Well I went to bed early last night (due to lack of sleep on other nights) and slept right through to 5.30 today - no headache yippppeeeeeeeee
since I got up I have bended my casserole into soup for tonight - it was so thick I had to take some out and add more water
so a dinner that looks as big as Mondays bowl of caserole but with about half the calories - think down days might become soup days from now on afterall the weather is chilly enough
feeling really positive again today
I got all the fabric cut and half of it sewn together yesterday so I will take that to work today and work on the rug in the quiet moments
I also sorted out someones knitting that they could not get to work out - it was partly inexperience and partly a badly worded pattern - but I can now explain it to her later today when she comes to work to fetch it
I have plenty of teas at work to keep me full up
my two fav of the moment are
orange mango and cinnamon and cranberry raspberry and elderflower
I have also go some of the 10 cal soups at work for a snack if I need them - but will try for my normal DD routine of nothing till dinner time
when it will be soup with a couple of thin slices of bread
it should be about 150 cals for the soup and the same for the bread
if I can stick to that it will be my lowest dd yet

right girls hope you all have a great day today
H xxx