Really sorry to read about al annya, definitely no dog walking, no exercise, he really should be as inactive as possible at the mo, my step dad is 76 this month and had a very bad heart attack 4 years ago, it was out of the blue and my dad also had very bad angina. Rest totally, as things that seem easy just aren't an option at the mo.
Don't ever say you're a failure as you've already achieved really good things, and sometimes plans and diets need to take a back burner, it doesn't mean yeah go and eat 20 maccy d's or owt but relax on yourself and get back on track when al's situation is slightly more resolved. Have you looked into private care? Or could that be an option? Or even 2nd opinions with other clinics?
My bf has been complaining he can't breathe properly for years his gp did nothing as did the hospital, but recently I made him see a diff gp and another hosp in the area and he was diagnosed with occupational asthma very badly and given meds straight away and booked in with a top dr in the field, it really does depend where you go sometimes.
Hope things get better soon.
Well done on the losses other ladies
And Lisa really hope the ad's have started to make a little impact, and things are feeling a little more in control. Sometimes its good to write lists, I know it sounds weird but when you have so many different situations as you say that have impacted on you, write them down, how they've made you feel, and if there was anything action you could take to counter them, or ways in which dealt with them to get passed it so you can try to understand how you could cope a little better. Even just the writing is sometimes therapeutic. I do it a lot when there's things I want to say but can't I just write and even if no one else sees just getting the thoughts out my brain helps.
Hope everyone else is ok. I'm still in Thailand, off to a full moon party tomorrow. Eek! Xxx