Think Slinky!! CurvyKaren's Diary

Body Magic Post...

So I've been at the Wii Fit again tonight. I swear the first ten minutes im thinking "can't be .... ! " but I soon get into it after those minutes are gone.

To build up my minutes and start slowly, I usually do things like that head-butting the football thing... And then the step aerobics as I find that fairly low impact and then I'll move onto the killers like the hula hooping. It's hilarious to watch as as soon as I get off I hobble like a 90 year old to the sofa because my thighs, calves and back have seized up!

I'll then move onto a jog or two... Or sometimes three or four but I do have a rest in-between. I will then finish with yoga and easy muscle exercises like the torso one. All in all I'll do 45 mins for as many days I can. Yesterday I did an hour.

I've gotten into the habit now of walking through the supermarket at 100 miles an hour. Ok that was probably a slight exaggeration but if we're just going for one or two things I will speed walk along the aisles to it. It feels so good to be able to do that - believe me. I didn't have the energy before.

We also have a rule in our house now that the downstairs toilet is out of bounds so whenever i need the loo I make a point of running up the stairs which is also a little burst of body magic.

I'm hoping it's the key to this weeks success on Weigh In Tuesday.

Ps. No matter what anyone tells you I'm totally balanced (!)



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broadsbean said:
:eek:now karen i work at the local hospital and a lot of the people i work with are from the runcorn widnes area and there is a lot of banter:D

your comment about supermarkets makes me want to say something derogetory:eek::8855:

Ooooo - I wonder what you were gonna say...? I'm interested :D this diary is a total free for all - utter freedom of speech :)

Random post... (it is a weight related story though)

When this incident happened I told everyone I could think of and since I've virtually told the world, I've learnt to let it go until the woman I'm going to talk about called me today and booked again for Shellac and has reminded me all over again...

I'll start from the top. My brother married a girl who was an only child. Before they were married they had a lot of ups and downs and break ups which broke my brothers heart. I obviously wasnt keen on her because she hurt my brother and being a loud teenager I wasn't afraid to voice it.

My brother is 6 years old than me and we weren't really close since I was in a total different age bracket (he left juniors & seniors just as I started etc). We argued alot in my teens because I didn't like the way he treated me sometimes.

Anyway - his wife's mother decided to book to have Shellac on her toes at the start of august.

Although in theory she's a nice person, her daughter is very much like her and they're quite rude and not very well mannered.

She turned up for her appointment 15 minutes late in jogging clothes on, didn't rush up the stairs and offered no excuse for being late or an apology.

Because I'm a classy bird I sit on the floor to do feet and have my clients leg rested on a small stool so I can see up close what I'm doing. I was about 5 minutes into the service when she starts asking me odd questions. Things like "do you have many friends?" (she assumes that because I fought with my brother years ago I'll be an unlikeable person and have no friends?)

Then she starts talking about my brother getting into a lot of healthy eating and exercise recently (she's very small and very health conscious)

She then asks me if I do any... (voice trails off but she was obviously going to say "exercise") I'm sat on the floor thinking to myself "does it look like I do an exercise love? Up until recently I was 19 stone 4 and have been for a while" but in the end i chose to blurt out "I lost half a stone last week!" she was quite suprised and asked me how, etc.

She then goes for the juggular and says to me "well you do have a nice face, nice hair, nice teeth and nice nails - it's just that you're..." (voice trails off)

I wanted to say "FAT?" I'll finish it for you. I'm fat. Yes you're right - I am a decent looking person by alot of peoples standards and I'm fat. I've often wondered whether that's what alot of people thought of me "it's a shame she's fat - she'd be a looker"

If she'd have booked a week or so before she did I wouldn't have started SW by then and her comment might have really hurt. That's the stuff people might think but don't say but she doesn't have that "off switch"

I carry on doing her nails because I told myself I'd really worked for my £20! My friends told me I should have stopped doing her nails and told her where to go but i wouldn't do that.

So now she's re-booked. Her appointment is Tuesday. There's nothing she can truly say to me. I'm a tiny bit away from a stone and a half now... I will continue until my work is done.

