. . . Your so right Pom and I need to thank you on this... You said a while ago the whole battle with weight is in your head. It's rung in my ears for months before I actually clicked but I knew it was true I knew it was my excuses and 'sabotage' (hate that word) that were stopping me losing. Nothing else. I'd recommend everyone concentrating for a week on their thoughts about food and challenge yourself as to why your eating every time you eat and how you felt after. You'll learn a lot about yourself.
Thank you so much Lou - it's good to know that something I've said has helped you - and your head certainly IS in the right place now.
Well done you!
. . .also, can anyone explain this to me.....the last 2 days ive had a stramge feeling of panic about the fact ive lost weight, i dont understand it, i felt almost scared? it was weird, i guess i kinda cant believe ive got to where i have as i never expected to get here, and for some reason when i was thinking about it yesterday i felt a bit weird. maybe because id told myself i wouldnt lose it the fact i have has proved me wrong but i dont understand why i feel a bit panicky about it. im not going to stop what im doing as i wangt to get to target but i dont like this weird feeling...anyone shed any light?
I think loads of people have already answered this but yes it is TOTALLY NORMAL.
It was my "getting to target" post on my fred where I talked about getting my head around dieting and I had a very emotional few days.
I just could not accept that "I'D DONE IT!"
I still felt fat, I still didn't see the new me in the mirror and couldn't visualise the 4 drops in size. But woo hoo I was a 14 top again!
Now for a lady who really does have a very large frame that was staggering to me (even my doctor admitted that I was larger than anyone he'd ever come across in terms of hip and shoulder width).
We all have our insecurities and many think that losing the weight will solve everything. IT WON'T !!!
Can't remember who said it on here (and now can't find it either :cry

but losing weight will not solve the underlying issues.
For example, if you hated your job before - but didn't do anything about it because your weight was stopping you - you'll still hate it afterwards.
You need to go find a new job and let that give you a boost to lose even more weight!
Not so sure I've explained that well - but hope you can all see what I mean.
One of the big issues that many people have when they get to target is that they can't stop! Several people on here have dropped more weight and their C's get concerned about their low BMI. Again this is all about insecurites as people, like me, can't see that they have lost the amount of weight they have, or see themselves as thin (or thinner in my case - I do still have some flobby bits that won't go away)
Honest :8855: