I just accused my mother of snooping. She didn't take it very well! I can't help but feel they are being so nosy though!
By the door there is a pinboard, on which are a few bills and odds and ends of paperwork. She was looking at it, then commented on how useful it was. Prior to her comment, I said 'nosy'. She then got a bit narked, saying she wasn't nosy, and never looked at my letters or diaries as a kid. And I know for a fact she did look at some letters, as she steamed them open!
I digress.
My point is, they are often in the house when I am not, usually to take the dog out. And I really appreciate them taking the dog out, but I can't help but feel a bit like it's not my house. I mean, its not that I *want* to leave my underwear in the living room or the like, but its almost as if any time I leave the house, I have to do a quick scan to check everything is in order. It doesn't seem to bother OH that much, but its really bugging me at the moment. Its like they took the dog out on Friday when I was out. And I know they went upstairs as mum used the bathroom. But I can't help but think they had a quick nosy too, disguised as a 'we were checking to see if the ceiling was leaking' type comment. Part of me thinks I'm over-reacting, part of me thinks my emotions are running a wee bit high at the moment. But part of me wants them to back off. They are already taking about coming round in the week to cut the hedge, paint the outside windows, and whatever else. And I know its all doing me a favour, but I guess I just want to be left alone!
I work 7am-1pm, then 5pm-11pm most days, apart from Tuesdays when I start at 11am, and Fridays when I am off. So I don't really appreciate having my day interrupted. I know I'm working, but its difficult to work in the living room whilst my dad is outside painting the windows. Then I have to 'help' out, fetching ladders, buckets, and the like, whilst trying to do my job. Then I have to make him a coffee. I know this makes me sound like a childish spoilt brat, but I feel invaded. I've explained to them that I am working, but they come round anyway, and just go through the cupboards looking for a mug, which drives me even more potty! I'm quite a private person when it comes to my home, my drawers, my cupboards, my whatever.
I know its their house. I know this. But I am paying rent at the going rate. And in a roundabout way, I am doing THEM a favour, as whilst I am in here, they are earning from my rent, have constant access to the property to get it up to standard for when I go and they rent it to someone else. For example, the new window put in, the fact that there was no planning permission for the attic bedroom, the attic stairs need making legal.
Possibly I am over-reacting, and letting my imagination run. But I know for a fact my dad is immensely nosy and opinionated. And the front room is in a dreadful state as when we were both moving in, a lot of stuff got dumped in there, and to be honest, we simply haven't had the time to sort it, what with painting the living room, painting the kitchen, painting the bathroom, the cat going up the chimney, and all this combined with us both working 6 day weeks, personally doing 60 hours myself. I tried to explain this whilst having an argument about the soot room. My mothers reply? "Well, I'll come give you a hand". They really don't get it. I will do it myself, in my own time. NOTHING is damaged, nothing is destroyed, it was just an awful mess. See, its even upsetting me now as I type. I tried explaining to mum the other night that I appreciate them doing stuff, but they have to understand that I am working, and that I need to be left alone. Her reply was some sarky retort regarding the fact that they may need to use the bathroom, if that was ok by me.
So far this past week, they were round on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and today, Saturday. They rang today at about 12 to say they were gonna pick up Hugo, take him for a walk, then take him back to theirs for a couple of hours. I thought YAY, I can hoover up and mop up. They came at 4pm, have taken him for a walk, and said they would take him back to theirs if I would go and get him at 6ish. I said no. Why? I finish work at 6, and don't see why I should! The only reason why is because mum is 'very busy' and can't be bothered to drop him off herself. I would rather they left the darn dog with me, than me have to drive across town to fetch him. I realise in this situation there is no way I can not seem like a spoilt, stubborn brat. Its almost like I cannot explain myself properly.
Anyone who Ive spoken to about this say I should say something to them. But then I feel bad as I know dad is now retired and bored, but why do I have to be the entertainment? Why can't he go and pester my brother?
Its like now, I'm watching Bridezillas. But when they come back, I'll turn it off. Otherwise, there will be a comment regarding me watching rubbish. Its like if they come round and I'm eating, they want to know what I'm eating. As I say, I'm a very private person, and get paranoid eating around people, thinking they are judging me.
I should stop typing now as I'm getting dreadfully wound up.