Step 1 Sole Source + This is a choice.... A choice to change my life

Thanks Casswass I am soooooo excited!

I never EVER thought I could stick to this diet and 12 weeks in I know I can and it's the best feeling. I look better and better everyday (my head is getting huge!) and I can.see myself at goal. Trying the bridesmaid dress on today and looking so different from 3 months ago, I had an insight into how I will look and feel on my brothers wedding day and it's given me yet another reason to see this through.

Also had our appointment with consultant again as we have been trying for a baby without luck for nearly three years. We are both fine so looks like the IVF route for us.... They were so impressed with my weight loss though and my BMI is now at a level they would let me do IVF. The only unfortunate thing is that we dont get any funding so better start saving a bit harder and stop spending it on new clothes!!!

hope everyone is having a good week :)
Rachel what a day you have had! Congratulations on the dress fitting I hope that women who was nasty before eat her words when that zip went straight up! Fantastic news about the IVF what a day of good news and two amazing things to look forward to!As you say Rachel you better stop spending and start saving!Really pleased for you! Hpe you have a good evening!
Thanks Theresa thats really kind of you :) Lots ahead in my life to look forward to and it's all going to be great going through it all a size 12! Positive thinking is key and I am a strong believer in everything happens for a reason! X
Well day 80 today!!!! Not.sure how I've made it this far but I have!! WI Saturday and theh a week of 810 before I go back to SS for another 12 week's. Seems like an age but I know it'll fly by, just need to keep focussed :) No chance of not hitting my goal thats for sure!!

Hope everyone is doing well this week :)
Lots of positive stuff going on here! Love that you could now have IVF :) And day 80 - wow! Will you post some of the kinds of things you eat during 810 week? I'm stepping up 01 Feb (eek!) and need some inspiration!
Thanks Chicky, lots happening this end! Lol!

Yeah I'll post some meal ideas. I've been doing SS+ so will probably just expand.slightly in what I have already been eating. I'll get some ideas together and post them for you.

Hope you are.doing well :)
Lots of positive stuff going on here! Love that you could now have IVF :) And day 80 - wow! Will you post some of the kinds of things you eat during 810 week? I'm stepping up 01 Feb (eek!) and need some inspiration!

Thank you! Any ideas would be much appreciated both for SS+ and 810 xxx
Thanks Sarah! How are you getting on? Do you have a diary on here?

No.worries chicky, I'll have through tomorrow and plan some meals, will give me a head start for next week! Xx
I'm doing good thanks, 2 stones down so I'm really chuffed! I don't have a diary on here, I'm not too keen on posting really, more of an observer! Sometimes however I really feel compelled to write something (such as seeing your photos!) Your diary is a great read, really motivational. Well done!
Thanks sarah, thats really nice of you to say :) I spent a while on here before starting my diary but I've found it's really helped, especially when I get lovely comments like yours!

Wow, 2 stone, well done! Sounds like you're doing great! Do you have much more to go?
I want to lose another 5 stones I think! That would put me at a healthy BMI, currently my BMI is still about 35. But it's coming down, and that spurs me on. I like setting small targets to keep me ticking over. My next aim is to go horse riding, but I want to wait so that I don't need a cart horse! Hopefully when I lose the next 9-14lbs I will be able to go. I used to do it years and years ago and I really loved it so that would be a big achievement for me. Now that I've lost a couple of stones, people are noticing which is an amazing feeling! I totally didn't expect that to feel as good as it does :)
Hi Sarah, sounds like we have the same amount to lose in total. When I started this diet it seemed like it would take ages to lose that much and that I would never make, now I know that I WILL make it!! I'm half way to goal and it feels great! I found around the 2-3 stone mark is when people started to notice more and I've had some lovely comments which like you say really spurs you on!

Good luck with the horse riding, its a.good idea to have lots of little goals otherwise it can feel like it goes on.forever! Lol! My next goal is to get into the 13s and hopefully thats a couple of weeks at most! Can't believe I'm talking about being in the 13s!!!! X
OMG just tried the mix a mousse with the cappuccino....... Wowweee! Yum is all I can say although still don't think I blended it enough as still a few geletine lumps! Any tips anyone on how to best make it??
Well I'm on a high tonight! Just had weigh in and lost 7lb this week!! So happy!! Will update my stats on here once I get on the iPad!

It.was 8 days since last weigh in and I only lost 2lb last week so I was.expecting a big number and I wasn't disappointed! Not bad for week 12! Lol!
Well I'm on a high tonight! Just had weigh in and lost 7lb this week!! So happy!! Will update my stats on here once I get on the iPad!

It.was 8 days since last weigh in and I only lost 2lb last week so I was.expecting a big number and I wasn't disappointed! Not bad for week 12! Lol!

Wow! That's amazing for a week 12 loss! Well done! :clap:

OMG just tried the mix a mousse with the cappuccino....... Wowweee! Yum is all I can say although still don't think I blended it enough as still a few geletine lumps! Any tips anyone on how to best make it??

Let's see. :)

(1) Are you using ice cold water? I put around 200ml of water into my blender beaker and put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes - until ice crystals start forming on the top.

(2) Are you mixing the shake powder with the scoop of MAM before putting it into the water? I mix the scoop of MAM into the packet and stir it all in the packet with a spoon before pouring the mixed powder on top of the ice cold water.

(3) How powerful is your blender (I assume you're using an electric hand blender?)? The higher the wattage, the better. Mine's 600W. I suspect that a 200W blender might not be powerful enough and you might need to blend the mixture for longer

(4) Are you blending for at least a minute? It's longer than you think - try timing it!

Hope something in there helps!
Thanks Lily thats great advice :) I didn't mix the packet and MaM first which I think is the main problem and I.used less water than that too. Probably didn't mix for a whole minute either! I'll try getting the water ice cold too. Thank you! X
You might find 200ml makes the mousse a bit sloppier than you want it to be but I like it like that. I'm not so keen on it looking like jelly. :) Always worth experimenting a bit.
Thanks I'll definitely experiment this weekend, got mint choc, cappuccino and strawberry for the MaM, nice to try something different x