Time to get serious!

Hi Ria

Sounds to me a bit like you're not making enough time to look after yourself. The reason I think that is cos I've just come through a similar phase! I realised I'm just too lazy to get the food in I need - not saying that you're the same! - but the joy of SS-ing is that you don't have to think ahead too much, just stick your hand in your box of Cambridge goodies and pull out a packet. I was supposed to be following Rosemary Conley - enrolled in a class and everything, LOL - but after a week of preparing meals from scratch I too went on the biscuits and ice cream diet instead. Don't think the hot weather's helped either though, to be honest. Or the fact that Rana's going. That must be tough to deal with. :hug99:

So, you need a plan. What works for you best? Which step are you going to get back on? Maybe a bit of straightforward 810-ing for a week or two?
Hi hun. Sorry to hear things are so difficult at the moment. Hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you think will get and keep you back on track? Might sound a ridiculous and patronising question and it's not meant to be, but unless you find the answer...you're going to keep falling off the wagon.

Also...how important is this last stone right now? I guess it's a case of being kind and compassionate with yourself. Is it worth the stress of trying to lose that extra stone whilst everything else is going on (and possibly ending up gaining in the process) or is it best to try and maintain til you're in a better place? I guess it's a question of how much difference that stone will make in reality...

I promise I'm not trying to put you off or say I don't think it's worth it...I guess I'm just trying to challenge your thinking a bit, as things aren't working for you at the mo. hope it doesn't offend...like I said I don't mean to but I know when I'm 'stuck' sometimes I need to think of things from a totally different perspective.

Do you read back through your own diaries? As so many of them find you inspirational it might work! :)

Like I said...not meant to offend or patronise.

Kate xx

Kate xx

11 weeks in...53lbs down...33 to go!

No offence taken! I think my problem is that perhaps I am being too lenient on myself, 6 months ago I would have sat at a colleagues leaving lunch with a bar - well i did in fact at nando's! Not a pizza and an eton mess that's for sure, I'm not strict enough on myself any more, and then I feel disappointed in myself that i could have been there by now if it weren't for all the messing around this past month! I honestly don't know where the weeks have gone either.

Nice advice :). Sometimes you definitely have to take a step back and look at thing's differently

Very true, and thanks for posting your losses on your diary, it's really helpful, just one last question though, do you know what weights you were when you went to step 2, 3, 4? I know you said you think you left it too long so it'd be great to compare and make sure i don't do the same (if I haven't already)

Hi Ria

Sounds to me a bit like you're not making enough time to look after yourself. The reason I think that is cos I've just come through a similar phase! I realised I'm just too lazy to get the food in I need - not saying that you're the same! - but the joy of SS-ing is that you don't have to think ahead too much, just stick your hand in your box of Cambridge goodies and pull out a packet. I was supposed to be following Rosemary Conley - enrolled in a class and everything, LOL - but after a week of preparing meals from scratch I too went on the biscuits and ice cream diet instead. Don't think the hot weather's helped either though, to be honest. Or the fact that Rana's going. That must be tough to deal with. :hug99:

So, you need a plan. What works for you best? Which step are you going to get back on? Maybe a bit of straightforward 810-ing for a week or two?

YUP! spot on, I know I just said it, but I'll say it again, I don't know where time is going! it's like I'm leaking time somewhere if that makes sense?

And yeah, that's kinda why I like SSing too, I'm just stuck in that awkward situation where it's not enough for my body anymore and I have to face the reality or being organised and eating more normally again. I don't like it but I can't be on cambridge forever hey!

And yeah, It gets me every time, every year I think I'm stronger then the time creeps away and soon enough he's going again - Jeez we've had more airport goodbyes than hot dinners, but I've only managed not to be really upset about it once - funnily enough i think he was crying that time! Just looking at a calendar and seeing august so close makes my stomach turn, the next time I see him is the last time we get quality time together, the time after that will be a brief goodbye. It's pretty shitty, but hey that's life! but yeah, it's probably not helping matters in the slightest.

Yup, step 2 for me, today is done, had a bit of an issue at dinner - i always end up scraping together whatever is available (theres the planning thing) dinner ended up being a can of chick peas with some spinach, a chilli and some curry powder, it was bland but it was food and according to plan - this only came around since i didnt have enough quorn and someones finished the eggs! I have however ordered some turkey breast mince to make some sort of turkey burgers with.

