The really slow loss team!

oh annya big huggles hunni. you knew the steroids were going to be a sticking point in regards to your weight loss, but im sure its still damn annoying. well done for going and getting weighed after a hard couple of weeks that in itself deserves praise. xx

well it is the dreaded weigh in tonorrow, i havent had a 100% day now for 2 whole weeks, i escaped with a pound gain last week, but i think its gonna be a biggy this week. i was so hungry waiting for tea to cook that i inhaled 3 sausages that were left lying about on the side cos hubby suddenly has the appetite of a hamster. grr. so that 16 and a half syns gone, then there was the light mayo in my sarnie, the 4 pieces of chocolate i accidentally ate and the 2 bits of crumpet with butter...lost cause! i am doing zero exercise other than the walking and cleaning i do on a friday cos the weather is so bad i really dont fancy pushing the twin pram in the wind and rain, so i stay in. need some serious motivation and energy.
Sorry I haven't posted earlier - a VERY busy weekend!

Sadly I managed to GAIN 3lbs at weigh in on Friday - increase of steroids, ghastly chest infection, bad eating, not enough water, working for the past 13 days without a day off.........the list is endless!

Ho-hum - must try to get back on track this week.

keep strong annya, it will sort itself out when you reduce these again. i know its not easy x
oh annya big huggles hunni. you knew the steroids were going to be a sticking point in regards to your weight loss, but im sure its still damn annoying. well done for going and getting weighed after a hard couple of weeks that in itself deserves praise. xx

well it is the dreaded weigh in tonorrow, i havent had a 100% day now for 2 whole weeks, i escaped with a pound gain last week, but i think its gonna be a biggy this week. i was so hungry waiting for tea to cook that i inhaled 3 sausages that were left lying about on the side cos hubby suddenly has the appetite of a hamster. grr. so that 16 and a half syns gone, then there was the light mayo in my sarnie, the 4 pieces of chocolate i accidentally ate and the 2 bits of crumpet with butter...lost cause! i am doing zero exercise other than the walking and cleaning i do on a friday cos the weather is so bad i really dont fancy pushing the twin pram in the wind and rain, so i stay in. need some serious motivation and energy.

i am getting to the end of my day thinking i have done well, then i remember the half a biscuit the boy didnt finish.....the fish finger he didnt eat.....the pieve of chocolate that "couldnt be harmful".....the half a packet of wotsits "just sat there" and the bite of buttered toast made for the little one and my heart sinks!!

i am not supporting you at all am i lou?? i guess i just know how it feels and how easy it is to slip. i hope your weigh in isnt so bad *crosses fingers* this is my ovulation week (i have gained-i always do) so i am feeling very guilty as well....but strangely cant stop myself
hugs to you too felicity. its so hard this time of year, its cold, miserable, there's food adverts everywhere and that has a massive impact on my motiation, when im seeing gorgeous food on the telly every 2 minutes i just feel hungry all the time!! i wish january would hurry up so all the fitness dvds will come out and diet promotions and ill be able to get my head into it a bit more. im dreading weigh in, reall really dont want to go, but am going to make myself go theres no point burying my head in the sand, i ate it, i put the weight on so i have to face it and make a decision, do i want to lose weight (yes) or do i want to keep eating rubbish that isnt even satisfying and keep gaining (no). were not alone atm either i have been looking about the site the last 2 days for inspiration and there are soooo many people who are lacking motivation. well just blame the time of year eh?
i also think when you are dieting you want areason not too, christmas is probably the only time (apart from pregnancy, birthdays, parties) you can. its a convenient excuse and it works for me !
Hi all

I have already posted this on my own blog but thought that here was suitable place for it to be.

It explains all the things that I am using as excuses NOT to lose weight

Bah Humbug
It sounds terrible, but I actually can not wait for Christmas to be over:(

I want all the invites for drinks to be over, I want all the works parties, with food and drink, to be over. I want all the occasions where I have to squeeze myself in to my (not so little) black dress, to be over. I want all the Christmas food and drink (that has been originally bought for other people) to be gone. I want to get back to my normal routine, I want to think about being thin for my hols in June 2012, I want to get on the exercise bike that I am planning to buy in the new year. I want to start going to the gym at work 3 lunchtimes a week. I want to go swimming on a regular basis (still cant find anyone to go with me).

Although I am trying to keep to plan, and will not put as much on over Christmas as I would have done otherwise, I just want to get back to my miserable normality so I can lose weight without other people trying to make me eat, and having too much temptation all around me:cry:

And breathe.............
Nice one Karnak - I think that sums up how lots and lots of people are feeling.

