Aww bless you all, thank you for leaving such lovely messages

If I had time, I'd reply to each and everyone of you individually and express my gratitude. Thank you all for thinking of me, for visiting and making me feel valued
OK, time to update on everything. The move went reasonably smoothly, the new house is lovely, in a very pretty little town. I, however, am not living there. My *husband* and I are staying with his parents until we get jobs. We were without internet until recently as well, hence the long absence. I was incredibly busy with wedding planning anyway, so I might not have been around a lot.
Now for the big day...

It was just so wonderful! Absolutely perfect, nothing went wrong, everything was relaxed, laid back and everyone seemed happy. The happiest, obviously, were Tim and me

Seeing him from the bottom of the aisle was the best feeling in the world, all I wanted to do was run to him and give him a big squeeze!
The service was wicked, a good family friend of ours did it at no cost. He's a very off the wall Catholic priest, who gets stern looks from his regular congrigation for swearing a lot! Part of the service turned into a rant about how our wedding clashed with the 2nd rugby tests!
The reception was great too! I'd been dubious, but the buffet was lovely, the atmosphere was alive and buzzing, and the ceidleh was awesome!! Though hard to dance in a big dress

The wedding night was off site, at a big-ass castle in the sticks! That was gorgous too, such a massive room and huge bed. Would have slept brilliantly if my toddler niece hadn't given me a cold!!
And now amist all the joy, I'm still going to winge about my dire food attitudes. Have had several meals out, several take aways, the stress has left me over eating sweet, indulgent things I know I shouldn't have, and lack of time and injury meant that exercise has been lax too. But I started running again yesterday, and did the 8.5 mile race last week, and played squash with hubby this afternoon. Will be going running tomorrow, getting lost in this reasonably unfamiliar place. Foodwise I've started getting better, I've now had two days cake and chocolate free! Taking it a day at a time, and hopefully I'll be feel less round soon.
Time to catch up on some diaries! Hope everyone's well