Happy Sunday Ladies
This morning bright an early got up and braved going to church ...OMG it was -2.5 on the car thermometer...luckily I got to church early and nabbed the pew by the raditor
so could warm up against that~lol~
I've found out that my mum's neighbour has said we can piggy back of his wireless...so I'll be able to update via my iphone whilst on holiday
It doesn't let me like things ...but can keep updating my diary and commenting on othersso not all bad. Won't have too much time to miss me
Right I'd better go and change up my pennies for holiday and then its off round to my nan's for her birthday bash.. bless she's 85 today but doesn't act it or look it! Hope I have her genes ~lol~ x x x
Hiya girlies I can get online whilst out in Spain so I'll be checking in regularly x x x
Hiya girlies I can get online whilst out in Spain so I'll be checking in regularly x x x
I've been 100% all day :0) even with travelling. So feeling pretty smug about it all ;0) hoping I can carry on for the rest of the week in such a good way x x x
Trueleame said:I was really worrying about coming away whilst on LT, but I'm just having to plan things more which is no bad thing. I think that's been a problem all along when I was eating I wouldn't plan anything meals so I grabbed quick things. That is always my downfall so having to think ahead this week has helped me see that
Also stepped on the scales and it seems they are going the right way x x x