The Spoon and Me -- Bronski's Diary

Good luck and congratulations for the wedding! You deserve it! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be and more! xx
Happy Wedding Day!!!

Aww bless you all, thank you for leaving such lovely messages :) If I had time, I'd reply to each and everyone of you individually and express my gratitude. Thank you all for thinking of me, for visiting and making me feel valued :)

OK, time to update on everything. The move went reasonably smoothly, the new house is lovely, in a very pretty little town. I, however, am not living there. My *husband* and I are staying with his parents until we get jobs. We were without internet until recently as well, hence the long absence. I was incredibly busy with wedding planning anyway, so I might not have been around a lot.

Now for the big day... :D :D It was just so wonderful! Absolutely perfect, nothing went wrong, everything was relaxed, laid back and everyone seemed happy. The happiest, obviously, were Tim and me :) Seeing him from the bottom of the aisle was the best feeling in the world, all I wanted to do was run to him and give him a big squeeze!

The service was wicked, a good family friend of ours did it at no cost. He's a very off the wall Catholic priest, who gets stern looks from his regular congrigation for swearing a lot! Part of the service turned into a rant about how our wedding clashed with the 2nd rugby tests!

The reception was great too! I'd been dubious, but the buffet was lovely, the atmosphere was alive and buzzing, and the ceidleh was awesome!! Though hard to dance in a big dress :rolleyes: The wedding night was off site, at a big-ass castle in the sticks! That was gorgous too, such a massive room and huge bed. Would have slept brilliantly if my toddler niece hadn't given me a cold!!

And now amist all the joy, I'm still going to winge about my dire food attitudes. Have had several meals out, several take aways, the stress has left me over eating sweet, indulgent things I know I shouldn't have, and lack of time and injury meant that exercise has been lax too. But I started running again yesterday, and did the 8.5 mile race last week, and played squash with hubby this afternoon. Will be going running tomorrow, getting lost in this reasonably unfamiliar place. Foodwise I've started getting better, I've now had two days cake and chocolate free! Taking it a day at a time, and hopefully I'll be feel less round soon.

Time to catch up on some diaries! Hope everyone's well :)

Glad it all worked out well love!!! And its good to have you back!
awesome!! glad you had such a wonderful day bron... and lets face it. you are allowed a treat or two around your wedding...

abz xx
Awwww congratulations, I'm so glad that everything went so smoothly :D Must feel amazing after all the planning and preparation that goes into a wedding, for it all to pull together and you can now get on with life after wedding! :D So glad the house move went well as well, because that can be very stressful.

And don't worry about the eating, you'll get back into good habits again and lose any squatters that you may have gained.
awwwwwwwwww!! so glad it went well for you sounds very good :D

would love to see some photos of you and where you got married?
No photos yet? We're all dying to see them.

Good luck for weigh in tomorrow. x x :D
Hey girlies!

Silence: Thanks babe, it's great to be able to get back on again :)

Clarri: Thanks babe! It's so exciting being a missus, it one of the best things ever filling in my driving licence for a name change.

Abz: I think it's been a month-long string of treats in the run up, during and post wedding :D

Ellie: Oh it was so worth it! After all the agro with guests, and all the stress and work, it was wonderful to have it all work out so perfectly! And my guests didn't even argue! Good, innit :D

Georgie: For you (and Clarri) m'dear, I will post pics!


Sorry I went AWOL again for a while there. Various busy-ness going on; been away to Waddington Air Show (awesome!!) then regular stuff; Guides, food shopping, errands etc. etc.

Big thing at the moment that's taking up time is job hunting. Hubs and I are both at it, it's harder work than you think at first :confused: We'll get there though.

Now let's see, pics pics pics...



There will be more, but these are my favs from Facebook. Top is me as I was leaving, and bottom is us with my mates from animation. Got the proofs the other day, so will scan in some of those and do some cropping.

Eating still not great, and running still a bit stilted, but getting back into it again, though slept in for a another 30 minutes this morning before finally getting up! Need to update my ticker!

Will catch you all soon! Friday weighers, hope it's a good un!

Wow hun you look beautiful & so, so happy.

I don't think I've got you on FB. Can I add you so I can check out the others? x x
Jools: Thanks babe :) Nope, we're not, I'll PM you my name in a sec :D

Clarri: Awww bless ya thank you :D I like to think I'm a smiley person by nature! I was definitely smiley, if a little watery eyed on my wedding day :)

Jane: Thanks babe! It was just the best feeling ever when I glimpsed him down the aisle, it was like I was meeting him for a first date all over again :)


OK, transpires that married life = busier than I thought, despite being unemploued with a client who refuses to email back. Helped out at the 24 hour marathon over the weekend, which father in law competed in, and which I'm going to compete in in a few years time too! :D Was ace, but so tiring! Monday was running errands and yesterday hubs graduated! Also getting used to a new place and new routines. TC's parents aren't the kind that have computers on all the time, and the main time I caught up on here was when I was having lunch or tea, but now we have civil family meals at the table - golly!

Eating still crap - for example, licked out the brownie mix bowl this morning, and probably ate more calories than the runners burnt staying awake over the weekend - but the weekend has inspired me to start running again. So once I've opened the wedding presents that have just arrived (JOY!!!!!) and had lunch, I'm going on a 7.5 mile run. Also running tomorrow and friday.

I'm going to have a long, hard think about my eating and report back with a plan. Running's good for making plans, I'll do it then.

Later all!

Jools: Thanks babe :) Nope, we're not, I'll PM you my name in a sec :D - THANKS - I THINK I FOUND YOU & ADDED YOU! :)

I'm going on a 7.5 mile run - DID YOU GO? HOW DID YOU DO? Bron

Just noticed your Land's End to John O'Groats ticker. What a good idea. I might do something like that.

Have a great day. x x :D
Jools: Thanks for the add :D Like I said, I meant to get back and PM you but the pressies came and I got waylaid :rolleyes: I did go on the run, it was ace! Even better for the 10k one I did last night. Something very romantic about running in the rain in the pitch black down country lanes! Today's ended up being about 6 miles, but I got stared down by a small dog which kind of spoilt the end of it... Oo, definitely do a distance challenge! I love being able to add to the ticker, makes me feel better since I can't take anything off the weight one :D


Sorry guys, I want to check round everyone's diaries, but the connection here is so sh!tty at the moment it's unbareable. I'm typing and nothing comes up for about 30 seconds. That and I'm off to Guide camp this weekend, so this is more a drive by to say I'll be away for a few days. Then when I come back things are going to be busy again.

Well, I had a couple of better days, but today's gone completely down the toilet yet again :( *sigh* Wish I could do as well as I was doing before, it's so frustrating. At least I've been running more again, which is a small consolation. Once Guide camp's finished, I'm really going to make a great effort, I will be slimmer again!

Just seen your pics - you look absolutely gorgeous!!!
Hope you're having a good weekend. x x