Tinytootz rant-and-involve-some-food diary

Day 47: 13/4/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Sweet potato wedges
trimmed bacon
baked beans
Muller light

Puff pastry (will syn once I've weighed it) - about 250g in total, 6 slices, he had 4 large slices, so I would say 80g - 12.5 syns
skinned eat smart sausages - 1
mashed potato

40 mins dog walking

Well, looks a lot better than the past few days!
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I'd say you did very very well yesterday considering your busy day... it would have been very easy to just ring for a takeaway so well done! Hope your doggy feels better soon x
Why thank you! I was impressed too, OH 'cooked' it, so saved me a job! Must remember to eat properly today, else I get proper grouchy and sicky feeling as the day goes on!
Day 48: 14/4/11

I have the inlaws and his daughter coming round for tea! Eeek! To make matters worse, I've had hardly any sleep since Saturday, what with all the goings on, and the dog has kennel cough, and it's 6am and I'm working :( So, healthy ideas are kinda out the window, and I'm going for simplicity. It's either going to be roast chicken, or the 3 bird roast from Aldi, as I don't have to worry about that too much! Served with roast potatoes, mash and various veg, with either home made apple crumble, or some kinda frozen cakey pie type dessert. I don't mind cooking for my family, I kinda know what they will have. But this is a total new thing to me. For a start, his nan only eats lamb chops, but I can't afford (or justify) doing lamb chops for 5 hungry mouths, so I will do her some. She also won't eat chocolate, so a chocolate cakey thing is out the window.

Cheerios - 5
Milk - HE
2x WM bread - HE
tsp jam - 1

Leek and ham pasta pack

Chicken, turkey, duck Aldi 3 bird roast (5.5 max)
Roast mixed veg (onions, parsnips, peppers)
HM Roast potatoes

Teeny tiny slice of soooo yummy cherry pie!

So yeah, pretty much flexi day. But I don't want to make them feel awkward by me hand cooking everything, else I might seem like a right show-off. So will be pre packaged roasties, no home made yorkies, and I might opt for a pavlova rather than the crumble.

* might not be as bad as I thought! The three bird roast is 1.5kg in total, 1.5 syns per 100g, so the whole thing is 23 syns I think, so my bit if I ate a quarter (which I won't be!) would be about 5.5. Also decided to do my own roasties, as I remembered I have a big bag of King Edwards, and I'm fed up of potatoes going off as I don't use them! I'll still end up going over, but I feel soooo crappy of late, I kinda don't care :eek:

45 mins dog walking
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Realised I've been rattling on about this darn 3 bird roast - bet they don't have one in when I get there!
Good luck tonight - I've seen that 3 bird roast advertised, looks yummy - I'm surprised it's so high in syns though, perhaps if you didn't eat the skin (is there a skin?) then it would be better.
And good on you doing home made roasties, they taste much better than pre-made anyway!

Am intrigued that his Nan's diet consists of only lamb chops though ;)

Good luck - try to chill out and enjoy, and hope they have the 3 bird roast in Aldi!!
If you are feeling stressed though I think go for a pre-made dessert - it's a much easier option!!
It has stuffing between the meats, so I presume that is where the syns are, and it has a marmalade glaze.

Aye, her diet consists of: tomatoes on toast, lamb chops, sausages (but only certain ones), bacon, roast potatoes, mash, carrots and peas - very odd! I did consider doing sausage and mash with veg, but I would only get the wrong darn sausages, and she's the kinda lady who doesn't mince her words, or sugar the pill!

Going to see what Farmfoods has in the dessert range. I won't be eating much of it anyway, and I am soooo tired, and the house still needs cleaning - there is a layer of soot on the floors, I can hear it when I walk and it's driving me bonkers
Ah syns are explained now - mmm sounds even nicer with the stuffing and glaze though!
How picky! You've definately gone for the safest option though with the chops. Good luck with the cleaning, I'm sure you'll have a fab time!
Day 49: 15/4/11

Burger King cheeseburger - 19 I thinl :eek: Ooooops
Burker King small fries - 7.5
Time Out - 4

2x WM bread - HE
Leftover turkey and chicken - 1

1 hour dog walking
Feeling much better. It's amazing what a few early nights, a full nights sleep, lots of cuddles, and a Friday with no arguments does to you!

Day 50: 16/4/11 - Green

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

2x WM bread - HE
Leftover turkey and chicken - 6 (frozen the rest, else I would be having sandwiches again tomorrow, and bread is my nemesis!)
SW wedges

Muller light
Tiny slice cherry lattice pie thing - lord knows
Tbsp single cream - 1.5

Pasta bake, made from tomatoes, onions, spring onion, spinach and 1/2 fat mozzarella - HE

40 mins dog walking

* I'm not that optimistic about a loss this week. I say this every week! Naughty me jumped on the scales this morning and I'm the same as I was last WI, then I jumped on them this afternoon, and I was 3 lb up. Crazy. But I'm aiming to be 100% on plan Sunday and Monday, which may help me get a loss on Tuesday. It's been a naughty, stressful week!
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Day 51: 17/4/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

Leftover pasta bake (put the rest out for the birds, ick)

Muller light

Ended up at the parents for a BBQ :(

Sausage - 5
Chicken, no skin
Large salad (lettuce, spring onion, red cabbage, gerkins, cucumber)

However, there was hardly any food, and OH and I were still hungry, so he had doner and chips, and I had chips :( Probably around 15 syns. Wasn't a huge portion, and didn't add any sauces. He then also had a solero and a fab, which I resisted.

