Don't give up Lou, at least it was a loss! Remember that slow and steady wins the race, and it will all be worth it in the end. x
I am dreading my WI this week. Cookies in the office Friday, quick sandwich as I was busy Saturday lunchtime, glass of bucks fizz at a wedding on Saturday afternoon, curry (no naan, but still) plus white wine Saturday evening, picnic in the park Sunday lunchtime, dinner at parents' house Sunday evening, curly wurly in the office today....
I reckon I'll be lucky if I don't have a gain, why on earth do I do this?! Does anyone else have real problems staying off the syns?? It's just that eating for me is so sociable, and so enjoyable, and also I eat rubbish if I'm stressed or tired, and before I know it, there we go, entire weekend written off and I get on those scales and know the result will be crap.
It's not even like I've been away on holiday (although there was the wedding and a friend's birthday was the curry). Sometimes it just feels like I go 1 step forward 2 steps back. Anyone else feel this?! It's like, SW is supposed to be sorting out my eating habits for life, but here I am, months into the plan, eating like a pig again with no regard for how miserable it makes me when I'm fat and put on weight.
God I need encouragement, I don't know anyone else (apart from at group) following the plan, I'm single, live with flatmates who have little problems with their diets, and my friends and colleagues seem to eat perfectly normally and most of them aren't remotely big. I've never been massive but I'm even just fed up of being chubbier than I should be, I look rubbish, why the heck can't this weight just come off??! I need a hug! Argh.
WI on Thursday lunchtime so we'll just have to see what happens. Sigh.
Good luck everyone else, sorry to bring things down. It's just because 2 weeks ago I had a gain as well, and only lost 1/2lb last week. It's so hard being a slow loser, cos it means that if you have a bad week, you're back to a weight that you know is going to take FOR-EV-ER to get off. Arghhhh. Need positive's so hard to take your own advice, isn't it?!
Good luck and hugs to everyone xxx
Lou - it is tough being a slow loser but as Hannah said IT IS LOSS. Actually it puts you on the naughty step. Anything over a pound sends you there! :8855:. . . and i lost 1 and a half. i feel a bit disappointed as i was the strictest ive ever been before and i felt my loss didnt reflect the effort i put in but thats what happens when your a slow loser i suppose.
Lou - it is tough being a slow loser but as Hannah said IT IS LOSS. Actually it puts you on the naughty step. Anything over a pound sends you there! :8855:
Keep at it chica - it will go eventually. Take heart - I've been at it 5 years on and off. I did a gentle stroll to lose 2 stone (took 16 months), had a 3+ year break but maintained, and this time I've sprinted my way to a 38 lb loss in 40 weeks !!! :8855:That's less than a pound a week.
But I'm happy because the tortoise always wins the race.
Don't give up Lou, at least it was a loss! Remember that slow and steady wins the race, and it will all be worth it in the end. x
I am dreading my WI this week. Cookies in the office Friday, quick sandwich as I was busy Saturday lunchtime, glass of bucks fizz at a wedding on Saturday afternoon, curry (no naan, but still) plus white wine Saturday evening, picnic in the park Sunday lunchtime, dinner at parents' house Sunday evening, curly wurly in the office today....
I reckon I'll be lucky if I don't have a gain, why on earth do I do this?! Does anyone else have real problems staying off the syns?? It's just that eating for me is so sociable, and so enjoyable, and also I eat rubbish if I'm stressed or tired, and before I know it, there we go, entire weekend written off and I get on those scales and know the result will be crap.
It's not even like I've been away on holiday (although there was the wedding and a friend's birthday was the curry). Sometimes it just feels like I go 1 step forward 2 steps back. Anyone else feel this?! It's like, SW is supposed to be sorting out my eating habits for life, but here I am, months into the plan, eating like a pig again with no regard for how miserable it makes me when I'm fat and put on weight.
God I need encouragement, I don't know anyone else (apart from at group) following the plan, I'm single, live with flatmates who have little problems with their diets, and my friends and colleagues seem to eat perfectly normally and most of them aren't remotely big. I've never been massive but I'm even just fed up of being chubbier than I should be, I look rubbish, why the heck can't this weight just come off??! I need a hug! Argh.
WI on Thursday lunchtime so we'll just have to see what happens. Sigh.
Good luck everyone else, sorry to bring things down. It's just because 2 weeks ago I had a gain as well, and only lost 1/2lb last week. It's so hard being a slow loser, cos it means that if you have a bad week, you're back to a weight that you know is going to take FOR-EV-ER to get off. Arghhhh. Need positive's so hard to take your own advice, isn't it?!
Good luck and hugs to everyone xxx
Lou my wino buddy (LOL) i also share your pain! those good weeks that dont show tend to show the week after for me, but they are never significant losses i might add. I know exactly what your saying and couldnt agree more!
my star week is vile, its more the ovulation phase (sorry about the finer details everyone) where it wouldnt matter if i didnt eat at all i would gain. nothing affects it. i do believe mine is affected to some degree by hormones and pasta! i also hear a few say bananas affect their losses in positive and negative ways.
its such a minefield isnt it ? with all the factors potentially affecting it you have done well. it feels like it should be more when you reall y put the effort in.
chin up girls lets fight on thru.....crikey i am dreading xmas festivity food !?
lol wino buddy i like it
i know im being ungrateful but it was more to do with the fact on my scales which are normally the same as sw ones i weighed bang on 12 which would have seen a loss of 3 so i thought if i lose 2 ill be pleased and just wasnt prepared for losing 1 and a halfi could be ovulating im not sure tbh its been that long ive forgotten what it all feels like hahaha. i had more ee days last week too so maybe i got my portions slightly off again and didnt eat enough super free but i doubt it tbh but its a possibility? im just baffled as to how i can have a great week and not lose loads yet someone else can not even stick to it and lose a ridiculous amount, i know were all different but the human body confuses the hell outta me!! im also now worried as i have a camping hen weekend and were planning on having junk food and loads of beer etc but i feel like i shouldnt go now as ill have a surefire gain if i do and im not sure i can deal with it right now, but thats just silly i cant keep myself from going out can i? im just going to have to be more sensible than i was planing on being :cry:
I am sorry so mnay of us slow losers are feeling down this week.
You all really helped me last week and wise words are a loss is a loss no matter how small and it is still going in the right direction x
Also Lou Pomette and Felicty you all helped me a lot by looking at my diary and saying about the fact I was going over my syns and I was in denial about what I was eating and you were right
as this week I lost a whopping 4lbs now I am not on the naughty step yet as it was the 2.5lbs I put on plus an extra 1.5 lbs but that is still 9.5lbs in 13 weeks so not yet 1lb a week.
My weight loss isnt a straight line at all it curves up and down like a really big wavy line.
I am going away to Florida in a few weeks time and last time we went 11 years ago I put on 10lbs I havent even lost that yet !
. . . Also Lou Pomette and Felicty you all helped me a lot by looking at my diary and saying about the fact I was going over my syns and I was in denial about what I was eating and you were right
as this week I lost a whopping 4lbs now I am not on the naughty step yet as it was the 2.5lbs I put on plus an extra 1.5 lbs but that is still 9.5lbs in 13 weeks so not yet 1lb a week.