Tinytootz rant-and-involve-some-food diary

Day 14: 3/6/11

Lindt 28g egg - 9
KFC Chicken thigh - 8
2x KFC chicken strips - 8
McDonalds chocolate milkshake - 19.5
Ribena lolly mini - 1

Why the f*** did I do it? Because I felt so awful, I stopped caring.

20.5 left
Day 15: 4/6/11

Well, after giving myself a damn good kicking, I guess life goes on. No point beating myself up over it, I ate it now! Well, least I got loads of exercise yesterday, over 2 hours of walking.

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

WM roll - HE
Leftover roast pork
SW jacket wedges

Fat free Activia yoghurt.

Syn free beef casserole thingy (lean stewing steak, tomatoes, onions, herbs)
With either jacket wedges, rice, mash or pasta.
Dairylea light triangle - 1.5

14 syns left
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Day 16: 5/6/11 - RED

2x WM bread - HE
Trimmed bacon
2x Eat Smart sausages - 1
Teeny amount of cheese - HE

Dairylea light triangle - 1/2 HE

Activia yoghurt

It rained, I had a stressful day, the BBQ went out the window, as have the syns this week :(

1/2 Twix - 7
WM bread stick thing - lord knows!
Lean beef
Lean ham
Spring onions
Mayo - 2

Then, bless him, OH made me dessert as I was having a bad day. Bless him, but sheesh!

Crunchie - 6?
Small scoop ice-cream - Well over syns, so it doesn't really count any more!

- 1,000 syns left
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It's Saturday afternoon. I've had my breakfast, just ate lunch of roast pork salad sandwich and SW wedges, and I'm considering fruit and a low fat Activia. Why do I find it so hard to stick to plan some days? I sometimes wonder if it is down to hormones. Some days, I crave chocolate. Other days, I could walk past a whole bowl of it (like today) and I have no interest. I've never been a chocoholic. There's even half a twix in the kitchen and I am not bothered by it at all. I wonder if failing to prepare is my downfall. I think I need to be more proactive. TELL OH what he is having for tea, rather than asking. Defrost things plenty in advance. Don't be scared to spend money on food.

Now to eat my yoghurt and fruit :)
Just bought a size 14 skirt from ebay. Arrived today, but doesn't really fit :( It's a mini skirt, and the only way I can get it close to fitting is to wear it on my waist, alas, then my bum is on show BIG time! Oh well eh! I know my clothes are getting loose on me, and I have someone who loves me the way I am (shame I don't!), so it's just a minor blip :cry:
My stress levels went through the roof just, so I ate half a Twix :cry:

Work is driving me mad, I seem to be doing the work of 3 people without a break. I attempted to put the washing out, and it started to rain. We were supposed to have a BBQ later, but the rain seems to be saying "no chance". Dad turned up to take Hugo out, and came armed with a piece of wood with stains on it, which reminded me that he is coming to stain the wood on the windows. I know they mean well, but since he has retired, I can't seem to get rid of them! They come round and nitpick at everything.

"You could do so much more with this house"
"Why haven't you cleaned this room yet?"
"What has happened to your standards?"

All this is based on the fact that there is a marine tank in the dining room awaiting repair, and that the soot room is still full of soot. You know why? Because it is so daunting, I keep putting it off. The walls are covered in a layer of soot, this is what I am up against!

My brother came too, and he winds me up so much! He is 31, but acts like a 12 year old.

"Can I see the snake"
"No, I'm busy" (currently doing the work of 3, see above!)
"Awwwwwwwwwww. Why not?"
"Can I see it later?"
"Goody goody"

Then he is questioning why Hugo has a halti collar on. Because of course when you have a dog, everyone is a frikkin dog whisperer. This is from the man who has had 2 dogs and sold them as they didn't suit his liftstyle, and has had two lots of 2 cats, and done the same to them, and about 10 Guinea pigs, and done the same!

I'm trying to calm down, but I know they are coming back soon with Hugo, which means he wants to see the snake. Which means I have to show him. Which means at least 102 questions from him.

