Okay, so why don't I think you really 'get' it. Because you are talking about how you are happy with the way you look. You should be happy with the way you look....but I still feel you make the connection with what you eat and how you look. I'm not convinced that you really separate the two. I do think that you have come an awful long way though, and really getting close.
I love how you work stuff out it's so twisted it's the opposite of twisted - IFYKIM!
Ummm. I’ll get back to you on that one
I do care how I look and I would rather be plump and attractive(whilst not as healthy as I could be) than thin and scrawny and unattractive ( but super healthy)Is that wrong?
Who says you have to get scrawny and unattractive? But I get your point. Mrs Fairy Godmother comes to you and says “Tomorrow you will be 2-3 stone lighter” and you reply “on ya bike” Yes?
I don't want 'it' badly enough. You are right; thats why I slide off diets at the least excuse and start really well but fail continually.
Exactly. That’s why I think you shouldn’t diet
You are right, I need to look after myself better, eat well exercise more and stop being so interested in how I look or indeed what I weigh.
I think you should stop the connection between the two. Treat them as separate issues. We all like to look good. Even I like to look good

If I want to look good, I put nice clothes on, do my hair, put on a touch of makeup and some jewelry. If I want to feel good…not feel sluggish, be able to go for long walks, do roly poly’s on the carpet, feel in control of myself, then I eat well.
There is no connection any more. If I go for a walk, I do it because I want to go for a walk. As long as it’s not too far, it stops me seizing up. It refeshes me and I feel better when I sit down in the evening. I don’t walk to make myself look better, or worse. It has nothing to do with that. I don’t count the calories…I don’t make it an excuse to eat more. It’s a completely different compartment. I am motivated in a different way.
Okay, so you say you are happy with how you look…that’s great. So forget about looks. You’re happy now. So enjoy life but eat well and find some exercise you really enjoy doing to stop seizing up. If you happen to lose some weight in the meantime, try not to get upset, just eat more oily fish
So vanity has nothing to with it. Whether your vain and I’m not makes no odds. It just doesn’t have anything to do with what I eat and I would love you to feel that way too. Doesn't mean that I don't think you should look good or otherwise.
Sounds easy in those few words, but I know myself and I am not yet ready to let go of the vanity thing.
See….told ya
What I would like to alter is my linking my life to my weight in everything I do. Like I said, I have this list of stuff i'm looking forward to and I am putting up barriers. If I'm not thinner by then will it really matter? Only if I let it. I guess I just want to get on with living.
Indeed. So do it. Take care of yourself and your weight will take care of itself. If you lose too much eat more good stuff. (see above)
I am sorry that despite all your efforts, which are always so appreciated by me, I still don't progress in the way I know you want me to.
I want you to be happy, but I’m not sure that going round in circles makes you happy. I know you’ll get to a place when you either stick with the diet, or look after yourself.
I feel like you are standing beside me with a loudhailer and I have earplugs in!
No…just whispering in your ear. Ideas that you might like to mull over
Thing is KD, I have so many wonderful things in my life that I don't think I can bear to ***** for another day about the one thing I don't have - being slim.
Fab…not that I mind you bitching. Hey…actually, don’t think I’ve ever heard you *****

I want you to separate the weight from how you look after yourself, because I think if you can do that, you’ll get out of that circle. You’ll have everything you want.
I will try hard to get off those damn scales and stay off them, to eat better, move more and most importantly get on with my life. Perhaps that is the real 'rest of my fabulous life challenge'
Put your makeup on. Make yourself look gorgeous on the outside, and look after yourself on the inside too