Currently sat in bed working whilst OH is on the Xbox. He's on his headphones talking to friends, and I am desperately trying to put the paranoid me to rest! I know he is talking to his friends from school, but I can't help but be concerned. To be fair, I voiced my concerns very early on, and he was super understanding, and TBF, he only plays on it when I am working, and always in the same room as me. I think I'm just being silly, and needed to air it somewhere to realise I'm being silly, and here seems as good a place as any!
I mean, if anything funky was going on, he wouldn't be playing in the same room as me, talking about grenades and crap like that, would he? He rarely sees his friends (his choice, not my doing), and I guess it ain't much different to me sat at work talking to peeps on facebook, is it?
I think its the fact I heard him mention some stuff in the past, like when they used to go out drinking. And of course, I'm only hearing one side of it. But then again, earlier this evening, I was sat in the living room with a friend of mine talking about when we used to work together.
I'm just being paranoid, but I don't wanna be stung again or become a walkover again
He is so open about stuff, like if I asked now if I could listen in, he would let me. And he leaves his stuff all over the joint, nothing is hidden. Well, a little book was once, but I had a read of it (I am so nosy), and it was more of an embarrassing thing for him, as it was girls names he was talking to online. So I get why he hid it, but it just made me chuckle. Even pictures of his ex he hasn't hidden, just put them away. TBF it was a picture of him, her and their daughter, so not exactly throwing material. And I haven't thrown out every scrap of my ex either. Not for any particular reason, I just ain't.
I should stop being silly really. If I have a concern, I should tell him straight up.