Tillymax is trying again

Sorry to hear you are so unhappy at work Tilly, hope things improve soon.
And the arm.. isn't that always the case? comes in twos and threes! My arms have been very painful too just in this last week and haven't been able to sleep properly with it.

Loved the little one who wouldn't take the Mars bar....:D

Just started on a different tack with my dieting and have lost about 3lb since Monday. Just hope it keeps going..LITERALLY!!...
Hi Tilly, sorry to hear you are unhappy at work, hope things turn out better for you soon, its not nice being in a job that you prefer not to be in. xx
*Squishes* Tilly.

Could it be that he's just really shy? I'd probably be like him if someone new came in. I'd be too scared to talk to the new person in case I said something wrong, and it would take me a couple of weeks at least to get the confidence up to talk to you. And if you were to talk to me in that situation, I'd probably hide under the table :p Maybe give him a bit longer before deciding?

Online it's completely different- I can type much better than I can speak, and I can plan what I'm going to say much easier so I can pretend to be confident :)
awwww sweetheart :bighug: :grouphugg:

I am so so so sorry you are so unhappy :cry:

Will the 'boss' ask how you are getting on? Could you then be honest and say how you are feeling?


I don't like to rock the boat so tend to just put up with things but I will explain all in a minute :D

Sorry to hear you are so unhappy at work Tilly, hope things improve soon.
And the arm.. isn't that always the case? comes in twos and threes! My arms have been very painful too just in this last week and haven't been able to sleep properly with it.

Loved the little one who wouldn't take the Mars bar....:D

Just started on a different tack with my dieting and have lost about 3lb since Monday. Just hope it keeps going..LITERALLY!!...

I think you're so brave cos when I'm in pain I'm a right wet lettuce.

I'll come and check your diary to see what you've been doing with your diet cos that's a brilliant loss :)

Hi Tilly, sorry to hear you are unhappy at work, hope things turn out better for you soon, its not nice being in a job that you prefer not to be in. xx

I think I was supposed to be a lady of leisure :D

*Squishes* Tilly.

Could it be that he's just really shy? I'd probably be like him if someone new came in. I'd be too scared to talk to the new person in case I said something wrong, and it would take me a couple of weeks at least to get the confidence up to talk to you. And if you were to talk to me in that situation, I'd probably hide under the table :p Maybe give him a bit longer before deciding?

Online it's completely different- I can type much better than I can speak, and I can plan what I'm going to say much easier so I can pretend to be confident :)

You are so clever. I thought he was shy but was quite upset by it yesterday.

I reverted to the old me yesterday and stuffed my face with everything going :eek:

I posted on facebook last night that I was peed off. When people were asking what was wrong I just put I'd had a bad day cos you never know who knows who and what might get you into trouble. This morning when I went to get a coffee my boss followed me and asked me how I was. I told her I was feeling really tired and it was probably cos of the move. The way she was talking to me I knew she'd heard about my post and then I remembered that her partner is one of my fb friends and she uses his account. I thought I might as well tell her how I really felt so I said I didn't feel like part of the team cos I had my back to them all. She said she'd already thought that and was considering moving me to sit near her which is in the middle of the team. I asked her if Mr Grumpy was always so quiet and she said yes and no. She said when she'd first taken over he'd been really quiet for about a fortnight and then he'd started being witty. She thought I'd give him a run for his money.
I went back to my desk and decided to try and make conversation again and this time I got a full sentence reply instead of a one word answer :eek:
Then I got an email from the lad I've replaced to ask how it was going. I asked if Mr Grumpy had spoken to him and he said it had taken 2 weeks.
I carried on with my work and making small talk with other people and 3 times today he's joined in our conversations. The first time he did it I nearly fell off my chair :eek:
Later on I said to my boss that I'd had a really good day and she laughed and said I knew you'd wear him down :D

I know it might be rubbish again on Monday but at least I've had a good day today and won't be feeling unhappy all weekend :)
Even if he doesn't talk to me I don't think I'll be as bothered cos I know it's him and not me. I was worried that I'd offended him and I haven't done anything yet :D

Went to the pics and saw Tower Heist after work. I wasn't expecting much cos it's had rubbish reviews but I enjoyed it. I also saw the coca cola advert - holidays are coming. I love that advert. It's Christmas :D
Glad you had a better day at work today :)

I saw the advert for Tower Heist the other day and thought it looked quite funny, if you enjoyed it it's probably worth a go!

