A loss is a loss is a loss and you don't weigh more than you did when you first started xxx
Yes, that is the way I try to view it at times like these.
Think hay fever is starting already as a few people are complaining of sniffles and sneezing.
I am already getting itchy eyes from the tree pollens - lots of catkins on the birch and hazel in the woods just now. Tree pollen doesn't make me sneeze or sniffle though - grass pollen - especially timothy grass - is my nemesis. As you know I have been having desesitisation to grass pollen for thepast 3 years, but we haven't had a good enough summer or high enough pollen counts since I started the treatment to know whether it has made an appreciable difference or not
I do have sneezes, sniffles and a cough, but they are the remanants of this cold that I've had for the past 3 weeks that refuses to leave me :sigh:
Will be interesting to see if I get any this year.
If we get a summer that is..............*groans*
Bright sunshine here but it is cold