The more I read on here, the less I think my current consulants heart is in it, when we first met i left her with nothing but the sachets I had bought in a scrumpled tesco bag, she forgot to give me the book so I had to go back for that as well.
Things I have heard other peoples consultants do sound great - photos, measurements, texting to see how things are going, other leaflets and info - I don't even have a copy of my weight from weigh in - I'm glad I was paying attention to the scales! And considering she's top dollar when It comes to pricing I'm not impressed, I wouldn't mind paying more if I was getting a lot of support and encouragement! grrrr.
Lets end the day on some positives - Day 6 almost complete - thats 6 100% days
and next week I will be the lightest I have ever been since records began, well my records at least, they only date back to mid 2010, but they are lots heavier than now... I estimate I mustve been a teenager last time i was under 13st 8 - I can't wait - that was the weight I was last at in June, and can't wait to be under it - I will really feel like I have achieved something then!