The Ups and Downs along my journey

Well done you for not mugging anyone! you had to make 3 collars? Is that what you do? Also well done for having something healthy on a DD. I'm not sure I've managed that yet!
Woo-hoo, enjoy your salad ;) I used to never eat salad a few years ago, now I love the stuff!

I do like salad (but this will be the first time on a DD) but only herb salad and strong leaves - I am not an iceburg or floppy lettuce person
I like rocket spinach lambs lettuce etc and lots of corriander basil parsley

Well done you for not mugging anyone! you had to make 3 collars? Is that what you do?
I make dog collars - mostly martingale type collars and the profits all go to the rescue my greyhound came from

Also well done for having something healthy on a DD. I'm not sure I've managed that yet!

this will be my first healthy dd meal

my daughter has been round for a bit this afternoon - this was great as it saved me from thinking of food

she was wearing a short sleeved top - and I am here in jeans and a sweater dress with a down filled gillet on - I asked her if she was cold and she just looked at me

so I am as usual feeling cold on my DD

but I feel so good - its really hard to describe how I feel - but my mood is so lifted - 2 weeks ago I was in the pits of depression and putting my meds up - they have know kicked in and on DD's I am sure my mood is more elevated
this is good news

now I want it to start working my the arthritis - maybe it is as my joints are more painful - perhaps they will be and then it will lessen

anyone else finding any health benefits apart from the weight loss
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Yes read my post on PMS :D Also used to get (see USED TO lol!) IBS before I started juddd, had no symptoms since :D Love it!!!

I'm feeling cold today and it's an up day lol!
Yes read my post on PMS :D Also used to get (see USED TO lol!) IBS before I started juddd, had no symptoms since :D Love it!!!

I'm feeling cold today and it's an up day lol!

just read it and responded
when I got pms it was so bad I was dangerous and dh MADE me see the doctor
Wow!! You did soo good!!! I can't believe you had such wonderful will power to walk by that stuff and not get any!!! You are strong girl!

Keep it up! :D
Wow!! You did soo good!!! I can't believe you had such wonderful will power to walk by that stuff and not get any!!! You are strong girl!

Keep it up! :D

really do have to admit it wasnt easy
but now I look back it was a silly time to go - isnt hindsight a wonderful thing

right girls I am up again at silly oclock with a really violent headache - its so bad I feel a bit sick - infact this could be the start of a migraine (not had one in months)

still planning a med day - but if it is a migraine and I end up in bed it could well be a dd - that would be two in a row - not the best plan but I didnt know I was going to be suffering

problems with migraines is not only does it affect your head but your stomach stops digesting (well slows right down) thats why meds need to be taken so early in an attack

I am supposed to be going out tomorrow (well today now)
well after taking paracetamol I eventually went back to bed at about 5.30 and was woken at 8.15 to get ready to go out

only to find I am really early - DH thought I would drift back off to sleep :):)

I still feel icky with a background headache - so I wont be having breakfast on my med day

will see how I feel for lunch - if I am no better than this I think today might well turn into a dd - I know we shouldnt - but we cant paln for these things
If I didnt HAVE to go out I would still be in bed trying to sleep this off

I am still very motivated - joints a bit sore again today - but not as bad as they have been - could I be in remission - or could it just be a daily fluctuation
really hoping it was bad in the week due to the diet and my body entering the stress phase :):)
I don't think i would count it as a DD if you're not well. Hope it goes and you don't feel any worse. Maybe getting out of the house will take your mind off it a bit.
Hope you're head doesn't get any worse, that's not nice. Hugs x
well the headache has faded - its not gone but its not so bad now I cant eat
I have 2 slices of wholemeal nimble (because it was in the freezer) with onion and cheese made into a toasted cheese sarnie
I have also picked on sesame sticks (oops)
dinner tonight will be a veggie pattie thing with oven cooked potato wedges with salad (less cals than last night) 350

so think I am still well within a md
Im glad your headache is doing better.... Those headaches ain't anything to play around with... They can make you so sick! YUCK! :(
My headache is still sitting here in the background I am going to go to bed with a tablet shortly and see if I can sleep
well the last post was 8 hours ago - so yes I did sleep
but I am awake now with a further headache - and it is worse than yesterday
living like this is not going to be good for me
I love eating this way but I wont be able to live with headaches for long
so I am really hoping its a getting rid of toxins type thingy - or the kicking in of the sirt1 gene

I have very few plans for sunday
they are as follows
its an UP day
so eggs on toast for breakfast (see if headache allows eating)
I will then prepare veg for roasting for a roasted veggie casserole
once roasted into the slow cooker it will go (that will be my dd food for the week)

I also have christmas puddings to cook - the mixture has been sitting over night - I think there will be at least 6 more likely 8 of them to cook

I really enjoyed the toasted cheese sarnie yesterday at lunch so will most likely have the same again
and then a veggie option with veg and a couple of roasties for dinner tonight

I will be weighing in later today - not an official weigh in that is tuesday - but it does give me a clue as to how I am doing
another five hours have passed
I still have a headache - I have now tried ibruprofen and paracetamol
because to the ibruprofen (its a mega dose tablet 600mg from doctor) I have had to eat
so I have had scrambled eggs on toast - very nice but I still feel sick and have the headache - not sure if my stomach is going to be digesting it in a hurry

I have put all the christmas pudding mix into bowls - 10 individual ones and four family sized ones

they will be on and cooking throughout the day

we do not have a busy day planned today - I will see how the puddings go and might take the dogs out later for a nice walk somewhere different

I have also started my christmas shopping - very early for me

I have finished the premmie baby outfit and will be delivering that tomorrow - the outfit NOT the baby - so just need to wrap that

so I think a leisurely day is in order

right off to do puddings and start them cooking and prepare the veg for the roasted veg casserole

hope you all have fantastic days today
mine is an up day
Hope you're headache goes soon hun :( Hugs! Good luck with the puddings :D
well I have done very little today
cant remember if I said the premmie baby things I was knitting are all done now
really cute - all wrapped up ready to give to grandma tomorrow

headache sitting in the background still
I have eaten really nice food today and made and eaten some rice pudding

all the christmas puds are cooked 4 big ones 10 small ones or will be by bedtime

I am just going to go and have a bath and then come back down to catch up with everyones posts before bedtime
hope you all had a great weekend

for me its a dd tomorrow and weigh in on tuesday - cant wait
Good luck for your wi. I'm on a dd tomorrow too :)
my plans for today
buying fabric to cut into strips sew together to knit with - a little experiment coming on here girls
going to town with friend and delivering the premmie baby things I have knit - they are all gift wrapped
sitting in a cafe to wait for a friend to finish her ww meeting
buying more fabric to put round the tops of strawberry jam I made and the christmas puds
tonight I am going out for a bit but will stick to diet coke
veg casserole is in the slow cooker and will be ready for dinner

I feel the depression lifting that is why I am able to plan my days and not plan to go back to bed or sit on the sofa with a blanket
I might still do those - but no longer to hid
dont know why I feel SO much better today - but so glad I do
Glad you're feeling better, that's great. Enjoy your day :)
Oh no to the headaches, they should be banned!
dont know why I feel SO much better today - but so glad I do
Fantastic thats good news.
Wow to the puddings, your well prepared, do we all get a nibble?