Spent the atfernoon having a major ebay sesh - i literally have clothes everywhere that i dont want/don't fit and I need rid of them, If I can de-clutter my living space I'm sure itll help my mind too - I always run better when my room is tidy - but it always gets messy when i feel like this - vicious circle hey! but 89 listings later, job done for today..

riawantstosellherstuff | eBay
Moved up to step 2 at 10 stone 8lbs.

Step 3 at 9 stone 8lbs

Step 4 at 9 stone 5.5lbs

Maybe step 5 on Tuesday but I feel like I want to stay on step 4 for a bit longer cause I feel stretching them out is helping me stay in control and learn about what I need which is why I wish I'd started moving up earlier.

I suppose its what ever your comfortable with and how quickly your going to go up the steps x

Lynne - starting weight 16st 4lbs current weight 9st 6.5lbs all in 35 weeks
Thanks Lynne, I just looked at my stats and it looks like I finally did step 2 at 10st3 originally - so left it even later than you did - ah, 10st3 - nothing but a memory now lol.

Woke up this morning and have realised I'd say 90% of the stress I'm feeling is work - it's sat there niggling away at the back of my mind, stealing my mojo! Rana even noticed I wasn't right when I saw him Saturday. Working from home today but there's so much pressure right now I'm already feeling tense already and I'm still on bed!

Gonna get up and have me a shower, hopefully feel a bit refreshed then try and at least start to get the things that are causing me worries sorted today.

Here's to another 100% day, at least I know I can do that as its the only thing that is 100% in my control right now!
Thanks Lynne, I just looked at my stats and it looks like I finally did step 2 at 10st3 originally - so left it even later than you did - ah, 10st3 - nothing but a memory now lol.

Woke up this morning and have realised I'd say 90% of the stress I'm feeling is work - it's sat there niggling away at the back of my mind, stealing my mojo! Rana even noticed I wasn't right when I saw him Saturday. Working from home today but there's so much pressure right now I'm already feeling tense already and I'm still on bed!

Gonna get up and have me a shower, hopefully feel a bit refreshed then try and at least start to get the things that are causing me worries sorted today.

Here's to another 100% day, at least I know I can do that as its the only thing that is 100% in my control right now!

Ur doing great huni :)

Day 1 for me and I'm ready to go lol

Try to relax yourself and keep a pace ur comfortable with. Things can only get better eh?

Indeed they can. I've been working my backside off all morning sorting out my photo shoot, now just writing a begging email to all involved and once sent I will feel a bit better hopefully - of course that's when the fun begins but at least it's putting the stress in others hands for a bit at least!

Already had 2 products today - tried a spoonful of choc shake In a porridge, bleuugghh, I think I'm just over porridge, can't wait until I'm rid of them all! got that horrible sloshy empty feel though!

Staying away Thursday night as we have a trial in a store late night/early morn, and this is usually preceded by dinner at some sort of stodgy Italian, originally I was going to come off of plan but now I am thinking it might just add to the stress of everything, will perhaps just make sure we go somewhere I can get a chicken salad or similar, I just can't be doing with the constant diet disruptions any more.

Right, back to that email then will try and take a proper lunch break.... Got my cambridge form to fill out In best lol
My new look order just arrived, mainly t-shirts and tops which are modest enough to pass in India - figure I should order now before summer stuff is out of the shops - but really disappointed as 2 of the items I ordered became out of stock after ordering, and I wouldn't say any of the rest of it looks any good. It fits, but right now I just see the Same old frumpy me in the mirror - I never used to wear t-shirts cos I thought they made me look large but as my frame got smaller I felt more comfortable, but now I just see what I always used to see... I really wonder how much of it is in my head......
Indeed they can. I've been working my backside off all morning sorting out my photo shoot, now just writing a begging email to all involved and once sent I will feel a bit better hopefully - of course that's when the fun begins but at least it's putting the stress in others hands for a bit at least!

Already had 2 products today - tried a spoonful of choc shake In a porridge, bleuugghh, I think I'm just over porridge, can't wait until I'm rid of them all! got that horrible sloshy empty feel though!

Staying away Thursday night as we have a trial in a store late night/early morn, and this is usually preceded by dinner at some sort of stodgy Italian, originally I was going to come off of plan but now I am thinking it might just add to the stress of everything, will perhaps just make sure we go somewhere I can get a chicken salad or similar, I just can't be doing with the constant diet disruptions any more.

