Just having a muse. I am feeling really satisfied tonight after today's eating. Not in the last bit hungry and have no desire to snack. Obviously it's not because I've overeaten because I haven't. Just goes to show how much food we can comfortably get by on. If I hadn't been dieting I would probably have had the following entirely unnecessary extras which would all amount to unnecessary calories. Breakfast: probably a bacon sandwich as it's the weekend. Lunch: buttered bread rolls with the burger and sausages, although if I'd been eating bread I'd probably only have had one of each whereas I did have two sausages; portion of pavlova; glass of wine. Dinner: roast pototoes, stuffing and gravy, wine and something sweet after. Then tonight I might have picked on some cheese and crackers or crisps, although I might not. I think today I have eaten how a skinny person eats. Kate, the mum, who is extremely thin, too thin for my liking in fact, ate what I did at lunch except she didn't have a second sausage and she's not on a diet! She just eats very little normally. I have to learn to eat like a skinny person if I'm to keep this weight off once I reach goal.
Also, it's interesting for me to realise that I haven't craved or missed chocolate, cake, biscuits or anything sweet while doing this, not even right at the beginning. I know I've cheated but I've not once been tempted to cheat on these things and not having any booze hasn't been a problem either apart from last Sunday after the washing machine drama. But that was only because I was stressed out. I don't need this stuff and I can quite easily do without it so why do I stuff myself with it when I'm not dieting. This is a major part of my problem. If I could stay off all this rubbish I wouldn't have half the weight issues I have right now. So it's portion control and not eating so much rubbish in the future. Combined with a couple of days of fasting every week and that will hopefully enable me to maintain my weight going forward. Hardly rocket science but we all know, it's not that we don't know what we should do, it's that we just don't implement it.