Now 40% less fat !
The good thing is I've not put weight back on I fluctuate 2lbs either way so I can maintain which is no bad thing. Again u girls are faband yup peachy just need to shut my brain up lol I know I don't want the food but craving so badly when I'm on it's not good. Am going to book an app at the nurses and talk to her about it as this isn't normal.
I have given myself until my shoes arrive then it's 100% all the way or I can't try them on lol silly but will keep me on track as every time I want to eat I'm going to try my shoes on) x x x
Sounds like you're actually doing a lot better than you're giving yourself credit for hun x. Good plan about the shoes! And once you've ordered the dress you'll be even more determined. You WILL do it!