Right, back to that email then will try and take a proper lunch break.... Got my cambridge form to fill out In best lol

Atleast you can pass it for a few days and try to chill and it all will work out in the long run

Oh porridge is a no go for me I cannot stand the stuff at all! No no no lol

I think that's a great idea just be in control as much as you can because coming off plan is just gonna make your weekend rubbish by trying to get bk into ketosis

How did u get on with the form?

My new look order just arrived, mainly t-shirts and tops which are modest enough to pass in India - figure I should order now before summer stuff is out of the shops - but really disappointed as 2 of the items I ordered became out of stock after ordering, and I wouldn't say any of the rest of it looks any good. It fits, but right now I just see the Same old frumpy me in the mirror - I never used to wear t-shirts cos I thought they made me look large but as my frame got smaller I felt more comfortable, but now I just see what I always used to see... I really wonder how much of it is in my head......

It's absolutely in our heads a lot of it, I wouldn't wear tshirt much either however I got a lot in America that I like and will like more when I'm a little slimmer. I still won't go anywhere late at the fear of people looking at me and I'm much more conscious about eating in public (America) than I ever was when I was heavy. Hubby really got angry while we were away but I cnt stop the feelings and I thought he could have been a little more understanding. Oh well that's men for you.

That sucks about them being out of stock but perhaps you'll find others somewhere else.

How covered up to you have to be in India?

Don't worry though because its all learning we have to be comfortable in our bodies otherwise what's the point in putting ourselves through all of this? Xx
Atleast you can pass it for a few days and try to chill and it all will work out in the long run

Oh porridge is a no go for me I cannot stand the stuff at all! No no no lol

I think that's a great idea just be in control as much as you can because coming off plan is just gonna make your weekend rubbish by trying to get bk into ketosis

How did u get on with the form?


Well, so far so good, thought the **** would hit the fan with that email but generally the responses are positive so far! Phew!

Me neither, yuk yuk yuk!!! I think I still have about 3 to eat, can't wait to get my supply back down to chocolate only!

Started the form, but got a bit fed up so will go back to it again another time.

It's absolutely in our heads a lot of it, I wouldn't wear tshirt much either however I got a lot in America that I like and will like more when I'm a little slimmer. I still won't go anywhere late at the fear of people looking at me and I'm much more conscious about eating in public (America) than I ever was when I was heavy. Hubby really got angry while we were away but I cnt stop the feelings and I thought he could have been a little more understanding. Oh well that's men for you.

That sucks about them being out of stock but perhaps you'll find others somewhere else.

How covered up to you have to be in India?

Don't worry though because its all learning we have to be comfortable in our bodies otherwise what's the point in putting ourselves through all of this? Xx

I do wonder if that we will always feel fat no matter how thin we get to?! Who knows eh!

I'm not sure really, in Mumbai I made a point of having sleeves, but saying that the kurtis I bought there were sleeveless, so the stuff I've bought this time I've just tried to make sure nothing is too low cut - some stuff is sleeveless but ill try it anyhow - I know things are probably more modest where he lives but ill see how far I can push it - of course I wouldn't go around in vest tips or anything like that, that is pushing it too far' but a modest cut sleeveless problem shouldn't be a problem hopefully.
My dinner earlier...


Turkey burgers made with minced turkey breast, a clove of garlic, a bit of onion, a bit of green chilli, a little chopped mushroom and some curry powder.... Pretty nice, but next time I will use much more curry powder!
No no no no no.... Weigh in tomorrow evening and I think I'll end up staying the same again.... Just need a little more time for a little loss!! - Staying the same is a bit embarassing!

But think how ul be nxt week. Ur better just sticking with your routine. No reason to be embarrassed hun

Hmm, it's just frustrating, even If it is entirely my own fault! And I have to admit, I had half a fish finger earlier, not the crime of the century, but I am weak and fear it is the start of a slippery slope!

*sigh* once upon a time this was easy!
Hmm, it's just frustrating, even If it is entirely my own fault! And I have to admit, I had half a fish finger earlier, not the crime of the century, but I am weak and fear it is the start of a slippery slope!

*sigh* once upon a time this was easy!

It will be easy again but we both kno the 1st week is murder

