Easier said than done, to focus on positive affirmations. I seem to only just be unpeeling these onion layers and finding more and more ingrained behaviours. We were talking at group on Saturday about giving ourselves a Christmas present - not a material thing - and I think I'd like to give myself a break!! I have a lot of "critical parent" going on, and it's time I put her aside I think. It's so counterproductive. My rebellious child gets sparked and then I act out.
Thing is, it's weird, all this self-discovery. It's much easier to carry on as "normal" and not to question anything. This is much more thought provoking and unsettling. Find myself feeling quite insecure at times. Also I want to be kind to myself as next week is the anniversary of my sister's death, which is always an emotional time for me.
My poor husband. He put on a Christmas MP3 collection at the weekend, and unbeknownst (? is that a word?!) to him, one of the songs was one we had at my sister's funeral. I think it's better to find myself weeping at the breakfast table with my family round me, rather than raiding the biscuit jar/opening wine on my own at night... but it's all new and unfamiliar too.