Silver Member
JackieN said:you are very right. I got stressed with work and had no chance to plan my food, its lethal
I love that 'fudge monster' I shall remember that
Karen its lovely to see happy Karen backshes amazing
whoop whoop for work thats a really good day sweetie, they will tell others, etc etc, and you will soon be busykeep smiling
I take it you are having a red day? if having spag bol with out the spag?
I make bns chips or celeriac chips or a mix to have with things like this. I just have to have something. Apparently spaghetti squash is fab to use as spaghetti but I cannot find one round here
I only do extra easy. I did green and red days on my previous two attempts at SW and I just couldn't be bothered with certain stuff being fine one and day and not fine the next!
I've never tried butternut squash.. It always looks a little too complicated for my cooking skills!
What sort of work do you do Jackie? I never wanted a serious job... I've been a travel agent for a year (trainee) receptionist and the call centre I worked at was the Argos one. Since I don't work there now I can share with you my funny moments...
"if I have this airbed delivered will it come fully inflated?"
Not even joking you. It definitely made me see a whole scope of people!
I remember a woman going nuts at me down the phone as she hadn't have her delivery and took a day off work to wait in (I worked on the "smaller items" deliveries so everything we delivered you could buy in the shop) and always wondered why you took a day off work to wait 7am - 6pm for a delivery... Anyway there she is ranting at me "I've took a day off... Blah blah blah.... I work you know! Do you work?"
I was like "errrr..."
Anyway - I've gone off on a tangent again so the point is - smile like you've just passed wind. Just kidding - I'm totally inappropriate but I like saying things people don't expect me to!
I've tired myself out now.