She did also say "it's good for you to lose weight with the professional you're in" (beauty - as I'll soon be a beauty therapist as well as a nail tech)

Anyway - I have all kinds of random tales to tell but I thought I'd bring you up to speed with a nice long post and I'll update you all on Tuesday :)

vickidyers said:
Cheeky question - I dont know how to put images in like you do - how do you do it??!! x

That's not cheeky!

I post alot from my phone. I have the iPhone and the Mini Mins app (which is free) so when I'm going to upload a photo I just put the post up from my phone.

Im you could do it off a computer though - just click "advanced post" and I'm guessing an option should come up to upload a photo?

Fresh supplies...

Pound World (3 for a £1) of the Roast Chicken one. My favorite by far!

Free snack!



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That woman Karen :eek: just remember at each appt she will watch you shrink before her eyes :D

mmmmm not had those mugshots before :)

Vicki you can post images via photobucket on the pc. upload to photobucket and then click on the photo you want to upload. Then click and copy and paste the img code into your reply, post on here and photo will come up :) xxxxx
JackieN said:
That woman Karen :eek: just remember at each appt she will watch you shrink before her eyes :D

mmmmm not had those mugshots before :)

Vicki you can post images via photobucket on the pc. upload to photobucket and then click on the photo you want to upload. Then click and copy and paste the img code into your reply, post on here and photo will come up :) xxxxx

She's unbelievable. I'm a little bit dreading her appointment because she seems to think I'm sort of unlovable monster - it's madness!

Roast chicken mug shots are the best - I've always preferred chickeny stuff so they're perfect for a free snack

:) x
JackieN said:
just smile sweetly and take her money sweetie :8855: shes a customer and good practise for horrid ones that may come along :8855: :D xxxxx

Yeah - she certainly is practice. Generally everyone I meet is really nice, we have a good laugh, so much so the girl I work with always assumes I know the person because I talk to them like I've known them forever :) hopefully that's part of my charm for my business but also that's how I am anyway.

Ive bought a little notebook to write all my usual foods that I like in that are free / low syns to save me always searching for the same ones to check the syn value and it saves me taking all of the books to the supermarket. Just busy filling that out now



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vickidyers said:
Are mugshots like a supernoodle type thing or pot noodles? I always looked at the packet and thought they were a 'drink' like a soup :eek:
But if they have noodles in, I think I might fancy them!

I can see photos but they're crazy blurry Vicki!

Mug shots are by the cup a soups in the supermarket. They're single sachets that are simular to cup a soups (funny enough!) but they have pasta in them so it really bulks them out. Loads of them are free but I don't like the noodle ones.

The Roast Chicken is the best - well I like them as you can see! Perfect for a snack or whatever

This is a total lunatic post but i'm whacking it on here anyway since this is my diary... :blahblah:

I swear i'm going mental.. As you know i've been on the Wii Fit everyday and anyone that has one knows it weighs you. I KNOW i'm still 17st 13. I always go on at the same time - always the morning between 8.30 and 9am (before I drag my butt to work) for the weigh in and then i'll 'pump some iron' :whacky068: later on.

Anyway, i'm just puzzled why I haven't lost a single pound ?! WHAAAAAAAAAAT? I've been a good girl !! :innocent0002:

My syns have been 5 or less... well apart from the crazy chicken thing on Tuesday. I've been exercising... I know muscle weighs more than fat but come on - I cant ALL be muscle already?! hahaha.

It's just so bizarre! I'm sat here like a loon trying to think of plans to shift a pound or two!! :rolleyes:

So I suppose now i'm just praying that it will all fall off before WI on Tuesday

Will keep my fingers crossed for you. I love all you're posts, keep them coming
Karen sweetie take it from a serial scalehopper our weight can fluctuate by several pounds a day so dont take that as your weight on Tuesday and please don't let it put you off. :D YOu have been good and I'm sure all will be fine xxxxxxxx
Bron said:
Will keep my fingers crossed for you. I love all you're posts, keep them coming

Thank you - you're welcome to read my rambles whenever :)
