So weigh in this morning and as I predicted a small loss of 1lb! I'm putting this down to three reasons, TOTM and extremely bloated, I had a big loss last week and weigh in was a day early. Think maybe it does you could go have a low loss every now and then to prepare you for working up the steps and also to realise that your body will only do want it wants to and sometimes that is out of your control.
Still positive and still 100%! Have lost a total of 55lbs in 13 weeks, what's there to grumble about?!
Got a party Saturday night, new dress brought and excited for a night out and seeing everyone that I haven't seen for a while. MAY even have a couple of gin and slimline but tbh at the moment I just don't think I have the desire to, we'll see
also the hubby and I are booking a weekend away together next weekend at a spa hotel in Oxford, can't wait! Just the two of us all weekend doing what we fancy

it'll be a good tester for me too, to stick to plan, but I am sure pampering myself and shopping will keep me distracted! Lol!
Hope everyone is having a good week