You're right Lou, its the cold and miserable weather that is making me keep heading for the fridge.

I remembered to WI this morning too.

Having started to lose the holiday gain last week, I seem to have put it all back on and weigh exactly the same as I did last Monday. Mind I did have beef strogonoff on Sunday and leftover rice with prawns last night. Rice always makes me bloat so it's almost sure to be that. But the odd sausage roll and biscuit won't have helped either.

But that now means I've only 10 days left to lose 3 lbs before I go on holiday again.

So ladies - lets not beat ourselves up. Let's just try to minimise the Xmas damage and promise each other that from 2012 we'll grab our motivation back and concentrate!
Karnak - there's lots of us in the same boat and it would be really nice to have you with us.

I'm just cooking green soup to have for lunch and the smell is making me feel REALLY hungry. But I will not head for the fridge now.
hey karnak, you summed up how i feel. i used to look forward to christmas when i could go out and party all the time and eat all the nice food etc, but when im trying desperately to lose weight it just all feels like a chore. but next year i WILL be at goal and will be able to have a bit of a splurge over christmas and not spend it feeling miserable and guilty for wanting to have what EVERYONE else is seemingly having in abundance. stupid christmas.

i have had a reduced fat cheese sandwich with piccalilli for dinner and i am wearing thick winter like trousers to weigh in tonight, i normally wear leggings and a vest top to weigh in but its freezing and i look a bit of a plonker in the middle of winter wearing leggings and a vest top, im in for a gain anyway so i may aswell just see this week as week 1 again, for the millionth time, and eat normal and not starve myself and wear normal clothes for the season im in. i may be back in floods of tears have been warned!! :(
hey karnak, you summed up how i feel. i used to look forward to christmas when i could go out and party all the time and eat all the nice food etc, but when im trying desperately to lose weight it just all feels like a chore. but next year i WILL be at goal and will be able to have a bit of a splurge over christmas and not spend it feeling miserable and guilty for wanting to have what EVERYONE else is seemingly having in abundance. stupid christmas.

i have had a reduced fat cheese sandwich with piccalilli for dinner and i am wearing thick winter like trousers to weigh in tonight, i normally wear leggings and a vest top to weigh in but its freezing and i look a bit of a plonker in the middle of winter wearing leggings and a vest top, im in for a gain anyway so i may aswell just see this week as week 1 again, for the millionth time, and eat normal and not starve myself and wear normal clothes for the season im in. i may be back in floods of tears have been warned!! :(

Hi Conlou

I think you are doing yourself a huge diservice!!

Just look at how much weight you have already lost, 30LBS.
Thats not week 1.

Thats a lot of success and sticking to plan. You have proved that you can do it (we all can) Its just a matter of us doing what we know is right and not giving into temptation. Thats why I want all the Christmas niccies gone, so I can get back to doing what I know I should be.
Dont be upset if you do have a temporary hiccup tonight. I weigh tonight as well, we can consol each other tomorrow:)
Green Soup - whats in that?
Funnily enough I posted this recipe on a friends thread at the weekend. Today it has MOUNDS of broccoli in as our friend gave us 3 heads of the stuff last night (he'd been out scrumping the local fields)

Mike's Green Soup

1 very large courgette (or 2 medium ones) chopped into chunks
2 chopped leeks
1 veg stock cube (or stock pot)
1 chicken stock cube (or stock pot)
Green veggies - anything - chopped up small
Ground pepper

Shredded cabbage
2 carrots - fairly finely chopped

Green veggies
We use anything that we happen to have in - including leftovers. I save broccoli stems, aparagus stems, cabbage hearts, lettuce that is a too wilted to use in a salad. Broccoli florets too if they are looking a bit wilted but basically anything GREEN that is superfree. No garden peas of course!!!

Put all the PART 1 ingredients in a pan.
Note - just use 2 veggie stock cubes if you want to keep totally vegan but the chicken stock makes it taste richer.

Add enough water to cover everything - about 2 pints is usually enough.
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes.
(I actually use a pressure cooker and pressure for just 10 minutes).
Whizz until ultra smooth to get rid of all lumps.
Add more water if it looks too thick!

Add the finely chopped carrots and boil for 4 or 5 minutes, until softened.
Add the cabbage and take off the heat and leave to stand for 10 minutes (I like my carrots and cabbage crunchy to add texture).

