I'm the same, I don't really do the 30ds as you're supposed to as an when I feel like it I fit it in, I've never even gotten to level 2! Was going to kick start it all again this week, but had some awful migraines the last week and now full of cold!
I had some good news, well I think its good news, I weighed on my normal machine at the gym (like the boots ones) as it had been out of paper for 3 weeks! And it said I had lost 4.3lbs, so thats good! Finally dropped into the new weight range, and into my final stone target, just 13.3lbs to go!
I've got so rubbish with the plan, but after feeling really flabby (I think its because I've stopped exercising since I went back to uni) and trying on loads of clothes which were far too big last night, its pushed me to get proper back to it to shift this final bit.
Have a lovely holiday, I'd love to do an all incl, our friends just got back from one in st lucia, sounded amazing food wise! I'm struggling with life balance at the mo, our puppy is amazing, but I find when I'm home I can't get on with work I'm just playing with her to tire her out. Then before I know it, its school run time again.
Tomorrow I'm literally planning my life, and how I can fit everything in, a little roster! Going to work in some time to walk to the pool and have a swim as that seemed to do me so much good over the summer for toning my arms and lifting my yucky c section tummy back up a bit.
Pom! well done on being very nearly back to your 5stone target

Annya brilliant on the walking, sounds really good, how did you find out about it? As I walk loads and loads so to make it into more of a workout would be fab!
How u feeling now Lou? lady times the WORST!
Lisa, I'm exactly the same, since we got from thailand I have a good 3 days then a bad 3 days it seems! Can't seem to get back into it at all! xxx