Ok, just checked my cal needs and to maintain I need 2336 a day!

So here's the plan;
Mon 1400, Tue 1100, Wed 1300, Thur 1100, Fri 1500, Sat 1800, Sun 1200. Total = 9400
That gives me a cal 'deficit' of 6952 cals, which should show a regular loss of 2lbs ish a week.
I can be flexible with the days and amounts so long as overall I don't exceed the weekly total. I have built in extra for the weekend, which is sensible as that is when we are likely to be out and about. The lower cal days will be totally alch free. I will need all those cals for good quality healthy food.
I have not allowed for much exercise. I know this is a bad time of year for me, so any I do will be a bonus, but I am not relying on it!
So there's the ongoing development of the 'rest of my fabulous life challenge'.
I am looking forward to getting this weight down once and for all!!!!