Bring back to the boil and serve.

You can add 1 oz of crumbled blue cheese to make it really luxurious if yuo have a spare HexA.

This should make about 5 or 6 portions.
Whatever I don't eat on day one I freeze in plastic containers suitable as lunch for moi. It freezes well and I just defrost and then re-heat in the microwave.

I like this soup for 2 reasons:
1. It's nice and I find it very filling
2. Its superfree so long as you stick to green veggies. So I can have fruit & yog for breakfast then soup & more fruit at lunch and I don't have to choose whether to go red/green until supper. But I'm just lazy!
i sts this week (well 0.5 lb off).which is a pleasant surprise really! god knows it will catch up with me next week.

lou go in in your swimwear if it weighs less LOL
Funnily enough I posted this recipe on a friends thread at the weekend. Today it has MOUNDS of broccoli in as our friend gave us 3 heads of the stuff last night (he'd been out scrumping the local fields)

Mike's Green Soup

1 very large courgette (or 2 medium ones) chopped into chunks
2 chopped leeks
1 veg stock cube (or stock pot)
1 chicken stock cube (or stock pot)
Green veggies - anything - chopped up small
Ground pepper

Shredded cabbage
2 carrots - fairly finely chopped

Green veggies
We use anything that we happen to have in - including leftovers. I save broccoli stems, aparagus stems, cabbage hearts, lettuce that is a too wilted to use in a salad. Broccoli florets too if they are looking a bit wilted but basically anything GREEN that is superfree. No garden peas of course!!!

Put all the PART 1 ingredients in a pan.
Note - just use 2 veggie stock cubes if you want to keep totally vegan but the chicken stock makes it taste richer.

Add enough water to cover everything - about 2 pints is usually enough.
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes.
(I actually use a pressure cooker and pressure for just 10 minutes).
Whizz until ultra smooth to get rid of all lumps.
Add more water if it looks too thick!

Add the finely chopped carrots and boil for 4 or 5 minutes, until softened.
Add the cabbage and take off the heat and leave to stand for 10 minutes (I like my carrots and cabbage crunchy to add texture).

Bring back to the boil and serve.

You can add 1 oz of crumbled blue cheese to make it really luxurious if yuo have a spare HexA.

This should make about 5 or 6 portions.
Whatever I don't eat on day one I freeze in plastic containers suitable as lunch for moi. It freezes well and I just defrost and then re-heat in the microwave.

I like this soup for 2 reasons:
1. It's nice and I find it very filling
2. Its superfree so long as you stick to green veggies. So I can have fruit & yog for breakfast then soup & more fruit at lunch and I don't have to choose whether to go red/green until supper. But I'm just lazy!

LOVE IT!!!!!!:eating:
Hope your weigh in went ok Lou.

Welcome to all the new tortoises x

I lost 1lb tonight which I am pleased about but it puts me right on the stone mark so I really HAVE to lose half a pound next week but I have two nights out and one is the work Christmas night which is always a big night. We shall see.
well done felicity and latte!!!!

i managed to somehow sts!!!! im not just pleased i am over the moon, i must have been better than i thought i was. i went in leggings in the end was gonna wear my heavy trousers but decided that was just silly. i am on it now. the only things that could possibly trip me up is going for tea at mother sabateurs and taking the kids to an indoor play centre but i can have jacket potato and beans with salad so thats not a problem. i have my new magazine for inspiration which im looking forward to reading once i get my little monkey to bed. im going to try to do some success express days today cos i like to have 2 healthy extras and you can on this and have potatos and meat so long as 2/3 is super free.
Something is very wrong, I lost 2lbs last night and certainly should not have done!!?

I had cheese and biscuits, twice and lots of it, Chocolate barrels filled with Advocat, Cherry brandy chocolate, brandy and coke coming out of my ears!!

I should not complain and accept it graciously, but it does seem wrong.I am now worried that I will have put that 2lbs back on next week:eek:
Lou !!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!! big surprise and what a pleasant one eh?? all that self berrating we did to our selves and we stayed the same!!

Karnak well done you jammy beggar ! all that food and you lost ??? what did you do ? please share your secrets x
Lou !!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!! big surprise and what a pleasant one eh?? all that self berrating we did to our selves and we stayed the same!!

Karnak well done you jammy beggar ! all that food and you lost ??? what did you do ? please share your secrets x

I can only maybe put it down to either speed soup when I was being good, or it may have been a * week the week before, but because of my age I am not sure about that