No way :eek: :eek: It's way to early for the coca-cola advert to be out!! I don't think anything Christmas should be allowed until December 1st! :eek: :eek: xx
Aww, so glad you had a better day today Tilly hun. For once FB did someone a favour instead of dropping them in it at work lol

About moving you around to another seat on the team was what I was getting at t'other day - was thinking the way it's seems to be just you and him you're a bit off on the outskirts of your team's desks/layout and if you got put more in the middle it'd be a little easier to feel part of things :)

But wow, it talked today :eek: That's really nice of the lad who was there before you to ask how you were getting on too. Let's hope Mr Grumpy's Thaw continues! xxxx
So pleased to hear that you are getting a better response from Mr.G...I guess he is just a rather reserved kind of guy.
Can feel the relief in your post that things are getting better...Hope your move will increase your ambience in your job.
Don't worry about the blip even if it was a biggie..it happens to the best of us!... :D
Glad you had a better day at work today :)

I saw the advert for Tower Heist the other day and thought it looked quite funny, if you enjoyed it it's probably worth a go!

No way :eek: :eek: It's way to early for the coca-cola advert to be out!! I don't think anything Christmas should be allowed until December 1st! :eek: :eek: xx

I enjoyed it but I think it's cos I was expecting it to be really bad cos of all the reviews. Also I haven't seen any adverts for it. A lot of the time you end up seeing all the funny bits in the adverts. There were a lot of teenagers in there today and they were really laughing at lots of it (in between chatting and texting - it drives me mad when they do that).

Aww, so glad you had a better day today Tilly hun. For once FB did someone a favour instead of dropping them in it at work lol

About moving you around to another seat on the team was what I was getting at t'other day - was thinking the way it's seems to be just you and him you're a bit off on the outskirts of your team's desks/layout and if you got put more in the middle it'd be a little easier to feel part of things :)

But wow, it talked today :eek: That's really nice of the lad who was there before you to ask how you were getting on too. Let's hope Mr Grumpy's Thaw continues! xxxx

I knew what you meant about moving within the team but cos the computers are privatised it costs a fortune to move people cos they have to pay them to move the IT. My boss doesn't care about towing the line and is more interested in her staff than silly company policy so I knew if I asked she would do it but I did't want to ask cos I know she'll get an earful from the people above her.

So pleased to hear that you are getting a better response from Mr.G...I guess he is just a rather reserved kind of guy.
Can feel the relief in your post that things are getting better...Hope your move will increase your ambience in your job.
Don't worry about the blip even if it was a biggie..it happens to the best of us!... :D

I feel wonderful today. It's amazing what a difference a day can make. I should have known what sort of day I was in for yesterday when the bus sailed past me in the morning :eek:

Thank you all for your support and kind words.
I knew what you meant about moving within the team but cos the computers are privatised it costs a fortune to move people cos they have to pay them to move the IT. My boss doesn't care about towing the line and is more interested in her staff than silly company policy so I knew if I asked she would do it but I did't want to ask cos I know she'll get an earful from the people above her.

I feel wonderful today. It's amazing what a difference a day can make. I should have known what sort of day I was in for yesterday when the bus sailed past me in the morning :eek:

Thank you all for your support and kind words.

Ah I see... heh I don't know why they bothered with privatising all these things out - doubt it makes any savings, just makes life more difficult :rolleyes: Ours is done by capita - pile of crap :D
Hey Tilly hun, Glad you feel better today, so Mr Grumpy may not be Mr Grumpy at all just Mr Bashful...he's not one of the 7 dwarfs is he and you got them confused :8855: :8855:
So glad you spoke to your boss, seems you might have a little more confidence than you credit yourself for eh :giggle:
I am like you and beginning to feel Christmassy, although I am not in the mood for present buying, I have done the kids I think everyone else should have money and go to the sales :8855: makes it simple for me then lol
Going to have a quick shufty round and then bed, gl with WI in the morning, will try and catch you tomorrow, night night, sweet dreams :nightf: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Tilly x

Well I was just getting all geared up to say what a bummer about the crappy job and the mute boss and then the next thing I know you've had the best day and the mute spoke to you so...


how's the weather down your way atm? ;)
Woo! You're Lily's gain and loss twin for the last two weeks - freaky :eek:

Hope you have a good weekend - with the relief of work picking up and a fab loss it's got you started off pretty nicely :D You up to owt? xxx