time?
:bighug: don't beat yourself up about it hun, you have a plan in place for getting back on the wagon and we're all here to help.

While you were off work, did you do food plans or was it just a case of figure it out at the time?

The plan was pretty much non-existant while I was off work :eek: Although I did make some sensible lunch choices whilst out shopping etc - JP with beans and salad on Saturday, beef in blackbean sauce with vegetable noodles on Sunday, etc.

That in no way makes up for the McDonalds, Greggs, and all the rest of the other muck. I feel ill thinking about it now - that is exactly how I got myself in this postition in the first place - I am not going back down that road again!! :doh:

On the plus side, did plenty of walking with our shopping Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Also did about an hours walking with the dogs yesterday and an hours Bokwa class last night (I loved it!! :))

I know I'm going to gain tonight, but I'm hoping it wont be too much. I think if it was any more than about 1lb I'd be gutted, although I know I only have myself to blame.

Time to stop the self sabotage and get my head back into the plan!
Yep you can move on from this hun and you will :bighug:

Maybe next time you know you're coming up to time off work, maybe make a meal plan. I have to say, having a meal plan in place today has been a godsend for me. I really needed it