Carpe diem
ummmm - yes?

KD, you did know that was .4lb not 4lb, didn't you?
Maybe because it's bloody scary making a commitment 'yet again'. I should know because I've made dozens of sweeping 'I'm going to do it this time' statements. Clearly, I never committed fully to ONE of them.
When it all goes to rats I feel a failure - and if I've made a public statement then I feel a public failure. Not a good feeling.
That's why I've kept it calmer this time. It's more a case of yes, I'm giving it my all but I'm human and guess what - I may slip!!
That's not a pessimistic approach - just a realistic one. I'm not going to yell from the rooftops anymore - one slip and the fall is hard and painful. I'll just sit quietly on a bench and wave a flag instead - less pressure and people still notice
I thought RC might suit you because you're so good with your cal counting. I don't know about you but I just can't get on with psuedo words like 'syns' and 'points' (I'm not slamming those plans though - they are fab and work brilliantly for some people ... just not for me). I just like my food to be food - my cals to be cals and my fat percentage to be just that ... not converted to anything else. I know where I am with a calorie!
You've shown you have the control and the determination now you just need the self-belief. Do you think a structured plan might help you? Or would it make you curb the things you don't want to curb.
Your method IS working but at a very gentle pace. There is NOTHING wrong with that but the question is ... Is it enough for you? Or do you want more?
Perhaps it's time for some soul searching and only you know what you REALLY want then you can commit to it.![]()