"What's that?"
"Can I feed him?"
"Why not?"
"What's that?"
"Can I tell you a poo joke?"

It might sound funny, but he is 31. It is honestly like having a toddler around. The only time I have seen him remotely grown up was at a funeral.

Soooooooooo yeah, I ate a Twix. Well, half a Twix. And you know what, it was tasty :(
Day 17: 6/6/11

Well, must dust myself off and get on with it. Whole heartedly expecting a gain tomorrow, and I could kick myself so hard! What am I playing at?! lose, gain, lose, gain, lose - what is the bloody point! Him indoors has told me I need to put myself first, so lets see if I can do it this week! I've already started, I was invited to a BBQ on Tuesday and I originally said yes. But then yesterday I thought "I don't actually want to go. I'm going to make them happy", so I pulled out, and said we shall rearrange real soon, and go out for a drink instead. And you know what? They are fine with it. They aren't sulking with me, the world is still revolving. And OH asked if I could pick him up last night so he could miss the last bus and go shopping. And I said "I can do, but I would rather I didn't have to". So he made sure he got the bus.

I just wish I could keep these positive vibes every day!

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE

SW wedges
Baked beans
WM pitta - HE
HM burger


Not sure on tea. In the fridge currently we have some lean pork steaks marinading, and two home made burgers. I might do some kinda mixed grill I think....

Pork steaks
Slice WM bread - 3
Jacket potato
Baked beans

- and him indoors will probably have fried chips, burger, black pudding, full fat sausages, and all the rest!
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Hugo has just bitten someone

Must not eat chocolate. Must not eat chocolate. Must not eat chocolate

*Sigh* I caved in and had about 8 poppets and 5 pringles. Dammit. But seriously, I haven't stopped crying for more than 30 minutes since 9am, I think I *deserve* 8 poppets and 5 pringles!
Amazingly, I STS this week. Annoyed that I'm still stuck at the same weight for weeks on end, but life has got in the way recently. Onwards!
Day 18: 7/6/11

Weigh in day, so I went a bit crazy. I'll admit to it for once, but not about to syn it!


WM pitta with chicken and small amount of cheese
SW jacket wedges

Chocolate chip cookie

Some wine........

Breaded frozen fish
Deep fried home made chips
Baked beans

Chocolate sundae!

Day 19: 8/6/11

Hangover day!

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Pasta pack
Activia low fat yoghurt

Didn't eat till really late. I got scared of the spag bol, work was really busy, someone came to buy the snake at 8pm and had come on her own, so me and him indoors had to do all the heavy lifting (whilst I was trying to work). So ended up getting a chicken burger, lettuce and some onion rings as I was too busy to cook, and too busy to give him directions on what to cook, and had nothing defrosted. Booooooo.
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Urgh! Cooked the mince, and I was a bit dubious of it, as it smelt kinda funky in the fridge, and had gone from red to brown, which always puts me off. But I cooked it anyway, but it seemed a bit slimy. I continued, but there is a funky smell, then a tasty smell when you approach the kitchen. So I think its gonna end up in the bin, as I can't deal with being poorly again!
Day 20: 9/6/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Frittata made from eggs, leeks, spring onion, cherry tomatoes and spring onions - yum
Rooster SW potato wedges
Tomato sauce - 1

Roast lamb
Roast potatoes
Gravy - 3

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Smacked my hand off of a cabinet last night trying to move the vivarium, lordy, it's hurting today! My hand is all blue with bruises. Of course he banged his hand too and made a RIGHT song and dance about it, I went "OW!" then carried on! Took me awhile this morning to remember how I'd hurt my hand. I bruise really easily so I often don't know where they have come from. My leg is also sore, but I think that is from Hugo standing on me, he is a bit of a big dollop!

I seem to be a bit 'poorly' this morning, IYKWIM. I'm sure its due to me getting stressed and flappy over things, as nothing else should have set me off really. I'm coming round to the idea of a fritatta now. If I keep it as an EE day, then I can have bacon in the fritatta AND lamb for tea. If I make it a green day, then I'll skip the bacon, and have lamb as a HE this evening.

