Tina's diary of hopefull optimism!

Mfp says 100g dry weight wholemeal spaghetti is about 320-360 cals depending on type - was about to ask if it was a diet brand or something! Wholeweat is good for you though and you won't be hugely over as you didn't eat it all.
caroline g said:
Oooh that bolognese sounds tasty! Where was the seasoned mince from?

Asda :) its ok but it's frozen mince. Always goes a bit mushy doesn't it? But as a fast Bolognese base it was awesome. Never buying a jar again lol
moonlights said:
Mfp says 100g dry weight wholemeal spaghetti is about 320-360 cals depending on type - was about to ask if it was a diet brand or something! Wholeweat is good for you though and you won't be hugely over as you didn't eat it all.

I think all my MFP freinds were rushing to asda to buy my wonder spag haha. I ADORE wholewheat pasta. I just wish I could get some wholewheat linguini. Mmmmmm!!!!! In fact I'm gonna have it again today.

On track today. Buffett last night was a real struggle but I got through it. Haven't weighed as the scales are upsetting me the last few weeks so I'm only going on em when I'm feeling strong!!

Off to aquafit in a bit which I'm looking forwards too. Wanna do a good few laps afterwards too but my arms and back are really sore an tired already from the EA active sports :( dammit!!! It's a seriously evil game lol
Yeah that's true, frozen is never as good! Might get a bag to keep in the freezer for when I need something quick though.

I love wholewheat pasta too, personally, I can't eat white pasta cos it doesn't taste of anything!

Well done with the buffet. Have thought you thought about hiding the scales and weighing in once every 2 weeks or once a month or something for a bit? Personally I couldn't wait that long though.

Hope you enjoy aquafit!
Lol i was gonna weigh once a month but now im so desperate and close to getting into the 160s that i keep checking
It's so difficult to not jump on the blooming scales every other day let alone every 2 weeks!
Well done for yesterday, sounds like you did great. Might look out for the mince next time I'm in asda. :)
Where've you disappeared to Tina? Hope everything's ok, you're quiet which isn't like you!
I'm here :) trying to get caught up.

Had a very bad two days sun/mon. Think I was just over tired and fed up. But Monday was really out of control. I really can't keep doing that to myself!!! I know one day off won't hurt it's the massive binging till I feel really ill that's an issue.

Anyway the gain from that has dropped off but left me with a bit of tummy trouble. Need to pop a dulcolax shall we say?? Looking for a loss this week so i need to behave myself all weekend. Don't deserve one but I'm fed up of losing a half pound a week!!! Lol.

The aquafits paying off. I have some upper body strength developing :)
Go your upper body!!
Oh my god my homemade lasagne was literally amazing!!! Sooooooooooooo delicious my slice may have been a bit bigger than planned lol.
Mmm yum
What set you off binging do you think? I'm a bit like that with my tummy at the moment! I'm sure you'll manage a loss this week, good luck :)
caroline g said:
What set you off binging do you think? I'm a bit like that with my tummy at the moment! I'm sure you'll manage a loss this week, good luck :)

Not sure really. I seem to have a good week then a slip up then a good week etc etc and overall it's really slowing down the losses? I'm trying out just eating at 1400 as I've been working out a lot and I probably need the extra cals.

Also I'm thinking I need to totally avoid processed carbs and sugars? Coz every time I go mental it's after I've had a wee sneak munch of a biscuit or cake. Just seems to burst the damn and I gorge till I'm feeling poorly. Really need to sort it out!!!
It's really hard to cut them out at first but it probably is for the best. I think it's the whole sugar high then a crash and it just makes you try to fix the crash but it's too easy to go overboard. I know that it's easier, in the long run, for me to just not have any than me be like oh I'll have a little bit. Little bit leads to big bit!
Half pound again this week. I'm seriously losing my mojo for this malarkey. FFS. Half a pound. I can pee more than that!!!!
Half a lb is still a loss though so it's a step in the right direction! I know how frustrating it is though
I completley get your frustration Tina, but don't give up. Half a pound is still a loss and it is going down instead of up! Slowly, slowly catchy monkey or some other crap like that!! lol :) xx
Hope you're doing ok Tina