This time I WILL do it :D

Aww bless ya Hun you take care of yourself first and foremost then let everything else follow xx
Docs this afternoon so hopefully they can do something. Had some good news were looking at a new collie puppy next Saturday :)) so excited and just what I need 2 reasons to get my butt out and walking more if not running ATM x x x
Trueleame said:
Docs this afternoon so hopefully they can do something. Had some good news were looking at a new collie puppy next Saturday :)) so excited and just what I need 2 reasons to get my butt out and walking more if not running ATM x x x

Glad things are on the up honey! Make sure that doc fixes you today so you can be fighting fit! Xxx
Hi Tru,
Awww a cute ickle puppy to run around with sounds brill... awww. I really hope and pray the docs can give you something to help out... Mefanamic Acid maybe? Its what Ive had in the past to help with heavy periods, but yours are ongoing, everlasting arent they so maybe a diff problem. I really feel for you hun, as it must be sooo wearing and inconvenenient for you. Keep us posted on the situation hun... XXX
Docs this afternoon so hopefully they can do something. Had some good news were looking at a new collie puppy next Saturday :)) so excited and just what I need 2 reasons to get my butt out and walking more if not running ATM x x x
How did you get on at the docs....??

And YAY!!! For puppyness...... I'll so be getting puppy broody!!!

Hiya girlies :) I'm back :) Docs sending me for a scan to see what's going on plus given me some tablets to try and help with blood loss. I'm taking my dog out 3 times a day getting into the habit before puppy comes along. I'm so excited about getting the new puppy it's great :) and I think a great way of distracting myself ATM. I am starting back today and stepped on the dreaded scales this morning and :(( 17st 10 1/2lbs :( which means a 10lbs gain since stopping LT but hopefully it will come off fairly quickly as I'm sure it's carbs! Anyway just an update and thanks for the support :) x x x
That 10lbs will be gone in no time and loads more with it :D

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Thanks honey :) I hope it does but feeling a bit more positive about it this time. I just need to make sure I drink plenty :) x x x
Positive mental attitude will get you far! Good luck xx
The trouble is when PMT strikes lol but I'm NOT going to be beaten! I am giving this last stint my ALL!!! I will be a slim bride :) and this IS going to be my year to do it x x x
Hi Tru... you know you`ll do it babes, your determination will see you through xxx
Yay you're back! Well done lovely 10lbs will be gone in a flash! That puppy will make sure of it! Xxx
Thanks everyone I'm sure this time I'll get much further with LT :) as during the school hols were off to Spain and good ole LT is coming with me ;) I'm not chancing coming off it again! Too much to lose lol either way ;) x x x
What a night :( lil one was up from 10pm til 3:30 am being sick. Were gonna have a duvet day :( as I'm totally wiped out and waiting for me to come down with it :( . Least its before our holiday :) which will be a very welcome break x x x
What a night :( lil one was up from 10pm til 3:30 am being sick. Were gonna have a duvet day :( as I'm totally wiped out and waiting for me to come down with it :( . Least its before our holiday :) which will be a very welcome break x x x

Oooh big hugs honey! That's not fact that's horrible :(
These winter vomiting bugs are the pits. Hope she's over it quickly.