40 mins dog walking
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Day 52: 18/4/11

Weetabix - HE
Milk - HE

2x WM bread - 6
Tsp jam - 1
(last of the bread in the house now. I simply couldn't resist)

Muller light

Parsnips, carrots, WW noodles, Leeks, potato wedges (made from tiny potato)

Didn't use the burgers last night, so will have them for tea

HM burgers
4 onion rings - 3
SW chips
Large salad

45 mins dog walking
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How did the in-law meal go? And was the 3 bird roast any good?
Hey. It wasn't that bad, I made tooooo much food as usual, but I would rather that, then people go hungry. Plus I get leftover turkey sandwiches, and the birds get leftover roast potatoes and peas! The three bird roast was nice, I did have it a year or so ago, but the new one has more duck in it, and doesn't have the glaze. It tastes good, but it's a devil to carve, as the stuffing squeezes out, so it's more of a hack job :( Plus, it takes 3 hours to cook from frozen, so tea was rather late!

I swear they have me down as being posh though! I was brought up with meals that involved everything being put in the middle in dishes, and you help yourself, rather than everything being on your plate and handed to you. Shame the dog kept trying to hump his daughters leg, though! She's scared of dogs, which seems to 'turn him on' so to speak!

You all ready for later? How exciting, a surprise party!
Ha ha bad luck your dog took a liking to her! Sounds good though, glad it went well.

Yes very exciting although I've started to wonder if he's got an inkling somethings up. Guess I'll find out later!
Better go and start getting ready I guess!
ARGH! Stepped on the scales yesterday afternoon, was the same as WI last week, so felt kinda chuffed, and continued my day with a grin. Stupidly, stupidly, stupidly stepped on this morning, and I'm 3lb up. Why did I do it? I feel like crap now - bloated, fat, frumpy, ugly - the works! I've not even opened the blinds in a vain attempt to stop the world from revolving! So I ate toast. Very naughty, and what a waste of syns!
Not sure how to make myself feel better. Got bills to pay in town, but I don't want to go out in public, which is so silly. So I'm going to try and pay them online/over the phone, then I might take Hugo out for a long walk, then come back and do my chores. I hate feeling like this. Not getting enough sleep always makes me feel like this.
I feel sorry for him indoors though, as I just moan that I'm a frump, and he has to convince me I'm not. I hate feeling like this, it makes me want to go off plan and ruin any chance I have of a loss or STS tomorrow. Having an apple, pear and muller light in a min, avoiding chocolate and crisps! Tried to see if I could make today red or green to counterbalance the toast, but I can't really, as burger without chips for tea wouldn't work, and I would have to syn the burger on green. Oooh, I could skip the bun on the burger - that would save me 6.
Had a kip, feeling much better for it. Quick 30 min snooze upstairs did me the world of good. Washing up done, clothes washed and hung out, bins put out, doggy do's picked up, lunch eaten, tea prepared, floors dusted.
STS for me this week. AMAZED! I expected a gain (and I would have been truly gutted if I had), but I STS :) Still not a loss, but that is my own naughty naughty fault - Burger King, chips, cherry pie, pastry......
Day 53: 19/4/11

Tuesday is kinda treat day. I know, very controversial to some people, but it kinda helps me through the week :)

WM bread roll - HE
Grated cheese - HE

Oat and raisin cookie - about 9!
Beef stew (lean beef, onions, peas, carrots, oxo, 175ml red wine, I had 1/4) - 1.5
Dumpling - 9 (eeek)
Slice tiger bread - 4?

25 mins dog walking

*had a bad day mentally for some reason, was full of doubt over everything! Convinced myself that OH was embarrassed of me, that I was a boring housewife, a nag, everything! So I opted to go shopping. Perhaps not the most sensible of choices, but I did it. Seems I've gone down to 36 in bras, jeans are still a pain! Red Herring 12's fit, New Look 14's fit, Matalan more expensive jeans fit in a 14, but I don't like hipsters much, but Matalan basic £10 jeans, I'm in a 16. So it kinda depressed me a wee bit. So I bought 16's, socks, underwear and a handbag! This was followed by Asda, where I bought a load of reduced meat (pork, turkey), pasta packs, and some cookies as a treat. Pack of 5, ate one, and froze the rest, as I can't eat them frozen :D Also got magnums for him indoors, white ones so I won't eat them, and Muller Lights. What an exciting life I lead!
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