Crikey - me too! It's definately a habit that I have got into and am consious that i am drinking more and more. It's not that I am plastered every evening, just that two or 3 glasses are a regular thing. i don;t have chronic hangovers but i don't feel tiptop either. The cal consideration is a huge one too - like you say, food to soak up the alch, food to get over the alch. It really is a totally slippery slope.
For me it isn't going out thats the prob - it's staying in! we have a pre dinner drink, wine with dinner, an after dinner drink. I just can't afford the cals. I've go two choices; carry on drinking (and therefore eating more) or cut the drinking down or out. I have decided that on these very strict few days before we go on holiday I am not drinking at all. I guess dropping 6lbs in a week sort of says it all! We are goin luxury all inclusive on holiday so i will be drinking(especially as champagne is included!) but when we come back I will be straight back on the wagon. i can't bear being this size and thats it really.
Dom, you sound like you are already in much better habits than me - so good on you. I guess you could cut back a bit more if you wanted too and reap the benefit. Be careful though, if like me it is the totally forbidden stuff that appeals, then you must not cut out too completely. I am finding it easy to cut out at the moment because if I fancy a drink I just think ' oh well, I'll have what i like on hoilday'. Thats me - always playing games with my own mind!