The Rest of My Fabulous Life Challenge

Quite pleased with week one, 3lbs off, despite being very hungry/grumpy/not as strict as I should be!
So week 2, would like to see a better effort from myself! It is my choice after all!
Yes, well, I guess my 'choice' was to eat and drink too much! A lb on is really daft on week 2; I should still be buzzing with the new plan not letting it slip down the drain. Must. Do. Better!!!!!!!!!
Just re-read some of this diary from the beginning; stopped because it is unbelievably repetitious. The self delusion is incredible. I keep believing I am going to 'do it' and I never, ever do. I do brilliantly for a week or two weeks and then i slip ......
10 weeks to the cruise and I am panicking. What am I going to do?
Keeping everything crossed for you Barb. You'll get it off never fear. Look, if you aim for 1lb a week that's 10lbs off by the time for the cruise and if you get 2lbs off that's nearly 2 stones! Just chill out and take it a day at a time. Don't give up and don't panic, there's oodles of time yet.
Thanks Dorcas, I needed to hear that. I am just getting myself into a state and that is not helping. Have not been great(or terrible) on the food front today but just dragged OH and Ozzie out for a walk. Guess thats progress!
Awww cheer up Barb. Like Dorcas says there is no need to panic, you do have loads of time before your cruise. So chin up, you can do it and I am sure you will feel much better before your holiday. ;) Its so hard to diet sometimes because all you think about is food, well I know I do anyway, but I am getting better at that by occupying myself as much as possible so it doesn't enter my mind so much. :)

Oh and can I just comment on your darling little doggy in your avatar, he is so cute. I think he is sitting on our kitchen mat too, looks just like ours.

Anyway, take care and wishing you a wonderful day tomorrow. :)
Thanks Time Lady, it is interesting isn't it, how we all look at things differently. I have been panicking that the cruise is nearly here and yet you and Dorcas view it as 'ages away'. I'm so glad you said that, it has really helped me to stop getting so wound up about it.
I've got 10 whole weeks, I can work miracles in that time if I stop messing about!
Thanks Time Lady, it is interesting isn't it, how we all look at things differently. I have been panicking that the cruise is nearly here and yet you and Dorcas view it as 'ages away'. I'm so glad you said that, it has really helped me to stop getting so wound up about it.
I've got 10 whole weeks, I can work miracles in that time if I stop messing about!
Glad to here it, sounds like you are feeling more positive already, thats the spirit. ;) Keep it up, I know you will achieve some great things in that time, no problem. :D
Thanks again Time Lady, it is lovely of you to be so encouraging. I am doing ok, having a very stressy day but good as gold so far!
Well, not been too bad but not perfect either, decided today to get some new bathroom scales as the digital ones seem so unreliable. Hopped on my super dooper new mechanical ones and i am half a stone heavier than on the old ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I know it's not that i've gained that in a day, I know I'm the same as I was really, but flipping heck. Couldn't have gone the other way could it?
I feel low now, like i have an even bigger mountain to climb. Bugger!
Hi barb don't feel too bad, when i first started i got some new scales that said i was 2 and a half stone heavier i was gutted. x
Crikey Dawn, I now realise things could be a lot worse! By the way, you are doing fantastically! Under 2 stone to go!
Well, not been too bad but not perfect either, decided today to get some new bathroom scales as the digital ones seem so unreliable. Hopped on my super dooper new mechanical ones and i am half a stone heavier than on the old ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I know it's not that i've gained that in a day, I know I'm the same as I was really, but flipping heck. Couldn't have gone the other way could it?
I feel low now, like i have an even bigger mountain to climb. Bugger!
Awww Barb, don't feel bad that just rubbish luck because of the scales. Do you weigh yourself in the same spot every time? Because I know from experience that can give out different readings too. ;)

Anyway, cheer up hun, don't look at it as bigger mountain to climb, you are doing so well and know that you have what it takes to achieve your goals so this is merely a mole hill in comparison to that big mountain. Keep going, you will get there in no time at all. :character00255:
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Thanks Time Lady - you are sooo good to me! I know I'm being silly really but scales are such a big issue. Too big really!
Thanks barb iv got a little more than that to loss, keep putting on the same stone, but i will weigh myself tomorrow i think im nearly back to where i want to be.
Good luck with your weigth loss.x
Thanks Time Lady - you are sooo good to me! I know I'm being silly really but scales are such a big issue. Too big really!
Of course your not being silly, silly ;) Its hard not to make the scales a big issue. They are the biggest motivator and also the biggest disappointer. I have a battle with myself everyday, not to run and jump on those scales, sometimes I win and sometimes I cave. Its just a matter of training yourself to think differently about how often you use them and how they make you feel. Also remember that while sometimes you may not lose any weight, you may be replacing muscle with fat which is heavier but burns more calories in the long run, you might also be losing inches in place of pounds sometimes too. So don't worry about those scales too much. ;)
Thanks Gemma, I know you are right but it is hard to not use them as the only measure. I weighed this morning on both old and new and at least am the same on both. Trouble is both agree that I am back where I started. On the plus side if I hadn't started I'd be 4 lbs heavier on the minus side I feel like I have wasted nearly 3 weeks!

Something else is troubling me too - I am on tablets called Ketotifen. They are to control my severe allergies; before I was put on them I was on oral steroids and up to 36 inhalers a day to control my asthma. When I started on them a few years go I was just so grateful to feel better (and still am) that I ignored the side effects etc.. Recently I read up a bit on them and the overwhelming eveidence is that they make you gain weight and make weight loss difficult/almost impossible.
Now I wonder if that is the real reason I am going round in circles? I have been pretty good the last week, really thought I would have done well and I haven't. I 'normally', before these tablets, would start a diet and have a really impressive first week or 2's loss, that doesn't happen anymore.
Just feel concerned that I am trying hard and failing and getting lower and lower in spirits. If it's my fault I don't mind, if I'm just not trying hard enough ok. But if it is the tablets then what do I do?
So, despite the above I have ended week 3 with a 2lb loss. I'm pleased, i've got rid of the gain and got another lb off.
Well done Barb, a gain is always better than a loss you are back on track now. ;)

Don't feel like you have wasted 3 weeks hun, you have lost a total of 4lbs which is great regardless if the scales were wrong or not, you still lost some weight, it would have been worse if you hadn't of found out they different and you hadn't lost any weight at all. So keep going, plenty of time yet, you can do it. :D

I am not sure what to suggest about your medicine. Perhaps you could make an appointment with your doctor and ask him/her about your concerns. Maybe they can give you some advice on what you can do to improve your diet against the tablets if thats whats causing the weight problems. Don't feel down though, because you are still eating healthily. See what the doctor suggests if you want to. :)
Thanks Gemma, yes I think I may well see the GP - there is no way I wnat to stop taking the tablets but I would like to understadn the effects they maybe having. I have realised afer some research that Body builders actually use them as an alternative to anabolic steroids, in order to gain weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!