Think me and him are going to chill tomorrow. We ALWAYS fall out on a Friday, so I've suggested rather than going out shopping or whatever, we should have a decent lie in (which is a problem, there is a velux in the bedroom and we STILL haven't bought a blind for it), then spend the day sorting out the stuff that needs doing in the house (wonky cupboards, wonky taps, THE SOOT ROOM!), and take the dog out for a walk (if the weather holds) with a picnic. As we had a takeaway on Wednesday night, it means I'll have to cook again (boooo), so I'll get something easy out to defrost, or push for a BBQ, got lots of BBQ friendly things in the freezer like pork steaks, eat smart sausages, lean mince and chicken breasts. Also got diced turkey, but the last time I did kebabs, they were a bit poo.
Good call on leaving the bolognese - if in doubt throw it out!!
Sorry to hear about your bruising - ouch!
I know what you mean though, I noticed a large bruise on my shin the other day... no idea how I did it!
Day 21: 10/6/11

My usual Friday, food do-lally! I know I could take control of the situation, but as OH pointed out the other day when I was fretting over a milkshake (we have shed loads of Friji milkshakes in the fridge, and he was trying to get me to drink one. I kept saying no, no, no. He kept asking why, and I had a mini snap and said "because it will make me fat"), and he pointed out to me "You are in charge of food, it isn't in charge of you". Which is a fair point. Milkshake also makes me poorly though, so I do try and avoid it. So I need to carry on with life, but make better choices, and stop becoming so hung up on "fat". He keeps poking my squidgy bits (as I call them) and I get paranoid, but he says I shouldn't, as women should have squidgy bits, and that it wouldn't be right if I was ripped and taught. I would like smaller squidgy bits though :D

His nan made me laugh. OH's daughter sat on the sofa, and his nan commented on how 7stone had just sat on her, she turned to me and said "I bet you aren't even 7stone are you?" to which I laughed, and said no, I'm quite a bit more than that. She then said that she betted I wasn't 11stone either (as in less than that), so I smiled. I'm 12 stone. Either I REALLY don't look my weight, or she needs to have her glasses checked!

Anyway, food diary - eeeek.

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

McDonalds Chicken Deli sandwich - 18.5 - I thought I had made a fairly sensible choice! Remember, chicken nuggets next time Amanda!
Medium fries - 12

I wondered if I made it green, could I take 6syns off the sandwich for a HE, but it seems not. Or could I take 6 syns off for the chicken as a HE, but it seems not. Boooooo

But that's all I ate all day. So Saturday, Sunday and Monday are going to have to be on the super low, to try and rectify. But if I don't, then its all my own doing, my own choices.
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Day 22: 11/6/11

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

SW wedges
Syn free bolog (onions, tomatoes, lean mince, passata)


Tea is going to have to be something fairly sharpish, as I am down the parents, and could do with something which OH can deal with. I'm thinking syn free sausage casserole, with mash and either beans or veg, which would be 1 syn, and would only take 15 mins to heat up upon my return.

* well, I burnt the casserole. So tea is going to be sausage, mash and beans it seems! Bit ticked off with myself, but I don't think it can be saved :(

OK, cooked breakfast it is. OH hasn't had lunch today, so he is gonna be super hungry, and its the easiest thing to make his portions bigger for. 2x Eat Smart sausages, beans, trimmed bacon, poached egg, WM bread and tomatoes for me, 4x sausages, bacon, poached eggs, beans, 2x toast, black pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms and potato cakes for him! Might do some fry lighted potatoes too if I can be bothered. So mine will be 4 syns.
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Day 23: 12/6/11

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

Fritatta (eggs, bacon, leeks, spring onions, cherry tomatoes)
SW jacket wedges

Activia yoghurt
Mini twister - 2.5

Roast chicken
SW roast potatoes
Dairylea triangle light - 1.5
Gravy - 2
Yorkshires - 3 (whole lot is 10 syns, makes 9, I have 2-3)
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