Glad to here it, sounds like you are feeling more positive already, thats the spirit.Thanks Time Lady, it is interesting isn't it, how we all look at things differently. I have been panicking that the cruise is nearly here and yet you and Dorcas view it as 'ages away'. I'm so glad you said that, it has really helped me to stop getting so wound up about it.
I've got 10 whole weeks, I can work miracles in that time if I stop messing about!
Awww Barb, don't feel bad that just rubbish luck because of the scales. Do you weigh yourself in the same spot every time? Because I know from experience that can give out different readings too.Well, not been too bad but not perfect either, decided today to get some new bathroom scales as the digital ones seem so unreliable. Hopped on my super dooper new mechanical ones and i am half a stone heavier than on the old ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I know it's not that i've gained that in a day, I know I'm the same as I was really, but flipping heck. Couldn't have gone the other way could it?
I feel low now, like i have an even bigger mountain to climb. Bugger!
Of course your not being silly, sillyThanks Time Lady - you are sooo good to me! I know I'm being silly really but scales are such a big issue. Too big really!