I started SW in April 2009 but stopped & started twice (& gained it all back in that time) so in April 2011 I started over doing it at home, so I've been SW a long time. I've lost just over a stone but I've got over 2st to go. I don't mind gaining if I haven't stuck to plan but I do SW by the book so according to the SW principles I should be lose every week, I just don't. I don't mind trying new things to mix it up but so far nothing makes much difference.
hun, youve tried it before and then gained the weight back, and youve been doing it q year and arent happy with the amount youve lost....im inclined to think that maybe there is a better way for you. maybe change plans, combine sw with some other rules...such as no snacking at all...not even on fruit, eat different foods etc. you say that doing other things makes you obsessed but doing as you are now is making you fed up as you feel you are trying really hard and not getting the results you want. you dont have to become obsessed, i think maybe a mood journal would help massively and cutting some stuff out and changing it a bit. you sound a lot like me, i had been doing sw since september 2008, i lost some weight, gained it back, started again after dd1 lost it then gained it all back and more...which took me to starting again last may...i managed to lose 2.5 stone up until november then it stopped, i lost then regained, lost then regained, over christmas i regained loads, spent the whole of jan getting back to where i was in november then spent another 3 months messing about losing and regaining. it wore me down and i knew the problem was my mind set, i couldnt understand why when i was snacking on super free that i weasnt losing weight...other people did. but then im not other people. i have hormone problems and this became my excuse for losing and regaining the same few pounds. it MUST be that id tell myself, im doint it right, im doing all i can etc etc....but i wasnt. i was eating too much for me. i was snacking literally all night...on superfree then losing control on a weekend if i hada night out, then if i had a 100% week id still not lose much or id gain..i just didnt get it. i couldnt bear it anymore, i wanted the weight off...so i tried ww,i couldnt do it and found every excuse i could to not stick to plan. out of desperation i started browsing at other diets on here, i considered vlcd with sachets etc but i tried slimfast and i hated it so i knew that wasnt an option, and i started looking at the psychological side to weight loss, i knew deep down it wasnt the diet failing me i knew deep down that all the 'free' snacking was letting me down as i had less to lose than the year before and i needed less food yet was still eating the same meals etc. i knew i had to change my mind set. i had to stop feeling sorry for myself that i couldnt have this food or that food, and i had to stop seeing dieting as a punishment, it was my choice and quite simply i didnt have to do it, no one was forcing me, i either did it or i didnt, and sitting moaning about it wasnt going to get the weight off. so i set myself small changes. i wrote down the reasons i wanted to lose weight and put them into notes on my phone...i read beck diet solution (didnt follow it) and alot of what she said made complete sense, and i sat and was BRUTALLY honest with myself. i made decisions on what i could change to cut back, but decisions i could live with, i accepted that if i wanted a full bottle of wine on a weekend then i would have to cut back on food in the day, not have all my food and count it as a flexi day...this works as a one off but im sorry it doesnt work if you do it every week, i cut out snacks almost completely and i cut down on my portion size. i put restrictions on myself and didnt mope over it, like i had in the past, i just made the decision-this is the way it has to be ITS JUST FOOD and being hungry will not kill me and i will just wait for my next meal, im not starving myself at all, i have 3 meals a day, i eat a lot of foods i ate on sw but i also track my calories on mfp-not saying you should do this but this was a change i WANTED to make so i felt in control, and so i could learn eventually how much food to have so that i do it automatically for life, i was skinny as a teen and i thought like a thin person without spending too much time thinking about it...if i had lots of food one day i just cut back the rest of the week, i never had a problem with weight UNTIL i had a bad relationship and started using food as a crutch for my moods. if im emotional now i dont eat anything...unless its one of my meal times. i cant make rational decisions when im upset and lose control, so i just dont have anything. simple as that. its not allowed. i am more relaxed and happier than i have been in ages, i feel in control and im losing weight, im in the stone bracket i never thought id see again and i KNOW i will get to target. im losing 1-2 pound a week so its hardly falling off me and im doing it the right way FOR ME. i think you would really benefitting from dealing with emotional issues connected to food and why you eat, why you snack-are you REALLY hungry everytime you eat or is it 'emotional hunger' do some soul searching and be brutally honest with yourself, its not easy but i promise it was the best best thing i have ever done. i will never go back to the way i was and i feel happier. if i see a gain its ok, it doesnt freak me out or become the end of the world, i just keep doing my thing and its working. sorry to ramble on but i wanted to share my story as i feel it may help you, and you deserve to get what you want, the passion is there to lose weight and your dedicated i just think something is amiss but only you can find what it is....and i hope that you do